Gordon has it exactly right! Except that now I'm thinking about how I will make my first concrete puppet. A piece of advice that goes along well with all of that is one I often forget myself when embarking on any new artistic endeavor. And that is YOU HAVE TO BEGIN SOMEWHERE. And odds are your first results wont be as wonderful as you'd like them to be.
When I started making puppets I immediately wanted them to look like the Muppets. And not the early Muppets either, I wanted my first efforts to look like the puppets they were creating after 10 or more years of experience. Not very realistic, right? Yet that's what I usually expect from myself, and I know many other artists who have those same unrealistic expectations. I may eventually make puppets that will look that good, but first I had to make my FIRST puppet...which pretty much sucked. But with each puppet since then I've learned SO much and they've gotten exponentially better.
It's very much like the advice I read when I was working on writing a novel. I read similar advice from several different authors who all basically said the same thing. Your first novel is going to suck. But if you want to be an author you have to write it so you can throw it in a drawer and move on to your SECOND novel. Pretty much the same thing with puppets, only it takes A LOT LESS time to make a puppet then write a novel.
Now if Gordon and I haven't completely overwhelmed you with advice and encouragement it won't be for lack of trying! Again, HAVE FUN!