Well written review article!
Didn't even know about this series; until the new season of SS comes out, it's been Wiggles every day (sigh, pull hair out)
When I first saw the review, I was hoping that this would be a replacement for the Wiggles, whom I don't particularly enjoy (I agree wholeheartedly with the reviewer about them - it's just that their song and script WRITING is so inane!)
I like any kind of TV that gets my son up and moving, though, so we'll give it a shot on Monday as soon as I figure out the time slot in our neck of the woods. Keep y'all posted!
BTW, Scott - gotta love somebody who calls it like it is! I will watch with the appropriate amount of apprehension.
During college I used to do after-school daycamp. On rainy days, we'd try to get the kids to Mousercize, and the kids thought it was the worst torcher ever invented. I've been hoping for some kind of "dance party" with muppets, to make exercise more palatable. This sounds really over-produced, and I hate that. Bummer.