Disney did want another movie out by next summer of 2013 but Nicholas and James said that realisitcally that's unlikely to happen so were probably looking at another Thanksgiving/Christmas release again.
I can see them saying that. Having a nice two year gap would be fine. However, being how studios are with sequels of movies, I would have waited until 2014 for a release. Maybe in the month of March release. Sounds like a good time to release a movie.
I heard the writers are going to have Walter in the movie.....Meh. He was fine in the last movie as the guy trying to get the muppets back together. However, he's kind of a bland character. Best to let him stay in the last movie and move foward.
The next thing, "The Muppets 2". I hope that's just a working title. The second muppet movie was The Great Muppet Caper.
Third, the film is going to be a caper movie? The aforementioned caper flick was mentioned in what I wrote above. But this is in the early stages of development, so anything can come and go.
All I can say is the Electric Mayhem better have a song to sing.