(1) What would you like to see as the plot in the new Muppet "comedy caper" type film?
Well, I'm not sure if I have a particular plot in mind. However, I would like a film that covers tropes associated with a certain film genre, in the manner that GMC includes tropes associated with heist movies or TMM covers tropes associated with the buddy movie genre. I would like it to have roughly the same amount of fourth wall jokes and subtle adult humour that GMC has, and the amount of sight gags and sentiment that TMM has, since I believe those are a few of the qualities that make a truly great Muppet movie.
(2) What characters would you like to see have the leading roles?
I would like the movie to primarily focus on a character that has been reasonably prominent in the classic Muppets but hasn't been the primary focus of a Muppet movie yet, such as Fozzie, Scooter, the Electric Mayhem(or a particular member of the band), or Rowlf. I would also like to see Walter featured in the movie, and would like to see the amount of focus on Statler and Waldorf and Bunsen and Beaker that there was in the first two movies.
(3) Do you want a Muppet villain (like in Muppets From Space, Letters to Santa and The Muppets) and if so who, or would you prefer the villain to be just a human role for one or more characters?
I think it would be nice if there was a human character, possibly a celebrity that was featured in a Muppet project before, that interacted with Muppets that antagonized the other Muppet characters with the human character. It has worked very well with Chris Cooper in my opinion, and previous human villains like Doc Hopper and Charles Grodin's character have been very effective in my opinion. I also think that it would be a good way to integrate the classic Muppet movie element of celebrity cameos with an important role in the film. I have Alice Cooper in mind for that role, because he interacted with the Muppets very well in the Muppet Show episode that he was in and has said at least a couple of times that he very much enjoyed interacting with the Muppets and being on that show a lot. These are the main two reasons i am considering him. Taking that into account, and the type of entertainer that he is, I am of the opinion that he may be a good fit for that role in a Muppet movie.
(4) Whether they were in The Muppets or not, what five minor characters do you hope have a bigger role in the new movie?
I would like to see Lew, Harry, Sweetums, Uncle Deadly, and Sam.
(5) What style of music would you like for the new film? Are there any characters that you hope have a song in the new movie?
I would like it to be an eclectic mix of different genres, myself. I also have to agree with previous posters regarding songs for The Electric Mayhem and Rowlf.