Hello to this nice community !
My name is Andi and i live in Germany. Im a Sesame Street / muppet show fan since my youth.
I recently found this place while i was looking for Palisades Muppet figures.
Sadly Germany is a bad place for Muppets. We dont get the muppet show on DVD and there are only very few sesame street DVDs ( around 12 ). We have some Muppet movies thought.
Most merchandise you need to import.
I remember i saw the US Sesamestreet with german dub back then but it was changed later on ( i think after 1 year maybe 2 ).
It did run always at 6 pm. While the german sesame street was good too back then they did change it a lot to the bad in the past years.
Nowadays Seasamestreet is more uncommon and badly done here. Kids dont really like to watch it anymore, yeah german television did ruin it. For this reason the show runs mostly at 7 or 8 am now and is less watched.
Im kinda happy i could import some US DVDs with the songs, old tv shows and stuff. There is also youtube with some classics.
I found out on the Palisades Muppet figs last year and try to get all playsets and figs plus some exclusives still. Its now hard and expensive to get them.
Well i hope to learn more about muppets here and find some interesting news here now and then.
Maybe make some friends or find some rare stuff.
Anyway i hope you did enjoy reading even if i did not tell much about me

Read you soon