Hi all, my name is Patrick. I am a 26-year-old Muppet fan. Some of my earliest memories have to do with Sesame Street. When I was about three years old I got a 3-foot tall Big Bird for Christmas and I still have him, he is defiantly worse for the 26 years of wear and tear but he is well loved. I have always loved the Muppets in their many forms. When I was around 5 I used to do Fozzy Bear impersonations because I thought he was hilarious! I never liked it when Statler and Waldorf picked on him. When I got a little older I started identifying more with Gonzo, he is just so odd and wonderful and that is kind of how I saw myself for many years. Of course Kermit is the guy everyone aspires to be one day, the good guy, the guy who gives it his all and gets the rich and famous contract for his valiant efforts, any way as I got older I started to do impressions and some are pretty darn good which to this day has me very interested in voice acting jobs. Today I'm married to a wonderful girl who is also a Muppet fan and I own and operate a small Comic book store in Lansing Illinois with two of my best friends, while I go to school for art and graphic design. I have always loved the Muppets but something awoke in me in the last few years that I cannot deny. Jim Henson is one of my biggest inspirations of all time, as I am sure he is to many of you as well, not only did Jim basically help shape the person I am today with his weird and wonderful creations but with out ever knowing me he has helped inspire me to want to do good in the world, and he makes me believe that maybe I really can. I did a tribute drawing of Jim and Kermit a few months ago, I will post it some time soon, and I hope you will all enjoy it. One of the major reasons I am here (aside from my Muppet love) is the amazing palisades toy line. I had a few (Kermit, Fozzy, Piggy, Gonzo, Animal) but when the line was coming out I was still pretty young and poor so I missed out on a lot, but I always kept my eye open for the Jim Henson figure one day I came across him at a local toy resale shop and my amazingly wonderful wife ended up buying him for me as a surprise and since then I am completely recharged on the line and am trying to pick up where I left off. Also I am starting to get the itch to make some Muppets of my own and the puppetry section here has been amazingly helpful just with looking at other people’s questions so I can't wait to dive in! That is a short (long) introduction off me

I look forward to hanging out and chatting with all of the cool, weird and wonderful folks here Thanks!