Okay, so I'm not exaclty new here. I actually joined this forum a couple of months ago to submit a fanfic. But I never introduced myself then, and I kinda disappeared, so I'll go ahead an introduce myself now. (Watch, I'll just up and disappear again.)
My name's Katie, but online I usually go by Commander/Commander30/CommanderD/Commie/and other variations on that. I'm currently a sophomore at a small college in Nebraska, majoring in English and Spanish. I hope to one day publish a (hopefully best-selling!) novel, but for now my career goals are focused on something more realistic; ie, becoming a librarian or archivist or something like that.
There's not much to say about my Muppet love. I've been a big fan my whole life.

Nowadays I've got a large DVD collection, and while the majority of them are cartoons (that's my TRUE guilty obsession), I do have a couple of Muppet movies, the first season of the Muppet Show, and (my most recent addition) the first season of Fraggle Rock. (Which is a cute show. Why did I never watch it as a child?)
And whenever I go home and spend time with my nieces (identical twins, age two and a half), I'm almost more excited than they are when it comes time to watch one of my old Sesame Street tapes! (I'm so glad my parents kept them!)
So anyway, this is too long and rambly. Hi.

Hopefully I'll be a little more active now. I doubt it, but hey, one can hope...