I apparently "freaked out" my little brother while talking about the commercials some time earlier.
You know, ever since I saw the pictures of Kermit with Ashley, I've been thinking about how Piggy would be great as Sharpay in a possible remake of "High School Musical" with the Muppets (who could play the others is a mystery, but I believe Ryan Evans would be played by either Fozzie or Gonzo). And seeing her in that clip just confirmed it. also, I'd like to add that the outfit that Kermit's wearing was not the same one that Lucas Gabreel wore in the movie. The shirt was white and the hat was black.
And I am so glad that the Mayhem band's returning. I don't care what the rest of you say, I think I might be in love. ... *long blink* ... Wow, that was an akward sentence.