Muppets on America's Funniest Home Videos - May 8


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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The Muppets will be appearing on the hour-long America’s Funniest Home Videos season fanale on Sunday, May 8, 2005 (7:00pm-8:00pm EST on ABC). In the season finale of AFHV, the Muppets will be there to help host Tom Bergeron show the best videos of the season and award the season's final $100,000 prize. They’ll also show some never-before-seen Muppet “home videos” during the show as well. So be sure to mark your calendars and set your VCRs to catch the Muppet gang on AFHV. For more information check your local listings and


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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Crazy Harry said:
That show's still on the air?
Yes, it is still on the air. The show first aired as a Thanksgiving special in 1989, and later debuted on January 14, 1990 as a smash hit regular series on ABC (hosted by Bob Saget). The show still maintains decent ratings today. The show is now on its third host, or host-team, (Bob Saget 1989-1997; John Fugelsang & Daisy Fuentes 1997-2000; and Tom Bergeron 2001-present). The show has been moved around on the ABC line-up throughout the years, and has been rerun on ABC-Family for years. In its 14+ seasons, America's Funniest Home Videos has given away well over $7 million in prize money and evaluated more than half a million videotapes from home viewers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Crazy Harry said:
That show's still on the air?
of COURSE it's still on the air. It's changed some, but it's mostly the same, and it's still there. isn't it amazing how amusing other people's home videos can be. speaking of which, muppet home videos? this should be interesting. I wonder which muppets will be at the show, and who will be in these "muppet home videos", and what they will be of, and basically what I'm saying is that I am so definately watching this!
hm, now I'm trying to figure out who it will be! this is going to bother me! kermit of course, and most likely piggy, but who else? and these videos, what will these videos be? gah, me go crazy!
Wait, how can I go crazy when I'm already crazy? maybe me go more crazy. or maybe me.... well, um, I could say that now I'm insane and THEN I can go crazy, because insane is different than crazy. or is it?
GAAAAAH! :eek: I'll just go run away and hide in my little hole in the ground now... the one behind the rock and under the log... or maybe I'll go to the happy place inside my mind with padded walls and fuzzy pink slippers... or maybe I'll go to the kitchen and bake cookies... COO-KIES! <transforms into cookie monster and eats computer.>


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
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And, as noted, ABC's found they've had to work overtime to actually get the character-recognition bang for their bucks out of Disney's Muppet deal:
Seeing as most of us old-school fans on the board are well past parent age, but most kids don't recognize the characters, and Dis/ABC's not sure what exactly they've gotten themselves into, beyond the Oz movie and the TMS boxes...

When we had the Muppets cameoing on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition", it was officially a corporate cry for help--
Expect to see Piggy cameoing on "Desperate Housewives", next. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2002
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I miss the way it used to be when Bob Saget was hosting it. And I miss that song "You are the red and white and blue, all the funny things you do America, America this is you........." When I was a kid and that series first came on TV, I used to jump up and down on my bed when the song was on.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2004
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DerekJ said:
And, as noted, ABC's found they've had to work overtime to actually get the character-recognition bang for their bucks out of Disney's Muppet deal:
Seeing as most of us old-school fans on the board are well past parent age, but most kids don't recognize the characters, and Dis/ABC's not sure what exactly they've gotten themselves into, beyond the Oz movie and the TMS boxes...

When we had the Muppets cameoing on "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition", it was officially a corporate cry for help--
Expect to see Piggy cameoing on "Desperate Housewives", next. :smile:
Remember VMX won its timeslot. People know who the Muppets are. Dont be surprised i they win thiertime slot again. I wont.

Any Muppet exposure is cool with me. Looking frward to seeing them on AFHV.