Sorry for hijacking the thread, Bellygrub, but it is sort of still on topic... the use of Disney-related action figure accessories as backgrounds for Muppets. Right?
Just to elaborate on the HM figures, I've got two of the boxed ones that a friend found on clearance a couple of years ago at one of those Disney retail stores. And of the carded reissues, my wife has a complete set MOC.
Of the reissues, I kinda like the translucent blue of the three hitchhiking ghosts (Traveler, Skeleton, and Prisoner) but the opaque white of the Bride is not that impressive.
The deco's of the original boxed versions were much cooler, because even though the ghosts were all opaque, they did have glow-in-the-dark accents. And the human Caretaker had a less cartoony deco in the boxed incarnation.
Also, there were six boxed figures, and so far I've only seen five carded ones. They don't seem to have reissued the Mariner ghost on the card.
Now then, in an attempt to get us a bit back on topic... Hmmm... wouldn't those little environmental Haunted Mansion accessories look good with Uncle Deadly's ghosts?
And the Mariner ghost's half-sunken ship might make a good setting for the Ghost of Samuel Arrow.