I don't think Luke is being negetive or humbugy about it but it is diffrent everywhere during the holiday seasons, i was at the mall the other day and it's filled with christmas, even a large wooden chair is placed in the center of the mall with christmas tree's...i don't know whats it's for yet, but its there;-) no santa yet but soon.
The holidays go by so fast it should start early, christmas will be over and gone before you know it, now not to a small child in which the month of December is like a year, but it goes by so quickly when your older, some people like it that way, but certainly not all.
Christmas movie's all ways come out in theather before December, i think Jim Carry's the Grinch came out sometime in Novemeber last year, or was it the year before? I dont remember. and when selling christmas movie/dvd you want people to watch them all month long and not a week before chirstmas.
Now i'm blue in the face (Pun intended, but you don't know the pun yet, hold on)
Well anyways i'm blue in the face at the date of this because it's inconvent for me only, but i don't think its a bad air date. But I would rather have it on Sunday the 8th. Sunday just seems like the day to show it. Disney will probaly show something people have seen a million times and will play a million time that month.
But the only reason i'm blue in the face is because I will be out of town in the windy city visting and staying with hardly known relitives on my step dad's side of the family and the night after thanksgiving we will be seeing a live show called the blue men in which guys painted blue perform mime like act's...or at least I think thats what it is, you might have seen TV ads...Or not.
So yes i'm ticked off i can't see the orignal airing of this, but I'll ask my grandparents to tape as they are the Macy's parade, I could ask if i could tape it at my step uncles house too but I would feel very weird doing it because they have know idea i'm into the Muppets.
I do hope that NBC..I keep thinking is CBS (because I like CBS better and starting to like it more then ABC, i think Raymond's the reason), but i do hope that this movie is played more then once this holiday season, in all the press news it keep saying "movie to air in December!" wether it be dec 1-31 sometime in december no one thought it would be right after Thanksgiving.
oh well, okay we can junk this post now;-)
Zack)Rowlf the, wishes he did find out the right date for the movie to air,

but at least my mom found a funny Kermit and Piggy artical...what do you guys think of that?Dog.