Muppet Terror....


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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“They can’t take our hopes. They can’t shatter our dreams. They can’t win, if we don’t let them. I’m asking you. To be strong. To fight it, fight your fear. They cannot terrorise us if we, if we don’t let them cause us terror.”




Good job Beau.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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With Beauregard's permission... Here's my contribution.

"Good morning" came his reply to everyone at the Sesame Street subway terminal. Guy Smiley was dressed in his usual white shirt, red necktie, blue blazer, and brown pants and shoes. He was on his way to the studio for his early morning show. The only thing was... Either everyone was a bit sullen and too many Muppets in line for him to make any real progress. Not that mattered, though he was oblivious to the delayed train schedules. So many Muppets lined up, Guy thought he would never get to the studio on time.

"Move along, you young whippersnapper!" called out Granny Fanny Nesselrode. Farley was next in line, waiting for a ticket to go visit his mom's offices. Telly Monster was dressed in his Monster-On-The-Spot reporter's garb chatting with Oscar at the grouch newsstand.

And then Guy saw it. Four buglike humanoids, dressed in smart gray coats with short mop-topped haircuts and antennai growing out of their heads. The carry-on keyboard was piping a light yet haunting tune, something similar to either Letter B or Yesterday.
Guy approached the band. "Hello?" he spoke unsure of what was happening. The leader of the Beetles turned around slowly and greeted the TV host. "Oh hello Mr. Smiley, didn't know you were there." Guy: "So... What's going on?"
The lead Beetle then explained what had happened in their home back in Londontown. And how the world was mourning the loss of lives over in England. "Such a shame we can't be there to liven their spirits a little with our music" another of the Beetles quietly quipped.

"But why..." Guy failed to even finish his question before feeling the full impact of the situation. Now the TV show pailed in importance with those who either lost their lives in the blasts or those still unaccounted for.

The subway station was heavily guarded by Bruno, Oscar's bodyguard and trashcan handler, along with a few other tough-looking Muppets. "Tickets please" came the command from one of the gray-capped guards. "We need to make sure that you're cleared to board this train Mr. Smiley" they answered after Guy showed them his pass. Once aboard, the subway shuttled the Muppets to the next station along the New York commute.
Count: "This is the kind of counting I do not look forward to. Yes, I love things that are numeric in nature and a bit grim, but ewen this is too much for me."
His words vanished in the wind as he began his duties sorting out the bodies at the site. Owing to the fact that he was a high-ranking European aristocrat, he had been invited to England by some relatives. The house in Carthax Abbey was stocked with all the essentials for a batty vampire from the old country. When the bomb blasts occured, he had been called to help sort out the details for the news services, given his numeric prowess. Though he really didn't want to face this gory sight, he sucked it up and tried to do his best to help out in whatever he could.

Count: "Vell, the dead are all totaled up. You'll have my report in a few minutes." After that, he'd have to go and help at the hospitals with the number of wounded. This wouldn't be as ghastly as the survey conducted at the center of the explosions, but his heart was already low enough to crack.

Once at the hospital, he'd sort people's names with what information he could gather and man the phones. He noticed there was a certain green frog on the television set asking for everyone to do their part not to let the terrorists win. His mind whirled back to that horrid poster of Mr. Benladin, or however it was his name was spelled, hugging Bert a few years back. "No, we von't let them vin Kermit" was his response, noticing he said it mostly to himself than to anyone in particular.

"Vhat? Is that who I think it vas?" The Count perked up after spotting a pair of ears in the hospital's reception area staring at the TV from the wings.

(For Bo to continue as he thinks best.)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Thanks for your contribution, Count., It is lovely, and at the same time, heart breaking.

If you like, I shall finish up the Count/Miss Piggy line, and I'll let you complete the Beetles. It was lovely to see an appearence from Guy Smilie!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<looks down>

The Count von Count... counting... b...

I can't say it. But that... that is a very powerful image there. Very powerful.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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As you think best Bo. Just hoping to help.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Yup, and indeed helping. I was just saying, since I have Miss Piggy and you have Count there, I'll write him a cameo appearence in my next (last?) part and then you can finish your Count story after that. 'k?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm? Refering to Numbers o'the Night? Well, let's see. And just feel free to post when ready, we'll understand.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Wow, what a great addition Ed. (Although, given the circumstances, I guess "great" isn't the best word, but you know what I mean). I really like how you tied back to Beau's story with "No we von't let them vin, Kermit" and also found it interesting that you used Guy Smiley and the Beetles since we haven't seen much of them in years. I really liked it.