Uh-oh... let's hope I find something...
**Sal walks over to where the trees become a little more thick, picks one, and shimmies up into to branches to pick around and look for something edible.**
Let's see what we have here...
**While jumping from tree to tree, he rummages, and throws what he finds down from the tree**
Some kind of round brown thing, it seems like it's got a hard shell. Wonder what it is...? **calls down to his team** Does anyone know what these are? Wow, a whole bunch of them. Ah, they're probably not useful... but Hey, might as well... Ooh, this tree has a few bananas! Jackpot... Hmm, what's this?
**throws down the "round brown things", along with a rubber boot, a metal bucket with a hole in it, a big bicycle horn, the bunch of bananas, and something that closely resembles one of Lew Zealand's boomerang fish (which promptly flies away)**