Muppet Research Project


Mar 15, 2004
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I'm a 26 year-old female who works for a Christian artist promotion company and lives in Michigan. I grew up watching Sesame Street and the Muppet Show. My grandmother lived in Canada and it was always a treat being able to watch Fraggle Rock on CBC when we visited. Sometimes she would tape a bunch of episodes so that I could bring it home and watch. I also loved watching the various muppet movies, particularly Muppet's Take Manhatten.

When I was in high school I became a part of my church's puppet team. I definatly believe that it was watching the Muppets that made me interested in puppetry.

While I'm not on here as much as I'd like it's great to find a site with Muppet fans and to know what's going on.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I'm 17, and British to the core, and I love the Muppets becuase they have amazing values and believe systems, believing in yourself and archieving. MC has become my second home, and my second family. When I first arrived, I thought I would be an outsider, but I was imediatly accepted here and now have become the highest poster. Here, people can be who they are and can totally let their hair down and do outragious things they would never do in real life, such as steal a bus, raise a family, or write a situation comedy.

Er...will that do?



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
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14 years old and 98% Hoosier 2% cotton. I always knew about the muppets, but never really got into them untill about the middle of the sixth grade. I was buying a birthday present for my brother at target and I remember him saying once his favorite muppet was Beaker. Just to my luck they had a Beaker t-shirt there. When seeing that funny looking creature, I was intrigued and wanted to see more. I started checking out muppet vidoes from the library and blockcuster and came to love the humor. Then one day I was at the library and passed a book with kermit on the cover (Jim Henson: The Works), so I checked it out. When I read about Jim and how he lived his life, what he did for the world, and his goal in life, I was really inspired. So it's not just the muppets that I like, but what Jim and the muppets stood for. Hope you get that A+!



Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hello My name is Wes, Im 25, I started loving puppets when I was Born My father was the Puppet Director at our church, and instead of balloons and stuffed animals they gave me littile hand puppets and that was the start. I fell in love with the muppet because they were the best and i wanted to be the best i could be I learn puppetry by watching the masters work!

I started posting here 07-12-2002 but I remember checking this out from the start. When we first got a computer that would get internet in, I would search For anything Muppets/henson related and it would pop this site up. MC Had postings about muppet happenngs ,Muppet collectibles, and a Puppetry forum to learn more from my peers. MC had everything i was interested in.

Frogster I hope this Helps!!:smile:

Kimp the Shrimp

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2004
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I'm a 28yr old married Store Owner. I Have no Kids, Live in New Jersey, USA.
I Have Loved Muppets for 25 years. Have all Movies on DVD. Found this Forum in 2004 was Muppet Crypt but was banned then became KTS a nice guy.

i'm sorry Kevin Clash voice of Elmo on NPR , he is throwing me off.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
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What, am I the oldest person on this forum? I'm a 35 year old library director from New Jersey. I'm single with no kids. The Muppets have been a part of my life as far back as I can remember. I grew up with Sesame Street. In fact, I can remember at least once I played sick just so I could stay home from school and watch it. I still have such fond memories of when they went to Hawaii and Big Bird and Snuffy looked for that mountain that looked "like a big, brown, furry animal," although I can't remember the name. I can even remember experiment with building my own "Muppets". My mother took me out to the crafts store and I got felt and fur and eyes and thought I could recreate the magic, then got frustrated when I couldnt. Then came The Muppet Show. I think it was a little difficult for me to understand how Kermit was both on Sesame Street and The Muppet Show, and I kept looking for some kind of crossover that never happened. I watched TMS religiously, and I'm sure I never missed an episode. One day it disappeared. I understand now that it was cancelled, as all shows eventually are, but back then it was devastating to turn on the TV and have that show not be there. It wasn't like it is now where we would have found out months in advance because of the Internet. Then came The Muppet Movie, which was like a religious experience. I saw it multiple times the summer it was released, and have watched it countless times on video or DVD since. Fozzie's rainbow colored Studebaker started a life-long love of that car, inspiring me to eventually buy a 1951 Bullet Nose of my own. The Muppets have always been a part of my life, and even though they're no longer considered as popular as they once were, I still love them and don't see that ever changing. As for how I found this site, I honestly don't remember. I frequently search for Muppet related info, and this site just seemed to jump at me, and I've enjoyed visiting ever since.


Jun 3, 2006
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Whee, I love to type about myself.

I'm a nearly 20-year-old female college student in a small college in Nebraska. I've liked the Muppets my entire life (I have many happy memories of watching Sesame Street and The Muppet Show), and I bought a couple of those "best of" Muppet Show DVDs, but it's only been about a year since I've been going online and finding more information about them and becoming truly obsessed. (And yet my Muppets obsession still really doesn't hold a candle to my, say, Looney Tunes or American presidents obsessions.)

I joined this forum a few months ago to submit a fanfic. I hung around for a little bit, replying to comments, then I disappeared. Now I'm back again. I've never really been much for forums, but I'm trying to contribute more. Everyone here is really friendly, unlike other forums that I've been members of in the past.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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Hey thanks to everyone who's replied to this thread. I have enough entries now, and enough of a range. I really appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Luke! *a huge box of muffins is delivered* It's been forever since we talked. How are ya buddy? If I had seen this I woulda helped out? Anyways drop me a line sometime.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2004
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These are all such interesting stories. I am glad you are doing this project and I hope you do well. HOneslty, I am kind of fascinated by the stories that people have told on here.