Muppet reality pilot taped last summer

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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GelflingWaldo said:
All of them!

Each week the episode would focus on one character's life inside and outside of the muppet boarding house (from MFS) and working on the show at the theater (from TMS). So one week it would be mainly a Kermit story, another week a Gonzo story, an Electric Mayhem story, then another Kermit story, a Bobo story, a Johnny & Sal story, etc. Along the way, they would interact with other characters inside and outside of the house and theater. Cameras would follow the life of the Muppet gang as the live and work together and go about "life".
Now that's a good idea!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2004
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dwayne1115 said:
I really think the Muppet bording house has a whole lot of potentual. in fact in my opyion i thought that the best sences in MFS was in the bording house.
There was so much that could go on becaues all the muppets where there. they could pop up and do or say anything. I hope they use the Bording house.
Yeah, I always liked stories about boarding houses. I remember The Muppet's Valentine Special had a bunch of Muppets living together in some kind of house, and Kermit was one of them. That was a nice setting.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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of corse if ya think about it they never left the theater in TMS so thy might have lived there to.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2002
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GelflingWaldo said:
All of them!

Each week the episode would focus on one character's life inside and outside of the muppet boarding house (from MFS) and working on the show at the theater (from TMS). So one week it would be mainly a Kermit story, another week a Gonzo story, an Electric Mayhem story, then another Kermit story, a Bobo story, a Johnny & Sal story, etc. Along the way, they would interact with other characters inside and outside of the house and theater. Cameras would follow the life of the Muppet gang as the live and work together and go about "life".

Similar to the idea for a Muppet Family Sit-com layed out in this thread, but with the "reality feel" in terms of realistic sets, locations, and camera work.
I second vic romano's notion! Great idea! kinda like the "real-life" episodes of MT.



Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2004
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AndyWan Kenobi said:
I think the Swedish Chef would HAVE to appear in a Muppet reality show. So much potential...
I agree Andy. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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gelfingwerdo said:
All of them!

Each week the episode would focus on one character's life inside and outside of the muppet boarding house (from MFS) and working on the show at the theater (from TMS). So one week it would be mainly a Kermit story, another week a Gonzo story, an Electric Mayhem story, then another Kermit story, a Bobo story, a Johnny & Sal story, etc. Along the way, they would interact with other characters inside and outside of the house and theater. Cameras would follow the life of the Muppet gang as the live and work together and go about "life".

Beauregard said:
I think that a new Muppet Show would good if it was a day-to-day Muppet life. With the Muppets living in the Muppet Bording House, and putting on Shows at the theatre, and everything in between. I think the plots could be mainly between the characters, you know, like one where Gonzo admits he loves Miss Piggy, or one where the bording house is going to be sold, I don't know, stuff like that.

Like a soap-opra. Every show has it's own little story, but is part of a bigger patchwork Muppet story.

Would be good.

Maybe the entire thing could be set around, Kermit wanting to re-start the Muppet show, and they have to try new ways to get around things. They need to figure things out in how to make the show sutable for today's audience, and in the mean time, they actually WILL make the show sutible for todays audience!

What do you guys think?
:mad: Moi did already state this idea :wink:

Only kidding. Realy, two people thinking the same thing kind'a makes it a definate idea, no? Would be great if they did do it like this. Whatever they do though, I hope it is good quality entertainment, not crumby Reality Show style. I mean, it can be Reality Show, but not a crumby one. See what I'm saying?

"I'm a Muppet, Get Me Out of Here?"

"Big Brother in the Big Blue House?"


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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Beauregard said:
:mad: Moi did already state this idea :wink:

Only kidding. Realy, two people thinking the same thing kind'a makes it a definate idea, no? Would be great if they did do it like this.
You know what they say, great minds think alike :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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GelflingWaldo said:
You know what they say, great minds think alike :wink:
In that case why does Moi's brain thinks like Yours?