2a. The fact that it's denoted as "Ted Dansen's" doesn't necessarily imply ownership. Yes, it's a possessive contraction which can mean ownership or that it belongs to him. However, the suggestion was made by Muppet_dk, but if you who have the episode say that this reference was made only at the end of the sketch then I can see changing it to just "Pumpkin (JHH)".
Oops sorry, that was 2b, got the wires crossed.
2b. The "Evolution Muppet" becomes the human at the end doesn't it? And while in Muppet form, it retains some sort of human traits doesn't it? So I think that leaving it as the "Evolution Muppet" will do, since evolving into the human known as Ted Dansen is part of the gimmick of this particular character, and it still reflects changing into a human with its own Muppety characteristics.
3 Best suggestion is "Big Paws (TMS, Fozzie Bear from Muppet Arabian Nights)". But then how do you account for the other two bears/thieves? Or should they just be ignored for now?
4 Well, if the dolphins are just background and non-incidental then maybe... eh, not sure about keeping them or not. Again, Muppet_dk's the one who suggested them, and I wouldn't want to upset another of my trusted sources.
As for additions before posting V15, due to recent discussion, I'm shooting for a total of 3030 entries. Depending on the questions/thoughts regarding the bears/thieves from TMS and dolphins from JHH, I'd still need anywhere from 16 to 18 entries to finish off.
Oh yeah, are you sure Gonzo's name from the Pirate Cruise sketch on JHH was "Scurvy"? If so, that would eliminate one more from what I need.
Again, thanks for all the help, hope to hear from you guys soon, and have a good day.