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Muppet Listing Question/Inclusion


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2002
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Hey, Count...

Don't reject Dinosaurs yet. I remember in an episode where Howard Handupme (the DNN news reporter) called Baby Sinclair either a "Muppet" or a "moppet" during his broadcast. If anybody has closed captioning and the episode "Monster Under the Bed" they might have the answer.

And the Dinger wasn't the only definite Muppet that appeared on the show. Though the only tidbit of it I've seen was the theme song from a Henson.com video clip, I spotted Butch the Tiger, Flower-Eating Monster, and various chickens and penguins.

BTW, there's another special you haven't mentioned yet: The Tale of the Bunny Picnic. All of the characters, even the Farmer, are Muppets.

I was kind of surprised that you didn't include the Dr. Seuss Muppets, but I respect your reasoning in doing so. :smile:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks for pointing those out, MuppetDude.

A few points.
1 About Dinosaurs, even if what you say is true, that would only be a reference in passing. And the other thing is that those characters don't look like Muppets, at least as far as I remember from when I watched the few episodes I did before it fell into my "Dislikes" column for personal dislikes.
2 The extra Muppet characters you mentioned appeared in Ghost of Faffner Hall right? Since they're already added to the list, they won't go in a second time. Unless these were newly-named and newly-personality enfused characters like the ones that appeared on Moppatops.
3 The reason I haven't touched on the Tale of the Bunny Picnic specifically is cause that one falls under JHH designation, as an episode of the Jim Henson Hour.
If you have the character names and ddescripts so that I can tell who's who, pass them along and they'll be added accordingly.
4 MuppetDude, the BIBBH (Bear in the Big Blue House) entries were added and all that's missing is the vaunted Whoopi Goldberg character. If you have its name and descript, please pass it along as well.
5 Luke, since you've watched the Hoobs over there in its exclusivity airings on UK TV, do they look sufficiently Muppety enough to be fully considered as Muppets?
Just want to be extra sure, since you and MuppetDude already took time out of your schedules and supplied the two shows' characters, I want to make sure they look Muppety enough to go ahead and add them in thanks to your help.

Well, hope this helps and have a good day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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The Count said:
5 Luke, since you've watched the Hoobs over there in its exclusivity airings on UK TV, do they look sufficiently Muppety enough to be fully considered as Muppets?
Yeah i would consider them Muppets in the Muppet Universe. Obviously they are not from a 'Muppet' show but the characters are of the same type of build and personality as others that have appeared in TMS and other shows over the years. I would consider them Muppets like i would consider the Moppatops Shop characters and Fraggles 'Muppets'.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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Well, Jim Henson didn't like to call the "Dark Crystal" or "Labyrin th" characters "Muppets. So, I think that would exclude TDC, Labyrinth, as well as Farscape and Witches. Dinosaurs... that's sort of on middle ground.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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As usual, a few things...

1 Super Scooter, thanks for your tips. Already got rid of the three movies, Farscape and Dinosaurs as expressed in a previous post in this thread. But thanks as always.
2 Luke, thanks for responding. Then on that note, and since I want to thank you for taking time out of your schedule to contribute the list of names, they'll be added to the listing. However, would the designation end up as "TH" or just "The Hoobs"?
Oh, and are there any other characters left that you didn't mention in your previous post? If so, send them my way with a descript so that I know who's who.
3 MuppetDude, what's the name of the new Bear in the Big Blue House who'll be performed or at least voiced by Whoopi Goldberg? If you could, please send in that info and a descript of the character. Also, there's an entry in your list of Bear in the Big Blue House characters that I didn't understand. The character in question is the dalmatian firefighter, is his name Jack or is it that you're not sure as to what the character's name actually is?
Please reply here those to whom I've left questions. Thanks for your help and have a good night.


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2002
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Upon second watching, the firedog's name is indeed Jack. I also forgot to mention Jacques, a realistic Muppet beaver with a French accent, who's also from BITBBH.

As for the Goldberg character, I don't know. I don't have cable and the only way I've seen BITBBH cast is from videos. In fact, all of the characters I listed are on the "Heroes of Woodland Valley" special/episodes.

Are you sure about "Bunny Picnic" being a "JHH" episode? I always thought it was from a separate TV special (like the Christmas Toy). Both specials were to be a part of twelve specials and books with holiday themes, but only these two were created. After that I think they just decided that Bean was a good character to use on the Jim Henson Hour. I know you're blind, but there's one interesting thing about the first "JHH" episode i seen at the Tough Pigs website: in the Sci-Fi sketch with Louie Anderson, the group of "space bunnies" are the same puppets from the special, so I think that the puppets were built before "JHH". Plus Tough Pigs doesn't list it as an episode.

But it's your list and your decision :stick_out_tongue: .........

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Note for MuppetDude

Thanks for the tips, and as always, a few more things.

1 So the characters from BIBBH you gave were from specials? Did they all appear in episodes of the show which were then elevated to the category of specials by being released on DVD?
2 Never knew about the reasoning behind both the Christmas Toy and the Tale of the Bunny Picnic. Since I saw the Tale of the Bunny Picnic on Nickelodeon, which took to showing the various specials connected to JHH during the early 90's when I still had better sight but not called JHH, I naturally thought that Tale of the Bunny Picnic was part of JHH. But it's entirely possible that it wasn't, in any case those characters would've been next on my list of additions.
3 Since you brought it up, if you could, please help by providing a list of the named characters from Tale of the Bunny Picnic. Descripts to tell who's who would be nice as well, but if you don't have them, it'll be understood so long as you send in the names.
4 Did you see the two episodes of JHH detailed on www.toughpigs.com or did you learn of them after reading through said transcripts much like myself? If you have indded watched those two episodes, then please visit a thread I started here called "Questions about Jim Henson Hour" where I asked about a certain batch of characters.
Any help with the above will be greatly appreciated and will go a looong way towards improving my listings. Thanks for your help and have a good day.

Smy Guiley

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2003
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Anyone know whether or not "Animal Jam" is Henson related? I'm almost sure it is, my daughter watches it regularly but we're usually out the door before I can see at the end.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yes, Animal Jam is produced by the Jim Henson Company, but would you rully call their characters Muppets?
Just curious.

Smy Guiley

Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2003
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The Count said:
Yes, Animal Jam is produced by the Jim Henson Company, but would you rully call their characters Muppets?
Just curious.
Well, to a point they are, but not really either. Hmmm. I think we need a third party ruling on this one.