Muppet Group Therapy Session


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Scooter would be awesome. I can just see him with...some kind of an inferiotry complex or something! :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Kay. He'll be next. :big_grin: Expect the next one sometime in this next week. Thanks for the support. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I'm so sorry it's taken so long. I got distracted. Something shiny. Here's Beaker's, and next will be Scooter's, kay? His will definitely come faster. :stick_out_tongue:

“Well I’m having a couple of issues around the theater. I’ve noticed the tension, and it hasn’t been doing very well for my system. On top of that, Bunsen is becoming a little controlling of my behavior, and it’s beginning to make me feel a bit inferior in the workplace,” Beaker said with a pained, thoughtful expression on his face.

Mr. Adler stared at him with an arched eyebrow. “…What did he say…?” he asked Bunsen to the side.

“He said there’s absolutely nothing wrong and you may continue on to Scooter,” Bunsen answered quickly and matter-of-factly.

Mr. Adler turned to Beaker, a bit confused. Beaker, in turn, began to wave his arms frantically in frustration. Mr. Adler turned calmly back to Bunsen. “See, I don’t think that’s…exactly what he’s saying, Bunsen…Perhaps there’s another…less…biased translator?” Beaker nodded frenetically.

“No such thing. I’m the only one in this general vicinity who can speak Beaker-ese, unless you know of a flux capacitor and perhaps some school glue. I can’t promise anything, but it would make things a little more interesting,” Bunsen snapped.

“Continue Beaker,” Mr. Adler said, wondering just why he got pulled into this.

Beaker nodded. “Meme,” he said.

“Thank you,” Bunsen translated under his breath, rolling his eyes.

“I’ve just been having so many problems with Bunsen lately. We just moved into our new laboratory together, and he’s been…well, a little b-wordy, pardon me,” Beaker said, raising his eyebrows.

“Excuse me, there is no way in /heck/ I am translating that in front of the lady,” Bunsen twittered, gesturing with his head toward Miss Piggy. “Fix that language right now, young man. And we’ll have to put a quarter in the jar when we get home.”

Beaker mocked him under his breath. Bunsen’s eyes grew wide. “All right, buddy!” he shouted, jumping up and hovering over Beaker. “Lay it on me! What have I done to be such a nuisance?! Come on! Let it out! They can’t hear you!” he threatened.

“Nothing, nothing’s the matter,” Beaker murmured, shrinking back a bit.

“Oh!” Bunsen said to the rest of the Muppets and a very, very bewildered Mr. Adler. “He used to be indecisive, but now he’s not to sure,” he said, very condescendingly with a big smirk, taking a seat.

Beaker exploded. “MEMEMEMEEMEMEMEMEMEME,” he shrieked.

“Well maybe I didn’t /want/ to go to Thanksgiving at your sister’s anyway!” Bunsen growled. “I hate her! Ever since she called me a “pernicious weasel”!”

Beaker murmured something as the Muppets watch with great intent.

“Well maybe I couldn’t FIND a dictionary!” Bunsen retorted.

Beaker murmured something else.

“Well maybe I didn’t know how to spell PERNICIOUS.”

“Well maybe if you had learned to cook like I’ve asked you, oh, say, five THOUSAND times, we wouldn’t have had to mooch of’a her!” Beaker angrily replied.

“I learned how to barbeque,” Bunsen muttered under his breath.

“Ha!” Beaker snapped. He turned to Mr. Adler and rolled his eyes angrily. “You buy the groceries, wash the lettuce, chop the tomatoes, dice the onions, marinate the meat, and clean everything up, but he “made the dinner”,” he said, making angry air quotes.

“I can’t find it! It didn’t fall into my outstretched hands, so I’m completely CLUELESS!” Bunsen said, and beginning to mock Beaker by running around into a circle with his arms extended.

“I’m Bunsen! I get alarmingly drunk every Saturday night with my buddies!” Beaker said, jumping up and staring Bunsen down.

“Chemically inconvenienced,” Bunsen corrected in a low growl, narrowing his eyes. The two of them growled at each other, growing in intensity until Beaker finally exploded. But not like before.

Bunsen sighed a heavy sigh, and swept up the pieces. “It’s okay,” he groaned to the utterly alarmed Muppets. “This happens.” The two left the room.

“It’d be best if we could avoid something like that again…” Mr. Adler said, surprisingly calmer than usual. The Muppets sat in a shocked silence.

“Yo! Conference! Meeting of the bo-red!” Floyd said after a bit.

Mr. Adler nodded. “That’s true. How about we move on to you, little guy,” Mr. Adler said, pointing his pen at Scooter.


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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I'm afraid if I write a real life biography it'll contradict your fanfic, ReneeLouvier. Maybe we, and anyone else who's interested, should merge on ideas to create it. :wink: Then maybe we can all send it to some Jim Henson company or something. *Wheels turning faster*

Muppet Newsgirl

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2006
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So? The story I'm working on kinda contradicts Renee's fanfics, but that doesn't seem to be causing any problems, right, Renee? (Act four will come up eventually, I promise.)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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No, not at all! I embrace anybody else's take on Scooter's life! :wink: I mean, I'm not related to him or anything ya know. XD


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Yeah, I kind of used that as an excuse because I know I wouldn't have the attention span to go through with it. But how about we all put our heads together and create one! Perhaps in a different thread or something. Or over PM. One person could send it to another and they could add something...ooh that'd be rully neat. Anyone interested? :wink:


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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Uh, I draw-red some pitchers, and I didn't want to make a whole 'nother thread, so could I just post them here? This first one kind of symbolizes when Steve Whitmire took over Kermit's character after Jim Henson passed.

This next one is Beaker who has found himself puppeteer-less. Note the very badly drawn picture of Richard on the right.

Uh, the pictures are gimundo, and sideways...Any suggestions otherwise?

P.S. Scooter's therapy analysis is coming tomorrow. Which in my "procrastinated language" means sometime this week. :wink:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I'll take them and clean them up for you. Would you mind if I digitally colored them in for you as well? Maybe clean it up, a little more polished. Otherwise, great pictures MBM!