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Muppet Fanfic: Something worth waiting for


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2003
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Oh yay!! It was so nice to see an update to this story. I love it! And along with some others on here, I loved the Steve part..hey wait Phillip as in our beloved Phillip who created this webbase? Hehe this makes it even funnier. Aww poor Piggy, so will her and Kermit be writing each other? Ahh I guess I will just have to wait and see won't I? Keep up the amazing writing and I look forward to another chapter. I can also understand about the busy schedule. Thanks for updating it though.:smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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OMG, this is so hilarious! I would telly
you my favorite eliments, but there are just too many! I love everyone else's work of course, but it is still nice to see a brand-new face in fanfiction, welcome!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2002
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Funny and incredibly good writing! Keep at it!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Well, another section for you!

I realize that this story is coming in rather choppy bits, but once I actually start hitting plotline, the chapters will get longer. Thisone nearly went up last night, but I decided it was too short. Now it's longer and makes slightly more sense, and that's probably worth the wait!

super muppet and Daylight: Thanks a bunch, glad you like it! It's so nice to be encouraged!

Fragglemuppet: Thanks so much for the welcome. There are so many great writers here, well it's been a treat hunting down the various stories. It's an honour to be counted among them.

froggiegirl18: I didn't realize that the creator of this wonderful place was Phillip, but he is surely beloved. I was actually thinking of Kermit's amnesia name from Muppets Take Manhattan but your way works too. Allow me to be a bit mysterious here and say that in short order, Piggy will desperate to avoid contacting Kermit.

The pre-dress rehearsal, or the “Dress-Dress” was always chaotic. Nine times out of eight, no element of the show had actually been nailed down by that rehearsal. Acts arrived, grew, shrank, and disappeared, often literally. Sometimes they even went through all four stages in the course of an hour. In short, the Dress-Dress made the actual show look as cleanly polished as Martha Stewart's bathroom floor.

During true dress rehearsals, Kermit fairly vibrated with nervous energy, trying to wrap his adorable little head around a show line up that bore little resemblance to the painstakingly laid plans of the previous weeks. The actual performance only upped his tension level and often that was when his friends would try to shield him from whatever disaster had befallen that particular evening. They were rarely successful and Kermit was frequently stressed and occasionally disheartened by his perceived failures as a director… until the end of the show.

Outside observers, journalists, fans and the like, sometimes puzzled over why the little frog would put himself through such a harrying experience week after week, year after year, but they were not privy to the euphoria that gripped him after each performance. Like a survivor of a near-death experience, Kermit was always in love with life after somehow grappling his way through the Muppet Show. He’d made people happy, and, admittedly, two specific people unhappy, for another day and it was somehow instantly worthwhile. The agony of the planning and all the desperate improvisation had paid off and Kermit could settle back and start it all over again.

Still, the Dress-Dress was not something anyone looked forward to, with the possible exception of Gonzo the Great, who thrived on the chaos. Over the years, Kermit, a closet anarchist himself, had learned to relax for this part of the process, if only to preserve the tenuous threads of his sanity. Unfortunately, Fozzie, Rowlf and Scooter, who were largely responsible for overseeing everything during their director's absence, did not have the benefit of that bit of Frogish wisdom.

Without much discussion, the trio had fallen into specific roles that best suited their own individual talents. Scooter was scooting through the theatre so fast that certain physicists would have thrown out their calculators in dismay to see him go. He was somehow everywhere at once, an orange blur of youthful energy, chasing down props and performers, finding out what needed doing and getting that information to the doers. It wasn’t so very different from his usual responsibilities, except that he could not bring any problems to Kermit.

Rowlf tended to take over from that point, making sure that the doers actually got to the doings they were supposed to be doing. In sharp contrast to Scooter, the easy-going pianist never seemed to hurry, did not seem to feel any pressure, and had an instantly relaxing effect on those around him. Muppets were wide-eyed and racing after an encounter with Scooter and cheerfully on task after a friendly chat with Rowlf.

It was on Fozzie that fell Kermit’s greatest burden… that of worrying. When something went wrong, and something was always going wrong, it was up to him to fix it. Well, not so much to fix it, as to be aware that it had gone wrong. Experienced Kermit was positively laconic during the Dress-Dress for exactly the reason Fozzie was flitting from place to place, hovering anxiously as people complained, then flitting off to hover somewhere else. There was absolutely nothing to be done about the worries for the most part. No sooner would you hear about some horrible catastrophe that would end civilization as they knew it, then the problem would be a niggling little detail that someone else had already fixed. However, as Sam the Eagle had sternly reminded Fozzie, you had to be perpetually prepared for the unexpected.


All in all, the day’s Dress-Dress went swimmingly; presuming the swimmer in question was competing in the Olympics and had never laid eyes on a swimming pool. Still, there were no fatalities and most everyone was in good spirits. Piggy’s flirty little torch song had gone off without a hitch and Gonzo had hurt no one but himself when he attempted to find matching socks blindfolded while being shot out of a cannon. The only major incident occurred when some well-intentioned, and wisely unidentified person slipped Animal a mild sedative. It wasn’t particularly effective. Only Animal’s chief caregiver, the chronically groovy Floyd Pepper, had picked up on the subtle differences in the drummer’s wild stare and slightly mellower demeanor; to everyone else, Animal was his normal, frenzied, maniacal, completely abnormal self. The bass player was furious, however, and took up his complaint with Fozzie.

“Dude’s just not himself! I mean, just look at this!”

Fozzie followed Floyd’s gesture and ended up staring helplessly at Animal’s drum set. Desperately, he tried to figure out what he was supposed to be shocking him. “It looks fine to me,” he answered finally after peering cautiously over the battered surface.

“Right on!” Floyd nodded, “No teeth marks, no scratches, no holes.” He gave the bear a hard look. “You know what that means?”

“Everything’s fine and I can go away now?” Fozzie asked hopefully, surreptitiously looking about for an escape route.

“No, man,” Floyd replied, oblivious to the hopes he’d just dashed, “It means no passion, and no passion,” he emphasized, “means no go.”

By this point, the entire band had gathered around them, including the apparently passionless Animal, who was breathing heavily as he stared at Fozzie like the bear was composed of delicious drums. There was no doubt about it: even drugged, Animal put the mayhem in the Electric Mayhem.

“Oh, right, right! That’s what’s wrong, of course, I mean, of course you can’t play without… passion. Heh.” Whimpering was still beneath the bear’s dignity at that point, but he was heading there fast.

As one, the band members settled a bit, satisfied. “I’m glad to see you understand our musical convictions.” Fozzie smiled in relief. “Now,” Floyd continued, “What are you going to do about it?”

The bear stuttered nervously for a moment before inspiration hit. “Coffee!” he cried.


Okay, so perhaps letting Animal drink that much black coffee had not been a brilliant idea. It all worked out in the end. The band had been thrilled when he’d effortlessly drummed them into exhaustion and Clifford’s old enemy, the perpetually malfunctioning light, had been mercifully put out of his misery once and for all during the resultant… mayhem. The frenzy had gotten slightly out of hand when Animal had started ravaging the dressing rooms, but before too much damage had been done Piggy leapt to her knickknacks’ defense in the “knick” of time, efficiently flattening the drummer. It was no small tribute to the strength of the coffee running through his veins that she’d had to chop him no less than four times before the crazed drummer was sufficiently deterred. In fact, Animal seemed to enjoy it, looking up at the pig and laughing until he eventually curled up for a well-earned nap.

Her mission accomplished, Piggy delicately brushed a stray lock of hair from her face then turned deliberately, looking directly in each pair of the onlookers’ eyes until, finally, her gaze lingered on Fozzie.

“Kermit,” she said firmly, “would have known better.” She turned then and returned to her dressing room, leaving them to the sizable task of putting things together again.

Oddly enough, Miss Piggy would soon be in need of similar assistance.

Oh, and sorry about the print size. It seems to shrink by itself. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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THE LIGHT! Oh yay! I just love that perpetually broken light. Ah, out of its misery at last, I see. :big_grin:

And an EXCELLENT chapter, and I can't wait to see just how Miss Piggy will be needing similar assistance.

I absolutely love how all your descriptions are worded. For example, "Scooter was scooting through the theatre so fast that certain physicists would have thrown out their calculators in dismay to see him go." I LOVE that line. And you have all the Muppets so perfectly in character. This is just incredible. I love it. MORE PLEASE!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Oh, thanks so much both of you!
TogetherAgain, I've been enjoying seeing how much all the writers here seem to link to eachother's stories, so I'm taking my own little stab at it with the light. Somehow I think that saga is not really over however.

Glad you like my descriptions. I spend a fair bit of time on the, trying to word them exactly right. It's a great comfort to me that you (of all people!) feel I'm being in character with the muppets as that's the most important part of writing to me.

I gotta get back to working on it now so I can maybe get something up tommorow. It should be a bit more exciting from this point on. (Crosses fingers)



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Oh my god! I have to say I loved the decription of Scooter scooting through the theatre. That was SO awesome!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2006
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Oh, well thank you very much, Renee! I always think of you and your stories whenever I write Scooter. :wink:

I still haven't finished writing the peril section yet, but this may amuse you until I do.
Kermit may have been absent from the Muppet Theatre, but his unspoken presence lingered. If their trusted, yet beleaguered leader had been there, he would have been bombarded with a thousand questions during the show’s dress rehearsal. However, since he’d left specific instructions not to contact him for every single trivial question, the questions instead seemed to float aimlessly out from the crowd, searching hopelessly for listening ears.

“Should we sing this in C or Db?”

“Blowtorch or crossbow? Which do you think is more evocative of French culture?”

“How many flamingoes auditioned for the calypso number?”

“Oh, if only our diminutive and verdant compatriot were here to cognate upon our selection of rocking vibes.”

“None?! Now what are we going to do?”

“Could we spray paint a chicken instead?”

“Bawk. Bawk. Bawk?!”

“That sounds like fun! Can I help?”

“Bawk! Bukawk!”

“Uh, of course I meant just you, sweetie!”

“Does it have to be pink? All we have is purple!”

“Purple flamingos? Well there’s always a first time.”

“Louise looks great in purple! Uh, and Camilla, you look better of course. Heh.”

“Do you think this cheese is still good?”

“Kermit? KERMIT!”

“I think it's still good.”

“Has anyone seen my cue cards?"

"Well, I'm eating it anyway."

“Moi am not singing with purple chicken flamingo impersonators!”


“Sorry, Animal, little dude’s smaltzing with the French!”

“He’s doing what with the French?!”

“Kermit go bye-bye?”

“Like, fer sure.”


“You got that right, Animal, and she’s all mine. Watch out for his teeth, baby.”

“What’s Kermie doing with the French?!”

“I find all of you people utterly beneath contempt."

Okay, so that last one was not really a question. It still floated away, ignored, in the general hubbub. Frankly, it would have been ignored even if Kermit had been within earshot.

“Two minutes to curtain! Two minutes to curtain everybody!” As Scooter took up his customary cry, the atmosphere changed rapidly from summer rainstorm to a class five hurricane. Insults, objects, and the occasional Muppet flew threw the air in a one-and-a-half-minute flurry as everyone rushed to get into place.

“Thirty seconds!” the go-fer called out, heralding a sudden, intense silence: the eye of the storm. For the actual show, the optimists' hopes would have been mercifully euthanized and everyone would let the disasters roll right over them. For the dress, tensions ran so high that you could practically hear the gentle sound of minds snapping like twigs. Scooter gave Fozzie an encouraging nod and the bear straightened his neck-a-tie. With a breath, he strode out onto the stage, waving cheerfully at the empty seats.

“Hiya! Hiya! Hiya! And welcome to the Muppet Show!”

“Oh no! It’s started early!” Came the wholly unexpected cry.

“Run away!”

“Yeah, run away!”

“You! Hey, you, the bear! Run away!”

Fozzie did an astonished double take towards the theatre box. More specifically, he started with a horrified expression at his most faithful hecklers, doubled up in mirth.

“Hey- what?! You can’t be h- You- It’s the dress rehearsal! You can’t be here!”

“Then where’s your dress, sugar?” The chronically witty old men dissolved into unkind laughter.

“Doh hoh ho ho! That’s a good one, Statler.” Waldorf chuckled obnoxiously.

Shock switched quickly to indignant annoyance. Fozzie geared up for his most cutting comeback ever. “Oh yeah, well…uh, well… you’re here on the wrong night! You’re here!” Even he winced at the weak reply.

“What’s that he said?” Statler called out mockingly.

“He said we’re here… twice.”

“Oh, sorry about that… We’re always sorry about that! Ha ha heh!”

“Yeah, forgive us. We must be hard of here-ing!” They cracked up again, but not for long.

“Did someone call for me and my boomerang fish?” With a gleeful laugh, Lew Zealand sprang seemingly out of thin air behind them and began pelting them with fish.

“Argh! Stop!”

“Enough with the fish!”

Clearly delighting in the change of fortunes, Fozzie shouted, “Hey, he’s not listening, guys! I guess he must be-”

“Oh, don’t say it!”

“-hard of herring! Wocka, wocka!”

“Haven’t we suffered enough?!”

From off-stage, Scooter waved frantically at Fozzie, finally managing to catch his attention. “Fozzie! Keep it moving! This would be the longest intro in history in a respectable theatre!”

“Oh, right. Sorry, Scooter." He turned his attention away from the balcony. "As I was saying, before I was so rudely interrup-” A fish smacked Fozzie with some force right in the kisser.

“Good one!”

“Got him!”

“Do it again!” Statler and Waldorf showed their rarely shown enthusiasm, cheering for the brave little kipper.

“As I was saying,” Fozzie tried again, no less brave than the acrobatic fish, “put your steel drums together for “Bahama Mama!” A light smattering of applause echoed from backstage to simulate a real audience.

“Whoa! Good crowd tonight!” Statler snickered.

“Would somebody show those fools the door?” Sweetums, who had been leaning against the wall under the balcony, shrugged and headed for the entranceway, ready to comply. Catching himself, Fozzie called out in alarm as the protesting creak of lumber reached his ears. “No! No! Leave the door! Just get the two old guys out of here!”

Without warning, Miss Piggy, impatient to get her number over with, poked her head through the curtain. “Some of us have places to go, furball! Now move it!” To illustrate her point, she academically shoved the bear with enough force to send him crashing behind the left wing. Piggy then laughed sweetly at her imaginary audience and disappeared back behind the curtain.

Sweetums, in the meantime, approached Statler and Waldorf in their box. Before the monster could say anything, Waldorf shook his hand. “Great show tonight.”

“No need for the escort, giant furry man. We’re leaving.” Statler agreed cheerfully.

Confused, Sweetums rolled his large eyes into an unintentionally terrifying squint. “Huh?”

Not the least bit intimidated, Statler said conversationally, “Yep, we saw the bear dress, and the pig fly. Best part of the show!”

“Only part of the show! But, Statler, I believe it was the pig that dressed and the bear that flew.”

“No, no, no, you weren’t paying attention… now the pig was-”

Somewhat intimidated himself by the departing heckler’s odd conversation, Sweetums headed off to get Robin to read him “Horton Hears a Who” again. It always made him feel better. “And a person’s a person no matter how small.” He rumbled to himself with a monstrous smile.

Seconds later, thanks to the efforts of a crowd of frantic rats, the curtain opened to reveal a beach set complete with a large wooden palm tree and copious amounts of sand, which, at some point, for someone, was going to be a nightmare to clean up.

Wrapped tightly in a feathery pink dress that flared out at the knees, Piggy launched into a speedy rendition of Bahama Mama, spurred on by her desire to cut short the amount of time she had to share the spotlight with a chorus line of purple chickens. Miss Piggy was very much aware that she was the most Flamingo-ish-looking creature on the stage by a large measure.

Even when sung at warp speed, the song did not quite manage to go on without a hitch. Towards the end of the piece, Piggy spoke the title words in just the right rhythm, slurring them ever so slightly and suddenly two fluffy pink snowths darted on stage with their infamous chorus. Although outraged at being upstaged, she still attempted to finish the cursed song.

“He simply can’t make up his mind!” She sang, almost spitting out the words, dodging the snowths who were evidently quite taken with her fluffy outfit, crooning “Doo doo, doo do doo,” almost lovingly as they pressed up against Piggy.

“Bahama, bahama mama-aaaahhh!” she finished, crashing to the stage with an undignified yelp as she tripped over one of her ardent fans. The snowths, confused by the new sound coming from their beloved, yet fallen, mistress darted off into the wings and disappeared; a wise decision given the current emotional state of Piggy the Snowthqueen.

In retrospect, Piggy would see Bahama Mama as the highpoint of her day. Almost everyone else already found it so.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Sorry I'm late, but I love this chapter! It's so... Oy I love it. The Snowths! And Piggy! HAAAA! That is some GREAT interaction and I just may be forced to reference that sometime in the future. Oh, hey, and speaking of interaction! Fozzie and Statler and Waldorf and Lew Zealand, and the fish, and then Statler and Waldorf and Sweetums, oy I love it! It's priceless! And I particularly love the beginning. Have I mentioned that I just adore your diction? And I love this sentence: For the dress, tensions ran so high that you could practically hear the gentle sound of minds snapping like twigs. Oh, it's beautiful! And the atmosphere changing from "summer rainstorm" to "class five hurricane" is just perfect! I love it! Oh, more please, pretty please, PLEASE! And, please, WHAT is going to happen to Miss Piggy... the Snowthqueen? I love that, by the way, the Snowthqueen, it's hilarious! But what's going to happen? Oh, I want to know, know, know! Oh, and the purple chicken flamingoes are awesome. Very Muppety. All right, enough with the compliments- MORE!!!!!!!!