I guess I can muffin here for a moment:
I once did a costume called, "Things That Go Bump In the Night" at a little literary science fiction masquerage (costume contest). It was a costume partially inspired by the human-sized muppets that I had grown up with, and partialy inspired by Maurice Sendek's "Where the Wild Things Are." It was made of shaggy (sortof nappy) Aqua-colored fake fur (because it was the weirdest fur I could find at the store. I saw some the other day that was aqua shag with purple polka dots and I was just, um, green with envy). It had big furry feet with grey vinyl toenails/claws--these feet were actually connected to knit trousers (I was many months pregnant when I did this costume) so I could wear them without the, um, head part. (It was great fun running around after the costume contest wearing a regular shirt, only to have people look down at some point and notice my big shaggy feet and legs.) The head part was HUGE--I used about seven or eight lightweight pillows to stuff it once I had it on. It had curved horns (think of an s-curve, not a curlique) made from grey vinyl, great big googly eyes and lots of grinning, pointed teeth. I could look out through the eyes (well, sortof) because they utilized black window-screen mesh. The reason that the monster "went bump in the night" was because it was, basically, a HUGE head on little stumpy legs--with no arms for balance. So, after a little emcee set-up about "What are those things that go bump in the night...?" the sound booth booted up the 1812 Overtures (lots of cannon blasts) and I proceeded, for about 45 seconds, to bumble into everything on stage, including the emcee and the curtain, until I fell down and twitched. The bumping-into-things part was semi-choreographed to the cannon blasts. It was marvelous fun, and even "fun-ner" because it was so anonymous--it could have been anyone in there!
(Is amazed that Kev, our own super Foz, was embarrassed at the thought of buying a dress in a thrift store. I've done waaaaaay more embarrassing things in the pursuit of costuming fun. Kev, if you will give me a little lead time, there is a Miss Piggy pattern that has (sortof) her purple signature dress. It is one of those one-size-fits-several (all at the same time, I'd wager) dresses, since it is a costume pattern and not a "real dress" and I will make you one if we can work something out. But you have to promise video....