Ah ha! One more pair of boarders for the dorms! OK, McFraggle I'll take care of getting you to your room.
*Runs hand across wall of high-relief numbers till finding the number 36 and takes the key for that room.
Let's go, just follow me into the common room here on Floor 2.
*Exits lobby's desk, opens up door to the stairwell and door that leads to the hallway, and ushers McFraggle and Telly Monster into the common room.
You see, each common room has an old world fireplace here in the back righthand corner. But in reality, all you have to do is press the button and the screen opens up along with a pair of doors, admitting you into a dumbwaiter elevator. We'll take this ride upstairs to the third floor.
*Exits the dumbwaiter elevator after reaching the third floor. OK, now we'll just leave the third floor's common room, and turn halfways to our left and head into Floor 3's West Wing. Your room will be the fourth or last door down on our left. Ah, here we are. OK, here's your room key and I trust Aaron will be by shortly with your bags.
Hope you have a good time here in the dorms and hope to hear from you soon. Oh, and feel free to let us know just how you plan on designing your own room. The bathrooms are at the end of the hallway in the opposite direction, last door down on your left.
Have a great time here as part of the Muppet College Dorms!