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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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*unlocks the door and enters the room, Gillis, Tosh and her Beast right behind her*

Ooh, this is nice. We should feel right at home here, guys.

Gillis: I like it already.

Tosh: Me too.

Beast: *growls and nods*

So, what say we get unpacked and get this place organized?

*After a couple hours, the group is finished unpacking and organizing.*

Okay, so I know you're all dying to know what the room looks like, so here's a description. The walls are painted off-white. As you enter the room, there is a twin-sized bunkbed almost immediately to your right near the wall. The bottom bunk is made up with tan and white sheets, white cases on the pillows and a green and black crocheted afgahan folded at the foot, which is near the door. The bottom bunk belongs to Gillis. An oak nightstand is at the head of his bunk for his glasses and bedside lamp, as well as a pen and small notebook so that he can write down song ideas in the middle of the night.

The top bunk, which belongs to Tosh, has a pink canopy/curtain to give her a little privacy. Her sheets and pillowcases are plum and green. The head of her bunk has a built-in ledge for Tosh to use as a nightstand.

On the opposite wall is a loft bed, which is like a bunkbed except that it just has the top bed part. This is my bed The bed has lavender sheets, a purple blanket, lavender pillowcases on the pillows and a green, pink, purple and yellow plaid comforter. The foot of my bed is against the wall, and a tall dresser at the head of my bed doubles as my nightstand. I have a purple desk lamp on the top of it, a bottle of water, my pillboxes with my medicines and my digital alarm clock. In the top two drawers I keep some more personal articles of clothing, while the fourth has my shorts and pants. The third drawer is where I keep extra things like a flashlight, extension cords, batteries and quarters for laundry.

Below my bed we have a beige "comfy" chair, as well as a couple of beanbag chairs to drag out onto the floor and sit on. We also keep our microfridge unit (a combination refridgerator/microwave) under my bed as well.

The closet is at the right-hand end of the room as you come in, and it has no doors. This actually helps because it creates more room in the dorm room. We've divided the closet in half - one half is mine, where I hang my shirts and keep my shoes, as well as store the clothes hamper. My laundry stuff and my bath stuff are on my half of the closet shelf. In the middle of the closet is another dresser similar to the one I have next to my bed; Gillis and Tosh share this dresser - he gets the top drawers, she gets the bottom. Tosh's extra dresses and Gillis' spare coats hang in their half of the closet, and Beast sleeps on the floor (at night his rope is tied to a hook in the wall, so we don't have to worry about him getting loose and wandering around).

Up high on the wall opposite the closet is our bookshelf; it's about 3/4 the length of the wall (it's got to allow room for the door when it opens). We have some books on the half of the shelf that's above the desk, as well as our combination portable phone and answering machine with Caller ID. On the other side of the shelf is our DVD and video tape collection.

Below the bookshelf is the desk, which is just as long as the shelf. Under the half of the shelf with the books and telephone is our computer; it has a CD-ROM drive, a separate CD/DVD-burner drive and a flat-screen monitor. In the center of the desk is a printer/copier/scanner. The computer is almost always on, and it's always tuned to MC Radio.

On the other side of the printer is our "entertainment center". That consists of a TV/VCR, and a separate 5-disc changer DVD player.

So, that's our room. Hope you enjoyed the tour.


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Aw... That was great! Rully glad you decided to come back Kim. Oh, and don't forget to send me ideas for the robes for each member in your party. Wouldn't want you to miss out on the anniversary plans.

Will post an update tomorrow, gonna catch some sleep soon.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<wipes sweat> oy. That was an awful lot of work.

Rowlf: Yeah, but worth it. Look how nice the room is.

Yeah, it's not too bad. Still, you'd think moving in would be less of a hassle the second time around.

Rowlf: That's just wishful thinking.

Yeah, I guess it is. A lot going on in the dorms all of a sudden, too, with us changing rooms, and new dormies, and a couple people leaving. Well, let's examine our handy-work, shall we? It's a new set up, after all.

Rowlf: Sounds good.

Alright, so to the left of the door is that nice big red fluffy couch I've grown so fond of. Re-apholstered to a darker shade of red, though. Far left wall has a triple bunk bed, with all three of our beds just sort of stacked on top of each other with just enough room for each of us to sit up. Top bunk is me, with a navy blue comforter, matching pillow and sheets, and a teddy bear.

Rowlf: Mm-hm, and I've got the middle bunk with white sheets, a bone-shaped pillow, and an old gray blanket. I think it used to be white, but it's pretty old.

<shrug> happens. Looks like Chef is already sleeping in the bottom bunk, with his same old sheets and blanket with the same old vegetable pattern. Then next to the beds we have that big bookcase.

Rowlf: For all the books we've got on that, you'd think we actually read all of them.

Yeah. Some dvds on top by my alarm clock, too. Then next to that we've got my desk. It looks so weird when it's clean.

Rowlf: Don't worry, it won't last. In the corner there's my baby grand piano. Doesn't look like such a baby in that corner though.

No, it doesn't. It looks huge. Right by your piano is the window- that's a nice thing about being on ground level, we can see outside. Didn't have that in the basement. Nice little potted flower in the window. Do you think it'll live very long? I'm not much of a green thumb.

Rowlf: You're not green at all, actually. I'll help you remember to water it if you'd like.

That could help. Anyway, that other corner is Chef's new kitchen.

Rowlf: And to the right of the door we've got our dressers.

Which we actually use, unlike the book case.

Rowlf: Speak for yourself. I don't usually wear clothes.

Yeah. Well, I'm pretty tired, I vote we go to sleep.

Rowlf: That makes two votes "yay" and one abstain, so I guess we're going to bed.

Alright. Good night.

Rowlf: Goodnight.

Chef: Guudneeght.

I thought you were already sleeping, Chef. Were we keeping you awake?

Chef: zzzzzz

Rowlf: I think that's a "no".

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK... Here's that update I talked about earlier.

Dorms Registry.
**Room #1: The Count (MC, Eduardo) and The Count von Count.
**Room #3: redBoobergurl (Beth) and Red Fraggle.
**Room #4: Fozzie Bear (MC, Kevin) and Fozzie Bear.
**Room #5: Vic Romano (Dave) and Bert and Ernie.
**Room #6: katsy428 (Kathy) and Prairie Dawn.
Room #7: Mupitz and Mokey Fraggle.
*Room #8: RedDragon (Nyssa) and Ludo and Ambrosius.
Room #10: tutter_fan and Bear.
Room #12: Livcurtain and Elmo and Zoe.
Room #13: DanDanStrawberry (Dan) and Statler and Waldorf.
*Room #14: Beauregard (MC) and Beauregard.
*Room #15: SkeeterMuppet (Kim) and Tosh Fraggle, The Beast, and Gillis Fraggle.
Room #18: T-Bird Chick (Madison) and Scooter.
Room #19: Vibs and The Newsman and Lewis Kazagger.
Room #20: Uncle Deadly (MC) and Pepe the King Prawn.
Room #21: McFraggle and Kermit The Frog and Sam the Eagle.
*Room #22: That Announcer and Julius Strangepork, Dr. Phil van Neuter, and Marvin Suggs with Muppaphones as pets I guess.
Room #23: Whatever and Robin the Frog.
**Room #24: TogetherAgain (Lisa) and Rowlf The Dog and The Swedish Chef.
**Room #25: theprawncracker (Ryan) and Lew Zealand, Uncle Deadly, and Eduardo Penguin.
Room #26: Erine81981 (Kyle) and Cookie Monster, Grover Monster, and Herry Monster.
Oscar The Grouch lives in his trashcan in Floor 2's Common Room, and often pals around with Kyle.
Room #27: floydnjanicefan (Jimmy) and Telly Monster.
*Room #29: Bear (MC, Bryan) and Big Bird and Rosita.
Room #30: BethC and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker.
*Room #31: Homerthegreat and Animal.
*Room #32: Harvey Towers and Johnny Fiama and Sal Manilla.
Room #33: JaniceFerSure (Diana) and Dr. Teeth, Floyd Pepper, and Zoot.
Room #35: Doctor Teeth and Janice, Lips, and Boober Fraggle.
Room #36: Christyb and Gobo Fraggle and Sprocket.
*Room #37: Frogster and Wembley Fraggle.
*Room #38: FraggleMuppet or Fragglemuppet, not sure which now (Kate) and Lou Fraggle.
*Room #41: Docnzhoss (Ryan) and Link Hogthrob.
Room #52: Radioboy and Thog.
Room #55: FraggleRocker and Miss Piggy.
**Room #56: G-Man (Gerard) and Rizzo the Rat.
Room #58: Philo&Gunge and Philo, Clifford, and Gunge.
Room #59: Luke and Gonzo the Great.

* Indicates those who I've contacted and have yet to reply regarding their dorm robes.
** Indicates those who have already replied regarding their dorm robes.

Sweetums and Bobo the Bear Guard are once again available as roommates.

Past Happenings.
Party for RedDragon's B-Day.
Party for Dorms' 3000th post.
4th of July Barbecue.

Future Happenings.
Dorms 1st Anniversary: September 2005.
Hoping that everyone contacts me by August, so if there are any more vacancies and/or shifts regarding roomies and robes... That can be taken care of and squared away before the anniversary celebrations.
Hope this helps and have a great day guys.

Fozzie Bear

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
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I posted a link to this update for everyone to see in the first post of the thread in case someone opens the first post of the thread and wants to join in.

That Announcer

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2005
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(TA and Dr. Phil Van Neuter are awakened by loud "OW"s from the opposite side of the room.)

TA: Jeez Louise, why can't I get my sleep! Marvin, why are you practicing...

MS: I'm-a right heeeere, TA! (turns on nightstand lamp)

TA: Well, if you're in bed, then... (switches on banker's lamp on desk, sees Muppaphones grimacing in their sleep)

MS: Oh, my Muppaphones are having nightmares! (runs out of bed, knocking mattress and boxspring off frame)

PN: I'll fix it... (heads to Marvin's bed)

MS: (to Muppaphones) Don't be doing that and waking everyone up! (grabs mallets and begins to hit Muppaphones over head)

MP: (in succession) OW! OW! OW! OW!

MS: Ahaha, it's "Surfin' Safari"! (keeps hitting them) I may have a new song!

PN: Marvin, would you just give it up and get back to bed!

MS: Oh, alright. (To Muppaphones) I'll be back...

MP: (to Phil after Marvin goes back to sleep) THANK YOU!

PN: Ssh, not so loud! You'll wake him up again!

MP: Oh, alright.

PN: (grabbing two Nerds Ropes from the snack drawer in his nightstand) Here's a little food. I don't think he fed you last night!

MP: (in unison) No, he didn't! (begin to eat)

PN: Now finish that up and go back to sleep. (gets back in bed, switches off light and goes back to sleep)

TA: I'm with you, Phil. (heads to sleep)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Thanks for the link-up Kev. Gonna contact Kyle and Vibs who seem to be online now.

Oh, and I forgot to add in the Future Happenings category...
Got a couple of VHS tapes in the mail yesterday. They're of classic SS episodes, good stuff like the Hawaii vacation and the trip to my native PR.
If you guys want, we can arrange a viewing tomorrow and watch what I got. Have a good time everyone, be back in a while.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Hey UD! I'm here for a few minutes, but I need to ask you a question.

UD: Shoot.

How would you like it if Sweetums moved in with us?

UD: Wonderful! He's almost as frightning as me!

Ok, I'll contact Ed about it ASAP!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<yawn> What time is it?

Rowlf: About ten to eleven.

Wow, I slept late. Did you guys have breakfast yet?

Rowlf: I did, but Chef is still making-

Chef: Dern puncekes, get beck doon here-a! Noo! <shoots at pancakes stuck to ceiling.>

Rowlf: -pancakes.

So I see. I think I'll pass on the pancakes and have a bowl of cereal.

Chef: Oh, guud murneeng, Leesa. Soore-a yuoo dun't vunt puncekes?

Yes, I'm sure, I'll just have this nice little bowl of cereal, thank you.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hi Ry. Contacted Ernie101 since he's been on the waiting list along with Bryan when he first contacted me. We'll wait and see. If he says no, then sure. Rully need the people I contacted to reply, the inbox's starting to get filled up.

Oh, and That Announcer's taken care of, your robes along with everyone else's are ready. At least those who contacted me. Still here Ryan? Not sure, but you might've noticed a tall yellow feathered friend moving into the room at the end of your hall.
Check back with you guys later.
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