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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Well Chef, what did you think?

Chef: I theenk yuoor perents hefe-a sume-a fery immetoore-a freeends. Um gesh dee bork, bork!

Yeah, sorry about that. They're a little... um... yeah. But we had quite the waitress to put up with it all, didn't we?

Chef: Yes, und she-a ifee vent elung veet thet juke-a.

Ha! That was hilarious. Did you see the Rabbi's face when she got the bill for our table?

Chef: Yeeh, thet ves pretty guud! Und zee veeetress pleyed it su vell. She-a deffeenetely ierned her teep.

That she did. So did you like riding on mom's backseat?

Chef: Vhy deedn't yuoo tell me-a it ves su uncumffurteble-a?

Aw, come on, it's not that bad. And it was just a short ride, anyway. Come on, you've gotta admit, it was fun.

Chef: Elreeght, elreeght. Um de hur de hur de hur. It ves foon. Bork bork bork! Boot I steell leeke-a cers better. Hurty flurty schnipp schnipp!

Suit yourself. But you know what I think the best part of today was?

Chef: vhet?

The closing. It's official- WE HAVE A BUILDING!!!!!! My synagogue FINALLY has a building!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chef: Cungretooleshuns!

Thanks! It's just SO exciting, you know? We ACTUALLY have a building! It's not just a dream anymore, it's real! We have the key to the building! <does a funny little dance>

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Sure was fun talking to Doc and Link again yesterday eve. Oh well...
Seems there's some interest by people in joining the dorms, namely Ernie101 though there might be others out there.

So in the interest of getting them the info, here's a copy of the current register.
Room #1: The Count (MC, Eduardo) and The Count von Count.
Room #2: Barry Lee and Sweetums.
Room #3: redBoobergurl (Beth) and Red Fraggle.
Room #4: Fozzie Bear (MC, Kevin) and Fozzie Bear.
Room #5: Vic Romano and Bert and Ernie.
Room #6: katsy428 (Kathy) and Prairie Dawn.
Room #7: Mupitz and Mokey Fraggle.
Room #8: RedDragon (Nyssa) and Ludo and Ambrosius.
Room #9: TogetherAgain (Lisa) and The Swedish Chef.
Room #10: tutter_fan and Bear.
Room #11: sugarbritchez (Angela) and Bobo the Bear Guard.
Room #12: Livcurtain and Elmo and Zoe.
Room #13: TuttertheMouse (Dan) and Statler and Waldorf.
Room #14: Beauregard (MC,) and Beauregard.
And that's just the first floor!

Second floor has...
Room #18: T-Bird Chick (Madison) and Scooter.
Room #19: Vibs and The Newsman and Lewis Kazagger.
Room #20: Uncle Deadly (MC) and Pepe the King Prawn.
Room #21: McFraggle and Kermit The Frog and Sam the Eagle.
Room #22: That Announcer and Julius Strangepork, Dr. Phil van Neuter, and Marvin Suggs.
Room #23: Whatever and Robin the Frog.
Room #24: Aaron and Rowlf The Dog.
Room #25: theprawncracker (Ryan) and Lew Zealand, Uncle Deadly, and the Penguin who's been named Eduardo also.
*That was his decision folks.
Room #26: Erine81981 (Kyle) and Cookie Monster, Grover Monster, and Herry Monster.
Oscar The Grouch lives in his trashcan in Floor 2's Common Room, but often pals around with Kyle.
Room #27: floydnjanicefan (Jimmy) and Telly Monster.

Then there's the third floor occupants including...
Room #30: BethC and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker.
Room #31: Homerthegreat and Animal.
Room #32: Harvey Towers and Johnny Fiama and Sal Manilla.
Room #33: JaniceFerSure (Diana) and Dr. Teeth, Floyd Pepper, and Zoot.
Room #35: Doctor Teeth and Janice, Lips, and Boober Fraggle.
Room #36: Christyb and Gobo Fraggle and Sprocket.
Room #37: Frogster and Wembley Fraggle.
Room #38: FraggleMuppet (Kate) and Lou Fraggle.
Room #41: Docnzhoss (Ryan) and Link Hogthrob.

And finally there's the following up on the fourth floor.
Room #52: Radioboy and Thog.
Room #55: FraggleRocker and Miss Piggy.
Room #56: G-Man and Rizzo the Rat.
Room #58: Philo&Gunge and Philo, Clifford, and Gunge.
Room #59: Luke and Gonzo the Great.
Please bear in mind that any/all of this could change as I contact everyone for the anniversary, and there might be some resulting vacancies depending on the replies I get if I get any to begin with.
Hope this helps and have a great time here at the dorms!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Wakey, wakey, eggs and bacey. Good morning everyone (whoops, probably should wait to shout out my greetings. People are still sleeping . Shhh).

Wow, the dorms really filled up over the year. Looks like I've missed out on getting to know a lot of people. :cry: Maybe this coming year I'll be a better poster.

Link: Maybe this coming year you'll be a better cook.

Me: Don't count on it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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*YAWN* Morning all who are awake :smile:
Hey Doc, I'd be careful about using the "b" word around Link if you catch my drift :wink:


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chef: Guud murneeng, Leesa. Hoo's zee stury cumeeng?

Not so good. See I have this next chapter all set, but after that... HUGE writer's block. I have no idea what happens.

Chef: Vell zeen hoo ere-a yuoo sooppused tu feenish zee stury iff yuoo dun't ifee knoo vhet heppens?

Good question. And I'm not even really sure I like this last chapter. It's short. See, most chapters are about ten to twelve pages when I write them in my notebook. This one is only seven and a half.

Chef: Su vhet ere-a yuoo gueeng tu du?

Well, I think I'll leave that chapter how it is. I like how it ends. But after that... <sigh>. After that, I have absolutely no control over the story.

Chef: Seence-a vhee hefe-a yuoo ifer hed cuntrul oofer zee stury?

I never have, but I've been able to fake it pretty well. Anyways, I'll just have to let the characters write it for me. In the meantime, let's go for a walk. That usually helps.

Chef: Suoonds guud tu me-a!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Hey Red, it's going to be HOT today.
Red: Yeah, I know.
You know that means only one thing don't you?
Red: Yep. I better get down to the pools early so if anyone wants to swim they're open.
Yep. I'll be joining you shortly. I think that's the ONLY place to spend a day like today.
Red: No kidding.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Whew! It's ROASTING out there!

Chef: <plops down on couch>

Oh don't just sit there, you'll get dehydrated after that walk! I won't have ANY dehydration in my room! Here, I'll get us some nice tall glasses of water.

Chef: Elreeght. Um de hur de hur de hur. Boot zeen let's gu tu zee puul.

<hands Chef a glass of water> You've got yourself a deal.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Not rully that hot... Just mildly humid due to the rain showers caused by the latest storm named Emily.
Oh well, hope everyone's OK down at the pools. Might join you guys later.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2004
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Hey Link, I feel sticky. Must be the humidity.

Link: Nope. I think it's the maple syrup you managed to dribble all over yourself this morning.

Me: Oh right, I forgot about that. That's the last time I try to make my own waffles.

Link: Or maybe you should just try holding the syrup over your plate rather than your head.

Me: Gee Link, forgive me for saying so, but for such a thick-headed lurch you sure are thinking sharply right now.

Link: I have to be. The latest space shuttle launch was cancelled and I have to be ready for a call-up.

Me: You mean they'll come to you for advice on how to repair the shuttle?

Link: Well, no. But they might call me for advice on how to look good on television. It's a cutthroat endeavor, you know.

Me: Actually, I don't know. I'm not an international television star like yourself.

Link: And don't you forget it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Chef: Su Leesa! Puul soore-a ves foon tudey, dun't yuoo theenk?


Chef: Vhet's vrung?

...Grandma's dog, Roxy... she died...

Chef: ...Ooh. I'm surry. Bork bork bork!.. ves she-a seeck?

<shakes head> just old. She was only a year younger than me. That's pretty old for a dog, especially one Roxy's size.

Chef: Yeeh, thet's trooe-a.

... I think... I think I'll go sit outside for a little while. I think I need a little time alone.

Chef: Elreeght. Um de hur de hur de hur. I'll be-a here-a iff yuoo need me-a.

Yeah... thanks...
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