Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Jun 13, 2002
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Morning girls.
Prairie:Morning Kath.How'd that foot test go?
Actually I didn't get it done.The woman that was supposed to do it didn't come in.So I need to reschedule. Meanwhile I ran to Fran's Flowers to get flowers for Kim and Catherine.Kim's had a bad week and Catherine's had a loss in her family.
Rosita:That was nice of you.
Thanks. What do you say we all go to Everybody Eats for breakfast?
Prairie:Sounds good!


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Dec 14, 2004
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Rowlf: *sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the paper* Hey there Ry, shouldn't you be off to school? ...About an hour ago?
Me: Heh, not today Rowlf. Or Monday for that matter. Yup, got a four day weekend and I plan on exploiting it at every chance I get.
Rowlf: Why am I not surprised?
Swedish Chef: Yuoo vunt soorpreese-a? Veeet unteel yuoo see-a vhet I'm cuukeeng fur deenner!
Me: What did he say?
Rowlf: Uh, I think he was sayin' thanks for lettin' us stay here with ya while Lisa's off galavantin'.
Me: Oh, it's my pleasure. I always enjoy a bit more culture in the room...
Rowlf: You think Chef is cultured?
Me: Well some kind of culture, yes.
Uncle Deadly: *walking into room* Ah, good morning all. Did we have a nice sleep? Hmm?
Robin: *waking up* *yawn* Yeah, I slept good.
Gonzo: *falls out of the closet with Camilla* And I slept GREAT! Gotta love those confined spaces! Ha ha!
Camilla: Baww...
Me: Sheesh, well I say we all go grab some breakfast at Everybody Eats. Then we spend the rest of the day doing...Stuff! How's that sound?
Clifford: Sounds cool to me dude.
Me: Heh, what doesn't with you Cliff?
Robin: I think that sounds like a great time! Let's go!
Chef: Vhet? Yuoo dun't leeke-a my cuukeeng?


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Mar 10, 2006
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<Leyla is darting around their rooms at warp speed, cleaning, organizing, keeping Jimmy out of trouble, you get the idea.>

Leyla:Jimmy, have you finished tidying that room up yet? Fozzie's coming and I don't want him to feel unwelcome! He'll be bunking in your room and it had better be bear-friendly lickity split! Now where did I put those fancy bath soaps?

Hilda:<with an armload of clothing and other life accoutrements.> I found them in the refrigerator, along with that new copy of Kermit's biography and a DVD of Muppet Treasure Island. I put them on the counter.

Leyla: <blushing> Oh! what did I put in the bathroom... oh no! The groceries! <she dashes off to put things to rights>

Hilda: You have got to calm down, everything will be fine!

Jimmy: I don't see why I have to get rid of mah rifle and bear skin rug.

Leyla: <from bathroom> You hear that, Hilda? Everything is NOT fine! Kermit, Fozzie, and Piggy are gonna be here for a few days and everything has to be perfect for them! I mean.... it's them! And Jimmy, get that rug out of sight!

Jimmy: It ain't a real bear skin, and the gun ain't loaded. I learned my lesson with that Candice woman.

Leyla: It'll scare the Dickens out of Fozzie, real or not, and it's going... they both are! Now, to put it in language you understand... git!

Jimmy: Yeesh... cranky.

<Leyla returns from the bathroom with the groceries, still in their shopping bags. Hilda and Wanda are making trips out of Wanda's room.>

Leyla: <muttering to herself> Food goes in the kitchen. Food goes in the kitchen. Where's the Sesame Street gang around when you need reminders?

Hilda:We've almost got everything out of there. We just need to finish setting up the cots.

Wanda: I don't see why I have to give up my room to Miss Piggy. It's just for the weekend after all, why can't she just sleep in a cot?

<All activity in the room ceases>

Wanda: What? What are you staring at?

<Hilda shakes her head, exasperated, and gets back to work. Jimmy retreats into his own room>

Leyla: <patiently> Because, Wanda, Piggy is our guest and guests are treated with respect on my watch. Understood?

Wanda: <sulkily>Yes, fine. I understand.

Hilda: <passing through> Clearly, she hasn't spent much time with the royal diva in a while. Miss Piggy can be a royal pain in-

Leyla: <interrupting> Hey! Knock it off now. Company rules, best behavior and for crying out loud, try to be friendly! This is going to be a wonderful experience for all of us, and I want our neighbours to feel happy about being here! <starstruck look> I mean, just think of it... The Kermit the frog, Fozzie Bear, and Miss Piggy herself will be in our dorm rooms! Oh, it's so exciting I might just faint!

Hilda: <dryly to Wanda> But, you know, she's not a fangirl.

Wanda: <just as dryly> So I've heard.

Leyla: <narrowed eyes> Prawnie loved his cake, or so I heard Hilda. Of course, it took you three hours to get back from that little visit!

Hilda: <blushing furiously> Oh... I ... I need to dust the shelves now. <she darts off>

Leyla: And Wanda... I'm sure you didn't notice how dashing Wayne looked at the award ceremonies last week.

Wanda: <shifty eyes> Of... of course not. Um... how bout I go put up that picture Tabi drew of Miss Piggy in my know, just to make her feel at home!

Leyla:<smugly> You do that. Now... why did I put the dish towels in the toaster...


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Me: Gonzo, commentary! Quick! Then we can come back and watch stuff!
Gonzo: I would've gone even if we weren't gonna watch anything...*shrug*

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Hmmm... Wonder how Bert and Ernie are doing with Ryan. Sure hope Bry's having a good time.
Count: Did you make that call?
Yes, Mike's Bakery should deliver the cake soon. Ally'll be so surprised this evening!
Now come, time to see if we should post more of that little thing I started.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Bert: *sitting on the couch along with everyone else watching TMS* So, how long did you say you guys were here?
Robin: Oh, we're staying til Tuesday! Maybe even Wednesday!
Ernie: Well I hope Bryan gets back by then, there sure is a lot more room.
Rowlf: You can say that again. Sharing a bed with the Chef is no walk in the park.
Camilla: Bagawk! Buck byuck bawk!
Clifford: Yeah, at least he didn't try 'n' cook you dude! Heh heh!
Uncle Deadly: Mm, these cramped spaces make me remember why I love the fan-fic library so much. I think I'll head down there for a while.
Chef: Ooh ya ya ya! Lootsa pooepel oon do rooom! Bork bork!
Robin: Yeah, and it's so colorful too!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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We have some room downstairs... Then again, I think I'll take a bit of a break. Only have one more section planned, laying down exposition sure is fun... At least it'll get us to the true devilish delight I have in store!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Telly: The mattress you guys have sure is comfortable
Abby: I bet it's more comfortable then sharing a bed with me! *giggles*
Big Bird: I wonder how Bryan's doing. Do you think he's thinking of us right now?
Beth: Oh I'm sure he is! He loves you guys
Red: Hey, we've got a game this weekend! That will be fun
Wanda: And it sounds like we're celebrating Ally's birthday tonight
Big Bird: A birthday! Oh boy! I'm going to color her a picture
Abby: Ooh! Me too!
Beth: That's really nice of you guys. I think Ed's getting a cake.
Red: Woo-hoo! I love parties!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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OK... The cake's here.
Count: I have the candles!
You remembered to order...
Count: Yes, got the vanilla and mint ones, hope she'll like those, she can share them vith Emmett.

Good... And the gift?
Count: Wrapped up.
Good, that new book on the Muppets and deck of specialty northern animal playing cards should be perfect for Allyssa.
Count: Plus the big igloo cap and plush Rocky...
You've been watching T*K*O again haven't you?
Count: Just a little.
That's OK... Let's get this wonderful chocolate cake down to Room #8 and wish our friend a happy birthday.

*Anybody who wants to join outside Room #8's door is welcome to launch the surprise singing for Ally.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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going to Room 8
Rosita:Ally will be so surprised!
She sure will. Hope she likes this Fraggle sweatshirt we got her. the "Look Out World...I'm A Teenager!" T shirt.
laughing Oh she'll love that!
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