Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Umm, I don't know if you guys noticed, but she did tack a note up saying she was leaving again for a little bit because her grandfather died. So she's back, but not back, if that makes any sense. Just thought I'd point that out.

Mokey: I finished the sympathy card
Red: Oh it's beautiful
Beth: All right, we'll all sign it, and give it to her along with these flowers
Cantus: They are lovely
Robin: Thanks for letting us stay here guys
Rowlf: We had a good time
*hugs are given all around*
Beth: Come back anytime you two, we enjoyed having you

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Well... That's why I replied when she turned around just after posting that note on her room's door.
BTW: Sorry about my previous post, a bit of a mix-up with the thread where that should've gone.

Sure hope Clifford's having a good time with Kyle, guess he's been chillin' out for a few.
*Signs card for Lisa, welcoming her back and saying how sorry we are about her grandpa's death.
UD: Ah... Death, a subject near and dear to my...
Count: Little black heart?
Heh, yeah... Now come on, we have a card and clear honey golden teddy bear to leave for Lisa.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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*Phone call to front desk voicemail*

Hi, everyone! Just wanted to call and say that Big Bird, Snuffy, Telly, Rosita and I are doing well and having a great time in Malibu. The sun is shining and the waves are roarin'. Hope things are well at the dorms. We'll be back sometime later this week. Ed, Hoots is still around there so feel welcome to hang out with him. Bye!

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Oh yeah... Kinda forgot he was bunking out in the nest by the window. Sure hope I can get in touch with Bry during the week though.
At least now I can rest up a little while.
Count: Yes, had so much vork sorting through the list again.
UD: Mmm, think I'll just settle into this comfy creepy couch and catch some Z's.
And of course, I'll see if there's anything on TV for a while.

Talk to you guys later.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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ELMO: Elmo heard on the TV that there is going to be a scorching day tomorrow

PETER: I heard

ZOE: So, what are going to do tomorrow

LITTLE BIRD: I don't know

PETER: I've got an idea

ELMO: What is it

PETER: Why don't we go bowling tomorrow

ZOE: Okay Peter

LITTLE BIRD: What are we going to do Tonight

PETER: We can go to Everybody Eats for a light dinner and we can go swimming

ELMO: Okay Peter


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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The dorm got a phone call from Bryan and the gang. He says,

Hi, everyone! Just wanted to call and say that Big Bird, Snuffy, Telly, Rosita and I are doing well and having a great time in Malibu. The sun is shining and the waves are roarin'. Hope things are well at the dorms. We'll be back sometime later this week. Ed, Hoots is still around there so feel welcome to hang out with him. Bye!
Grover: Well I am glad to here that. When is our vacation ?

I don't have a the foggiest idea. I thought we already had one just last month.

Herry: You did. We haven't.

Then just ask one of the mangers tomorrow.

Grover: Oh yea. I forgot. Ha ha ha ha ha....

I'm going to be reading.

Grover: I am going to take me a cool hot bath.

Herry: Not unless I get there first.

Guys ya'll don't have to fight over the baths or showers. There's enough for everyone here.

Grover and Herry race of to the showers

Them two are so competitive with each other. *goes back to reading*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Leaves note for Lisa taped to her room's door.

Hey Lisa... Good to have you, er, together again.
I'm leaving you this note here, cause your PM inbox is full and when I sent you the message via forum E-mailer it got bounced back with a "Mailer Demon Failure" notice.
If you need catching up, LMK and I can point out some good stories.
Need some consult help with my own MFG story, we can talk later.

Hope everything's all fright, take care.

*Gets back to Room #1, hearing Hoots playing a lilting tune on his sax.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: I miss Robin and Rowlf
Beth: Well it's not like you're never going to see them
Mokey: Yeah, we can go visit them and Lisa anytime
Red: I know
Beth: And you've still got us!
Red: True, Robin was just so much fun to play with
Mokey: And we're not?
Red: You know what I mean
Beth: I'm sure he'll still be happy to play with you anytime
Red: True. I'm hungry, what's for lunch
Cantus: She recovers so quickly doesn't she?
Beth: Let's go to the kitchen and make sandwiches


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie:Gee....somebody looks happy.:wink:
*laughing a bit* I guess that'd be me.
Prairie:I'm glad to see you that way,Kath.Seeing you feel lousy makes me feel bad.
Aww Prairie...I'm sorry. You sure have to put up with a whole lot from me huh?
Prairie:Well....I have my moods too.So we're equal. I'll miss you while you're in Missouri,but I'll either room w/Rosita & her roomies or Red & her roomies. I'll see.
You have 3 weeks to decide.Meanwhile let's go down to the pool. This room has a fan & air conditioning but we need to get some fresh air.
Prairie:You don't need to ask me twice! Last one down to the pool gets pushed in!:stick_out_tongue:


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Kyle and his friend is going out to see a movie tonight. What do you want to do?

Herry: I would love to go swimming.

Grover: Ok. Let me get my sunscreen fur on.

Cookie M: *runs out of the room to the pool*

Herry: Cookie said he would meet us there.

Grover: Ok.
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