Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: Wow, it is nice to see Melvin

ELMO: I hope Melvin liked his gifts (Elmo feeds his fish)

ZOE: Yeah!

LITTLE BIRD: Boy, Melvin is with his parents and he liked his gifts

ZOE: I agree, Little Bird

PETER: Good Night, Elmo, Zoe and Little Bird

ELMO: Good Night Zoe, Little Bird and Peter

ZOE: Good Night Elmo, Little Bird and Peter

LITTLE BIRD: Good Night Peter, Zoe and Elmo

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Back in Room #1... Well, at least that's another MC friend's B-Day that's easy to remember.
Count: How's that?
My mom's B-Day is on Friday as well.
UD: And the other?
Oh... That's easy... Diana, the songbird, who happens to be A Fool.
UD: That's...
Don't worry... A Fool stands for April Fool's.
Count: Vell... Time to nod off and enter the land of slumber. Ah ha! And now I get to count up 40 winks.
Good night everybody.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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(Heh, that's funny. In the little 'profile box' you can now see I'm 12... How in the world am I in college?! Lol!)

*Daughterdeadly is taking what seems like a long time to go around the room and make sure everything's in order.*

Emmett:Gee Ally, what's going on?

Daughterdeadly: ...Oh, Emmett... I guess I forgott to tell you that uh, well-
*she looks at him uncomfortably and takes a seat on her bed* Back home, one of my relatives passed away... about a week ago...


Daughterdeadly:Yeah, I'm catching a plane back home in afew hours... dont want to miss the funeral...

Emmett:Aw...I'm sorry to hear that. Believe me, I know how it feels. But you kept it hidden so well...

Daughterdeadly:Well I didn't know her all too well, she was my Great Aunt. I had only seen her once or twice in my life...she had a desiese though... she was so sick. She couldn't do anything except sit in her wheel chair and look of into nowhere... It was just... sad. But she seemed so nice and smart... and artistic.

Emmett: *nodds* I'm really sorry Ally...

Daughterdeadly:Yeah well... let's think about all the good things. Emmett, you'll have the whole room to your self!

Emmett: *looks up at her* But... well Ally I--

Daughterdeadly:Or, I have a better idea Emmett. Maybe you could get someone to watch over you, well wait, no that's not what I meant. I mean maybe you could find someone to hang out with while I'm gone. Yeah! Anyway you're better at making friends then me...

Emmett:Well, okay. Sure.

Daughterdeadly:Great! *she huggs Emmett for a second and goes to her bedside table to grab her plane ticket.* Thanks Emmett!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Martin:I've heard poor Ally has recently had one of her family die Bill.
Bill:Oh no. That's a shame. Who was she?
Martin: Her Great Aunt. Apparently she'd been sick for a long time and was confined to a wheelchair. We'll have to pray for her and her family at this sad time.
Bill: Yes. It's always so hard to lose a loved one. Has she left yet for the funeral?
Martin: I guess she must be on her way by plane by now. May she have a safe journey and the ceremony go without any hitches.
Bill: Yes please may it be so. Who lives with her.
Martin: Only Emmet Otter I think. If nobody else is having him stay with them let's offer to accomodate him until Ally returns if he doesn't mind our company of course Bill.
Bill: Agreed The invitation is open if he wishes.


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Mar 11, 2003
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Big Bird sets out on the steps of the Muppet Dorm

Big Bird: Well...Melvin is gone. :frown:

Snuffy: I'm sorry to hear that Bird.

Big Bird: It's ok Snuffy. *moans a sad moan*

Grover: Is there anything we can do?

Herry: Yea! What about a song?

Cookie M: Me know one. *starts singing C is for Cookie*

Grover: No Cookie Monster. A happy song to cheer up Big Bird.

Cookie M: Cookies cheer me up.

Snuffy: I think I might just have the song to sing. Come here guys.

*everyone huddles around Snuffy, whispers can be heard*

Snuffy: Time to start up the music. HIT IT!

*music starts playing*

Snuffy: If you need a friend to pat your little head,
If you need a pal to play with you, *tickles Big Bird*
(BB: That tickles!)
If you need a chum to lift your spirits up, *grabs Big Bird hand with Snuffle* Come on! This is what a special friend will do-do-do-do-do.

Snuffy: Take it Grover.

Grover: Ok. Well, a friend never bends or pretends when a friend is in need,

Telly: So depend on a friend who's a friend to his friend indeed.

Grover and Telly: No, a friend never bends or pretends when his friend is in need, So depend on a friend who's a friend to his friend indeed.*trying to get Big Bird up*

Telly: Take it Herry.

Herry: Well, sometimes you'll be down and need some boosting, *trying to push Big Bird up*

Cookie Monster: Sometimes you'll be zooming way too high.

Herry and Cookie M: We'll be there to raise you or to roost you,
We'll be here to look you in the eye-yi-yi-yi-yi. *pushing togther*

Everyone: Well, a friend never bends or pretends when a friend is in need,
So depend on a friend who's a friend to his friend indeed. (Snuffy: One more)
No, a friend never bends or pretends when his friend is in need, (Grover: Almost there)
So depend on a friend who's a friend to his friend indeed.

*music ends*

Big Bird: Thank you guys. I'm glad I live here with all my friends. Hug?

Everyone hugs

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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*Tacks up notice on bulletin board...

Special Viewing.
When: Friday 4/28/2006 at 8:00 PM EST.
Where: MC Dorms Common Rooms.
Event: 33rd Daytime Emmies.
Note: Of importance is when they hand Caroll Spinney his Lifetime Achievement Award.

If you can make it great, if not that's OK too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Martin: Hey Emmet's here Bill. Welcome Emmet.
Emmet: Thank you. It's very nice of you to accomodate me while Ally is away.
Martin: And this is Bill. (Bill shakes hands with Emmet) Normally we would welcome a guest with bubbles but because of the solemnity of the reason for your stay we won't do anything like that at this time.
Bill: We are glad to have you though.
Emmet: Thanks.
Martin: Well I think we might have some lunch and then settle down and listen to some of my music collection. There's a 3 disc set Country Classics by John Denver then we might listen to some of my gospel music by George Beverley Shea and think about poor Ally and her sad loss.
Emmet: Okay.
Bill: Sounds great to me. John was always cool in every Muppet appearance he made. I'm sorry I wasn't around then to work with him.
Emmet: I would have loved working with him as well. But I never did get offered any other acting jobs than my Jug-Band Christmas special unfortunately. But I've always loved his music. He was a very special man.
Martin: Ah yes. He was undeniably. Well let's get our meal ready and then we can sit in the lounge after we've eaten and washed up and listen to the late great John Denver.
Emmet and Bill: Terrific. Yeah.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Hey look at that guys, a viewing of the Daytime Emmy's to see Caroll Spinney receive a special award
Red: Who is he again?
Mokey: He's a special friend of Big Bird's. Remember that book that Beth was reading?
Red: Oh yeah!
Cantus: Don't know much about him myself, but sounds like a good guy
Beth: He is, I think we'll definately have to watch


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Lunch Time....since I have to leave to work around 1.

Big Bird: Kyle! Kyle! Look what I saw.

What is it?

Big Bird: Come here.

What? Oh that. I saw that. Neat to see your friend is getting a award. We'll have to watch it.

Big Bird: I'm so proud of him.

Come on. Lets eat. Were having Cheese Burger Mac.

Big Bird: With some birdseed sprinkled on it?

Yes. You can but the rest might not want birdseed.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Scooter: Hey, Sara? Did you hear that Super Muppet and his friends went to go protest against PETA, and the other vegetarians a few days ago?

Sara: *frowns deeply* Yeah, I did hear. Not too pleased with it though.

Jerry: Why's that??

Sara: *throws arms up, scowling* I'm a vegetarian! I'm suprised they didn't come knocking on our door, and want to protest against me.

Jim: That's not good that they'd want to do that.

Scooter: Sounds horrible they go against just a few groups of people like that. I just hope they weren't to horrible against them.

Sara: Yeah...same here. *tries to get her mind off of it.* You guys want to go eat or something?

Frank: Sounds good. *smiles brightly* Lets go to that place...what's it called?

Jim: Everybody Eats, you mean Frank?

Frank: Yeah, let's go there.

Sara: Sounds great! Let's go!

*They all go out to Everybody Eats for lunch.*
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