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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Count: Ah ha! So many cards to count!
Yes, thank you baba, Peter, and Beth and friends.
*Scooping up the cookies and handing them to the Count... Me thinks Cantus had a V-Day tour planned, that could be why he left earlier Beth. Then again, if Ryan's back I hope we'll see him later today. Maybe Uncle Deadly's back in his room also, didn't see him skulk in to sleep last night.
Oh well, these cookies will be a good snack, gotta leave for the campus again you know.

Happy Valentine's or Friendship Day.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Getting back to the dorms.

Count: Ed? You got a package today.
Rully? Which one?
Count: Seems it's the single 1 from Ken.
Hexcellent, that means S4 with all its exclusives is complete. One less to get now.
Count: Shall I add it to our collection totals?
No, not yet, let me do a few things and we can open up the box a bit later.
Count: Oh... OK then.
Think I'll just wash up and work on that ol' list for a while. We could go catch an interlude from Renee's concert at the moviehouse later...
Uncle Deadly, floating down: Surprised that girl has time for anything else other than her stories.
Yes, but there you are... We're moving along with our projects.
UD: Me thinks I heard Ryan around somewhere earlier.
Yeah, not sure if he's back in his room yet. He'll let us know though.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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*walking into lobby carrying a suitcase on his shoulder and some shopping bags in his hands* Oh, it's great to be back here. I've missed everyone so much. *waves to Pops at the front desk and makes way to elevator* Alright, floor two. *presses button w/ number 2 on it, listening to elevator music* Oh, I know this song...*hums along*

UD: *jumps from top of elevator* Me too!

AH! *is startled* Uncle D. what are you doing here?!

UD: Waiting for you my frightful friend. I've missed you.

Oh, thanks Uncle D., I've missed you too. Have you seen the others?

UD: Yes, *elevator door opens and the two walk out* Clifford is back at the room doing some homework, Gonzo and Camilla went out to dinner in honor of St. Valentine, and Cantus left on his minstrel tour earlier this morning.

*ariving at Room 25* Alright cool, well it's great to be back. *unlocks the door and goes in* Well, I think I better go and finish my homework first off, then I've got some Valentine's cards to make and hand out. *starts to open room door*

UD: I wouldn't do-*Ryan opens door and a flood of cards and the like falls on top of him* that...Well, I see you've found all of the sympathy cards from your friends.

Wow! Look at 'em all! It looks like everyone sent something! And look here, Peter, baba, Beth and Ed all sent Valentine's goodies too! Man these guys are great!

UD: Meh, too cheerful if you ask me...*skulks off*

Heh, well I didn't did I? :halo: Hey Cliff, where are ya man?

Clifford: Right here dude, and welcome home! I see you found the little flooding problem we've been havin', heh heh.

Heh, yup found it. So, uh, how was your weekend?

Clifford: It was pretty good man, Bryan's great, but the others, whew! They're crazy!

Crazier than Gonzo?

Clifford: ...Naw! No one beats him!

Heh, you got that right, well I gotta get to my homework and then finish these Valentine's Day cards for everyone in the dorms.

Clifford: Yeah dude I gotta finish my homework too, I still gotta find a date for tonight.

*looks at watch* Cliff...It's 8:30! You can't possibly think you'll find a date this late at night!

Clifford: I've seen it before man, I've seen it before.


Clifford: Naw dude, that's Gonzo!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Computer prombles (thats why I've been away)

*starts to play something on the drums*

Grover: Can I join in?

Go right ahead. *keeps playing*

Grover: *blows his horn*

Herry: Wait for me. *joins in*

Cookie M: Me not have music thingy.

*music stops*

Herry: You could tap your foot.

Grover: Or clap.

Cookie M: Me clap and tap feet.

*music starts up again*


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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The intermeantal version of "Looking for Kermit" is being played in room 26 but singing a whole different song to it.

Happy Valentine!

Happy Valentine!

Happy Valentine!

Happy Valentine!

Rotten Valentine! *slams trashlid*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Well... Seems Ryan's back, and the dorms are all the better for it.
Count: Yes, that's one more cheerful dormer!
Yep... Hope he finds the stuff we sent to his liking. Uncle Deadly took the box of 7-layer squares with him?
Count: Yes, all wrapped up and ready for Ryan to share with his roomies.

Hexcellent. Think I'll head off to sleep soon.

Things to do tomorrow, at least I'll be home from school and will try to get as much done as possible.

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Kim: *groans* If anyone calls tomorrow wanting me to sub, either at the school or the library, I will not be a happy person.
Gillis: Still tired, hm?
Kim: Oh, you'd better believe it. By the way, you all found your Valentine's cards and gifts I hope?
Tosh: Yeah, we did; thanks a lot!
Betty Lou: Yes! I really loved the hair ribbons! *shows off her pigtails, which now have red ribbons tied at the ends*
Kim: Good.
Boober: Oh, I almost forgot; this came for you in the mail today. *hands Kim a box*
Kim: Thanks, Boober. *opens it* Great, the Nancy Drew I ordered! *goes to the bookshelf and puts the book in with the others*
Tosh: Who's Nancy Drew?
Kim: She's a girl detective in my favorite book series. Believe it or not, she's been around since the early 1900s.
Betty Lou: Wow, that's old!
Kim: For humans, yeah. But Nancy's a make-believe character, so she can stay eighteen years old forever and still solve mysteries. *yawns* 'Scuse me. Must be more tired than I thought.
Gillis: Why don't you go to bed, then?
Kim: Because I've got one more thing to share with you guys. *goes to the fridge and pulls out a chocolate cake* Helped my mom bake this over the weekend, although she did the actual decorating. Thought I'd share it with you guys tonight. What do you think?
Betty Lou: Looks great, Kim! Your mom's a really good cake decorator.
Tosh: It's so pretty. ...Are we allowed to eat those little flowers on the top?
Kim: Sure; they're made of frosting. *starts to cut the cake and put it on plates*
Boober: *pokes his cake with his fork* Looks okay...
Gillis: Are you going to eat it or buy it, boy?
Boober: *ignores Gillis, takes a bite of his cake* Tastes okay. *looks at Kim* And you said you made this?
Kim: Ha-ha. Very funny, smarty fraggle.



Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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*Still playing long into the night at the moviehouse, the Happy Lover's Day concert going on. It's just the Country Trio now, as she and Scooter are sitting outside on the bench in the crisp air.*

Renee: Woah...loved how you're coming along with that guitar, Scooter. Sounds really great!

Scooter: It's not as good as your saxophone is though. You must've learned from Zoot or something, huh?

Renee: Well, I took some band classes, but otherwise I've taught myself.

Scooter: *Finallys notices the tshirt that she's been wearing all night long, that black tshirt with a broken heart on it.* Not really a fan of V-Day, huh?

Renee: Well, it always seems to bring up bad memories. Petty ones of course, but still bad nonetheless. I never had gotten anything on V-Day. All those popular girls, they always got those teddy bears bigger then they were, or dozens of roses, or tons of candy! Could have done without the candy of course, but....I dunno. *She looks over to the side, away from him. She feels his hand on hers, and she looks over at him.*

Scooter: I hope you won't mind this then. *He reaches into an inside pocket of his jacket, and he pulls out a small box. He opens it up to her. Inside is a small necklace with a beautiful hematite heart on it.*

Renee: Scooter....you didn't have....oh.....*She smiles at him, and looks at the necklace underneath the street light. It didn't do justice to it. A simple silver necklace with a simple silvery-black heart on it.*

Scooter: *He gently pulls the necklace out from the box, and gently places it around her neck. He smiles as she turns back towards him, the necklace hanging properly.* So you like it?

Renee: Yeah. Thank you so much! *She hugs him, and they hear the small crowd inside the moviehouse applauding inside for The Country Trio.*

*The two stand up, holding their instruments, and they go back inside to continue more of their concert.*


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Robin: <looks over Lisa's shoulder at computer screen> What'cha doin?
Lisa: Wha!
Robin: Did I scare you?
Lisa: Yes, actually, you did. I thought I was the only one in the room awake. Robin, you should have gone to sleep HOURS ago. I thought you DID go to sleep- why are you still up?
Robin: Because I'm not tired.
Lisa: <sigh>
Robin: Why are you still up? Can't sleep?
Lisa: No, it's not that I can't sleep, it's just that- well, I have a- <yawns> a paper due tomorrow for English that I need to finish...
Robin: Oh. ...How long is that gonna take?
Lisa: Who knows. But you, young frog, should be asleep.
Robin: But I'm not tired.
Lisa: I know... But trust me, as soon as you lay down, you'll probably fall right to sleep.
Robin: <shakes head> I don't think so.
Lisa: Well, I do. And even if I'm wrong, you'll want your energy tomorrow.
Robin: But...
Lisa: Tell you what. If you go to bed now, then... I'll read you a bed time story. How 'bout that?
Robin: Don't you have to write your paper?
Lisa: Well, yeah, but... Okay, I'll read you a relatively short bed time story. Deal?
Robin: Okay... what story?
Lisa: How about The Giving Tree?
Robin: Okay.
Lisa: Alright. You get in bed, and I'll be there in a minute to read.
Robin: Okay. Oh, hey Lisa?
Lisa: Yes, Robin?
Robin: Happy Valentine's Day.
Lisa: <glances at clock> Happy Valentine's Day. Good timing, Robin, we won't be able to say that anymore in a few minutes. It's almost midnight. ...Robin?
Robin: zzz...
Lisa: <shakes head> So much for "not tired."


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2003
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Rizzo: Hey, what are these little white boxes?
Pepe: And look, they've got little Kermin heads in them, Hokay, what gives?
Me: Well, since I've just reached Senior Member status, we were each given little badges, that show our admittance into the Senior Lounge.
Rizzo: Oh boy, bring on the food.
Pepe: Forget food, bring on the women, Hokay.
Me: You guys never change (rolls eyes)

(Oh and as for my Birthday yesterday, I got only one Muppet item, The Muppet Movie, now all I need to do is get the other two 50th anniversary DVDs and Muppet Wizard Of Oz, and then I'm all set)
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