Bry: Oh no!
Telly: What, what!
Bry: Kyle is sick. So is Ryan.
Telly: Oh no!
Bry: I know...
Rosita: You know?
Big Bird: Uno? I love that game!
Rosita: Hehe! Oh, Big Bird.
Bry: Everyone is getting sick now. It's getting to be that time of year. Good thing I was only sick for a couple days. I usually get a cold around November-December though.
Rosita: Yeah, and Snuffy was sick for a long time.
Telly: Hey, do you guys hear that?
(music: dun dirnk duh-dunt, duh dirnk duh-dunt...)
Big Bird: I only know one guy who has that theme song...
Snuffy: I'm baaack!
Big Bird: Snuffy!!
Snuffy: (coming in through the caveroom back entrance) Hey, Bird!
Big Bird: Oh, Snuffy! Welcome back. Did you have a good time with your family?
Snuffy: I sure did. But I also missed being here with my favorite feathered friend.
Big Bird: I missed you too, old pal!
Snuffy: Oh, Bird, you should have been there.
Big Bird: Did your Uncle Edgar do that thing where he balances cabbages on his snuffle?
Snuffy: He sure did.
Big Bird: Haha! (to me) I love when he does that!
Bry: Ooh.
Snuffy: He got up to 6 stacked cabbages this time which was amazing until Great Aunt Sheila knocked them down with her newest hula. Oh, It was the Snuffleupagus family reunion of all Snuffleupagus family reunions.
Bry: Try saying that three times fast.
Telly: (trying to talk fast) ItwastheSnuffleupagusfamily reuniodnsjsakdalia...OOh! I can't do it!
Rosita: (patting him on the back) Aww...that's okay, Telly.
Snuffy: O-hoho. Oh! And check this out...(takes a long breath through his snuffle) All cleared up!
Big Bird: Yay!
Snuffy: Yeah, i know that I was starting to feel all better last week, but being at home my mommy knew all the right things to do.
Bry: That's wonderful! A lot of other people around here are starting to get sick now though.
Telly: Eh, it's what you get for living in a dorm.
Bry: Well, it's really good having you back with us, Snuffy. (petting his snuffle) How about some lunch?
Big Bird: Yeah, and then after lunch we can go outside and play in the leaves.
Snuffy: You don't have to ask me twice! O-hohoho!