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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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ARGH! I can't believe we forgot the Count's birthday!
Prairie:Relax Kath.Things have been tough for you so far these past few days.We'll send him a belated birthday card.Grover's birthday is this upcoming Friday so we'll go to the mall tonight.
Prairie:Awww Kath *hugging me* you're just having an off week.Things'll get better. That dream about your dad really got you upset the other day huh?
Yeah. Prairie...I miss him.
Prairie:I know you do.But he'll always be with you.
Prairie:Let's go get something at "Everybody Eats"


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Red: Did you say Everybody Eats? Can we join you two?
Mokey: Yeah, Beth's at work and we don't have classes right now.
Red: And Everybody Eats is our favorite restaraunt!
Mokey: That's because they have everything
Red: So, what are you guys getting for Grover?


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Rosita: (looking at the calendar) Wow! A lot of birthdays this week. Count's was just a few days ago, Grover has one on Friday and then Telly's birthday is on Sunday.
Big Bird: Oh, boy! I love birthdays!
Bry: Hey, we got a letter from The Count thanking us for his birthday gifts. He says he especially enjoyed the number 8, Big Bird.
Big Bird: Oh good!
Bry: Snuffy, why aren't you getting better?
Stinky: It is flu season, ya know!
Bry: Okay, that's it. Rosita, Big Bird, Telly, we are all getting flu shots today.
Telly: Shots?!
(Rosita, Big Bird and Telly run away down the hallway to hide screaming "Nooo!!")
Snuffy: Oh dear...
Bry: Don't worry, I'll track them down in a minute. There's gotta be something we aren't doing right. Is this normal, Snuffy? I mean, you have been like this for about a week. I know it takes time but you have been getting worse. We have the cabbage soup by the pot full, you've been resting when you can...I don't get it.
Snuffy: I dunno. It seems like we are doing everything right.
Stinky: I wish I could help!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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redBoobergurl said:
Red: Did you say Everybody Eats? Can we join you two?
Mokey: Yeah, Beth's at work and we don't have classes right now.
Red: And Everybody Eats is our favorite restaraunt!
Mokey: That's because they have everything
Red: So, what are you guys getting for Grover?
Sure! You can come with us!
Prairie: Definitely! It'll be tough to decide what to get for lovable furry Grover,though.
You guys got any ideas? Grover's a sweetie but so hard to buy for!
Prairie: Let's decide while the 4 of us go out to eat. Oh...by the way Red?Is there cheerleading practice tonight?


Active Member
Sep 16, 2005
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KC: So what do you wanna do, girl!
Janice: Like, I dunno. I tried calling, Floyd, but no answer.
KC: Sorry. Wanna go to the pool and check out the boys?
Janice: They always check out us!
KC & Janice: FER SURE!
KC: Oh, we still haven't given our robe ideas to Ed.
Janice: I know. Like you've been busy.
KC: Yeah. What do you think?
Janice: I don't rully even know. I think I want to be surprised. Ed would know what I like.
KC: OK. I'll tell him. Then we have to decide what to be for halloween. Kyle is gonna take pictures and we wanna look good.
Janice: Totally!
KC: Okay, well lets go down to the pool now. We drop off the robe stuff to Ed on the way. Hey, I think I wanna see if Kyle wants to join us at the pool.
Janice: OK! :flirt:

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Watching baseball game... *Comes to door, and takes robe ideas from KC and Janice.
Thanks, will work on these ASAP. Might have something later.

Oh, and here's a current copy of the dorms register for all interested.
Muppet College Dorms Registry
Room #1: The Count (MC, Eduardo) and The Count von Count.
Room #2 Christyb and Gobo Fraggle and Sprocket.
Room #3: redBoobergurl (Beth) and Mokey Fraggle and Red Fraggle.
Room #4: Fozzie Bear (MC, Kevin) and Fozzie Bear.
Room #5: Vic Romano (Dave) and Bert and Ernie.
Room #6: katsy428 (Kathy) and Prairie Dawn.
Room #10: tutter_fan and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker.
Room #14: Beauregard (MC, Matt or Bo) and Beauregard and Bobo the Bear Guard.
Room #15: SkeeterMuppet (Kim) and Boober Fraggle, Tosh Fraggle, The Beast, and Gillis Fraggle.
Room #18: T-Bird Chick (Madison) and Scooter.
Room #19: Vibs (Louise) and The Newsman and Lewis Kazagger.
Room #21: McFraggle and Kermit The Frog and Sam the Eagle.
*Room #22: That Announcer and Julius Strangepork, Dr. Phil van Neuter, and Marvin Suggs.
Room #23: RedDragon (Nyssa) and Ludo and Ambrosius.
Room #24: TogetherAgain (Lisa) and Rowlf The Dog, The Swedish Chef, and Robin the Frog.
Room #25: theprawncracker (Ryan) and Gonzo the Great, Camilla the Chicken, Clifford, and Uncle Deadly.
Room #26: Erine81981 (Kyle) and Cookie Monster, Grover Monster, and Herry Monster.
Oscar The Grouch lives in his trashcan in Floor 2's Common Room, and pals around with Kyle.
Room #27: tvlistingman (Peter) and Elmo and Zoe.
Room #29: Bear (MC, Bryan) and Big Bird, Rosita, Snuffy, and Telly Monster.
Room #32: Harvey Towers and Johnny Fiama and Sal Manilla.
Room #33: JaniceFerSure (Diana) and Dr. Teeth, Floyd Pepper, and Zoot.
Room #38: Fragglemuppet (Kate) and Wembley Fraggle and Lou Fraggle.
Room #41: Docnzhoss (Ryan or Doc) and Link Hogthrob.
Room #52: radio boy (Mark) and Thog.
Room #56: G-Man (Gerard) and Rizzo the Rat and Pepe the King Prawn.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Hey guys.

Clifford: It's only me man.

Oh, hey Cliff what's goin' on?

Clifford: Not much dude. Just thinkin' 'bout the big game on Friday. It's Homecoming you know!

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's just that my school's having homecoming the same day! I don't think I'll make the game! You won't be upset will you?

Clifford: Naw man, it's cool. I understand. You've got a girl to tend to!

Thanks Cliff. So where are the others?

Clifford: They all went out lookin' for Halloween costumes.

I thought Gonzo was going to get out his old Dirth Nadar costume.

He is, he was just goin' with Camilla to buy her costume.

Oh, ok, well I've got a fan-fic to type.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(Coming back from doctor)

Telly: Ow, I can't believe you made us do that!
Bry: Hey, we need our flu shots if we want to keep from getting sick. And since Snuffy is already sick, I don't wanna take any chances.
Big Bird: My wing is sore. Because of that, I won't be able to fly for atleast a week.
Bry: Big Bird, you never could fly.
Big Bird: Oh, well, just the same.
Rosita: Now, come on. It wasn't that bad. Atleast we got lollipops after.
Bry: But now you will have a better chance of having a healthy season and you can go out and play more. Snuffy can't do that right now.
Big Bird: Have we figured out why?
Bry: No, but I should call his mom and figure out what is missing.
Big Bird: Maybe he needs a flu shot.
Bry: Well, he is already sick so I think it is kinda late for that.
Big Bird: Hey, Radar, I hope you don't get sick. We should have had the doctor give you a shot too.
Bry: Oh, I think Radar will be fine.
Big Bird: He will?
Bry: Yep! Teddy bears have very strong immune systems.
Big Bird: Oh, well thats good!
Bry: And, Telly, you don't wanna be sick on your birthday, do you?
Telly: No waay! Hey, what are ya gonna get me??
Bry: Not telling.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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Peter: Boy, That pizza is sure good

Zoe: Yeah!

Elmo: Me Too! (feeds his fish)

Peter: Night Night Zoe and Elmo

Zoe: Night Night Peter, Night Night Elmo

Elmo: Night Night Zoe, Night Night Peter

Peter: GOOOOOOOOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!, BTW, is it all right if I see Snuffy to give him something that will make him feel better

Elmo: Sure thing!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Hangs up robes from the tail of the candle holder next to Room #30's door. Hope they like these, and if they have any objections I hope they LMK for any needed alterations.

Room #30: Spamela (KC) and Janice.
KC has a midnight black silken bodied robe, with see-through black sleeves. The robe features ruby red lace trimming, "KC" written in red cursive on the left breast side, a small pocket on the right for her compact, a red lace sash tied in a bow around her waist, and the robe's ends loosely flapping at her mid-thighs.
Janice has a softened lily white bodied robe, with see-through white sleeves. The robe features twined black licorice trimming, a pocket on the front left for her sunglasses and pocket mirror, red kisses printed across the robe's body, white waves along the robe's bottom edges, and flapping ends showing off her legs.
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