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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Sep 16, 2005
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KC: Wow, Janice! I guess we are roomies now!

Janice: Like, I know!

KC: We're gonna have a total blast here, huh?

Janice: Fer sure!

KC: Why are we yelling everything!?

Janice: Umm....I dunno!!


KC: We're excited that's why. So have you met anyone here yet?

Janice: No. I've been trying to find my Floydie, but I like don't see him anywher..

KC: Yeah...well, i met a cute purple guy with dreads by the pool.

Janice: Oh, that's Clifford.

KC: Yeah, you can have him in the meantime. Better hurry before I snatch him away!

Janice: Don't you have a boyfriend?

KC: Pfft..I did up until a couple dayz ago.

Janice: Oh no! Like that is soo terrible. What happened?

KC: Long story but I am so glad its over. The man was a jerk! But I've been lookin' around campus a bit and I think i might have met someone...we'll see...:flirt:

Janice: Ooooh you are so crazy!! Oh, Ed said that we have to give him robe designs.

KC: Oh yeah?

Janice: Like rully.

KC: OK, we can do that tonight after I go down to the jacuzzi for a while. Wanna come, girl?

Janice: Fer sure! Let me change into my biki-ni!!
KC: Me too!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Heh... Guess it was a good thing the pool area was open yesterday and everyone found it easily. I think Red might have some competition when it comes to ruling the pool.
If anyone needs help with brainstorming robe design ideas, youu can go back to post #3900 or so, the one that's marked "Dorms Anniversary" and check out the parade of robes we had back then. Or they can contact me directly and we can talk about it.
Oh well, good thing tomorrow's Friday and I got no classes. Let's hear it for the weekend!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Prairie: WHEW! My muscles hurt from cheerleading!
Ouch!You OK?
Prairie:Yeah...I'm fine thanks.:smile: Red was telling all of us not to overdo it.So I've been taking it easy on days when we don't have games or practice.
Good idea.Soaking in a tub filled with hot water helps too.
Prairie:Think Ernie'd let me borrow his rubber duckie?
Sorry Prairie,but I think Ernie's little yellow pal is off limits.He knows how to share;don't get me wrong. But Ernie's really attached to Rubber Duckie.You can soak with my lilac bubbles if you want.
Prairie:Oooohhh..thanks Kathy!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2005
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PETER: We'll It is A Great Night, Good Night Elmo and Zoe

ELMO: Good Night Peter, Good Night Zoe!

ZOE: Good Night Elmo!, Good Night Peter!

ELMO: Me Too

ZOE: Me Three

PETER: And I hear there's someone moving into the Dorms, Bunsen and tutterfan and Spamela and Janice

ELMO: Nice


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Rowlf: Hey... Lisa?
Lisa: Mm?
Rowlf: You okay? It's been pretty rough tryin' to talk to you the past few days.
Lisa: Yeah... it's gonna have to stay like that for a little, too. Past two days have been Rosh Hashanah, and now I've gotta make up the school work that I missed, and do all the stuff that's being assigned now... <sigh> It's a little over whelming.
Rowlf: Clearly. You haven't even noticed anything that's been going on in the dorms.
Lisa: I haven't? What's been going on?
Rowlf: Ryan came back, Janice moved into room 30 with someone... think it was KC? And Kim's grandmother died.
Lisa: Oh! I have missed a lot! Man, I've gotta pay more attention around here...
Rowlf: But if you've got work to do, you should take care of that first.
Lisa: I know. But hey, did anyone do anything for Kim? ...That's a silly question, isn't in?
Rowlf: Sure is. Lot of dormies left some stuff for her outside her door. Robin made her a card, Chef made her a... well, something that he claims is edible, and I gave her some flowers. Looked like there were a lot of flowers.
Lisa: Yeah. Well, if you see her, give her a hug for me, okay? I've gotta keep working.
Rowlf: This late, shouldn't you be sleeping?
Lisa: So I should... <sigh> Goodnight, Rowlf. Shanah Tovah.
Rowlf: Beg pardon?
Lisa: Shanah Tovah. It's Hebrew. It means "good year." Rosh Hashanah is the start of the Jewish New Year.
Rowlf: Right. Uh, Shanah Tovah. Sleep good.
Lisa: You too, Rowlf.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Though my agenda's packed with things, one of those is a certain story for the friends here at MC. Wonder if I should work on it and post it tomorrow instead of next week when we have Homecoming here at the dorms? Oh well, it can wait for a while. But it might give some guys a few costume ideas as I weave them into the story.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover, Herry and Cookie M: Yes Kyle?

Have ya'll got into the candy again?

Grover: Yea, me and Herry did. Cookie wasn't with us.

Thats ok just next time ask me. Sorry if I'm talking down to ya'll. I'm sorry guys.

Herry: Thats ok Kyle. Sorry we didn't ask about the candy. We won't do it again. We promise.

Grover: Yes, we promise.

Thanks Guys. I love ya'll with all my heart. So don't ever think I don't. I like living with you guys. Growing up with Sesame Street on TV was fun seeing ya'll on there. Group Hug! *hugs together* We'll I see ya'll tomorrow. I'm heading off to bed. Good Night.

Grover: Good Night Kyle.

Herry: Sleep tight.

Cookie M: Don't let bed bugs bite.

Ok guys. *goes off to bed*


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Dee: Morning everyone.I finished Alan Alda's memoir,twas a good read.Started 'A Clockwork Orange' and 'Jaws',also watching Labyrinth on dvd.Going to make some raisin bread and some brownies,something to munch on for the weekend.How is school going Count,miss you much,my batty friend.I say this,because,I've be busy at work(this past month and the next month are very strenuous).I noticed the new Lemony Snicket book #12 getting ready to ship out next week.Looking forward to Jerry Lewis' memoir,coming out in 2 weeks.Have a good day everybody.

Floyd: Brownies,yummy.Been a long time since you've been able to bake Di.

Dee: Too true. *watches the Sir Didymus scene of Labyrinth*


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Beth: Ah, Labyrinth. Such a good movie Dee.
Red: Yes it is, we should watch it this weekend
Mokey: But what about the game tonight?
Red: Well I didn't say we should watch it tonight! So, are you guys coming to the game?
Beth: I wouldn't miss it!
Mokey: I am, I don't know if I want to ride the bus though.
Beth: Well, I suppose I could drive us if you want Mokey, but I think it's kind of far away and it's a late game tonight too
Mokey: Ok, we can ride the bus with everyone else then
Red: Well, I'm going to go down and check on the pool, I've been so busy cheerleading I haven't been down there taking care of it, and lots of people have been hanging out there
Mokey: I think I'll go outside and paint today. It's a beautiful day
Beth: Well I've got some work to do so I'll see you ladies later
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