Heh. Not so much a camping trip as just "camp." I wish it was real camping, with a tent and no bathroom and no shower and "oh, jeans count as shabbat clothes, sure!" But instead, it's cabins, and cold showers, and hot drinking fountains, and "skirts must be finger-tip length at least, and ladies, you can't wear pants durring shabbat services! Only during your free time" and most of my friends who usually go aren't going this year. Still, enjoyable, if only because we get to bang on the tables and sing at the top of our lungs. And don't you worry, Nyssa, I'll be right there with you on the first day of school. I get home about an hour and half before it starts, and thank goodness it's a late start day, or I'd miss my one chance to talk to the teacher about this stupid summer reading assignment.
Chef: Speekeeng ooff zee soommer reedeeng esseegnment, hoo's thet gueeng? Is it dune-a yet?
No, not done yet. It's being annoying, and for some reason I'm not figuring some of these questions out at all. I'll probably work on it a little more today, but right now, I need to pack.
Rowlf: Let's see, you've got short sleeve shirts, long sleeve shirts, a sweatshirt... are you sure you need that much of a variety of clothes?
Yes. Trust me, I've been going for a few years. Sometimes it's roasting, sometimes you spend the entire week in a sweatshirt. One year, before I started going, it even snowed.
Chef: Snoo? In Oogoost?
Yes, snow in August. It's called Northern Wisconsin climate. I won't know exactly what the weather will be like until I get there. Although I'm willing to bet that first thing in the morning I won't want to get out of bed. It'll be freezing cold then. But, oh well. Let's see, what else do I need... winter coat, bedsheet, sleeping bag...
Rowlf: Wanna just look at the list?
Nah, lemme see how much I can remember on my own first... pants are still in the dryer... toiletries I still need... oh, siddur and tallit. Which siddur should I bring, guys?
Rowlf: What's a see-door?
It's a prayer book. I have three copies of the one we use. Should I bring hardcover, OA, or CHUSY?
Rowlf: What?
Never mind, let's get dinner.