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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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LUDO, hang some streamers over there. AMBROSIUS, blow up more ballons. I'll get the snacks and put on some music. LUDO, hang the banner over there. BIGGER, Ambrosius, they need to be BIGGER. Come on guys. Good morning all! I hope you all have a fun day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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Par-tay! Yayayayayayayayayayayayayay!
Chef, you're coming, right?

Chef: Reeght. Um de hur de hur de hur.

Good! I think I'll head over early and help with the party prep. It can be such a hassle sometimes, I figure she could use a hand.

Chef: Elreeght. Um de hur de hur de hur. Ooh, iff yuoo see-a Id, tell heem thunks fur zee grucereees. Um gesh de bork, bork!

<gives Chef crazy look> Thank him yourself! I'm not a messenger girl.

Chef: Elreeght, I veell.

Good. See ya in a bit.

<goes to room 8>

Hey Nyssa, happy sweet sixteen! Need a hand for the party?

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Huh? The party started already? Well, before Kyle and the Monsters beat me to it...

*Shows up decked in suit, along with Count von Count well-dressed and about three additional bats for chorus.

Cvc: 16 Candles!
Me: Make a lovely light.
But not as bright.
Aas your eyes tonight!

*Bats harmonizing and keeping time with the backbeat.
CvC: Blow out the candles.
And make your vish come true.
Me: For I'll be wishing.
That you love me too.
CvC: That you love me too.

*High notes.
Me: You're only sixteen.
You're my teenage queen.
CvC: You're the prettiest, loveliest girl I've ever seen.
I've ever seen!

*Bats again.
CvC: 16 Candles.
Feel my heartfelt glow.
Me: Forever and ever.
I'll love you so.

CvC: You're only sixteen.
But you're my teenage queen.
Me: You're the prettiest, loveliest girl Iiii've ever seen.
I've ever seen.

CvC: 16 Candles.
Feel my heartfelt glow.
Me: Forever and ever...

*Big finish.
I'll loooooove yoooou soooooooo.
CvC and bats: Love you so.
Happy B-Day Nyssa and enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Awe, thanks Ed. Your so great.

And Lisa of course it could use some help.


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*starts playing the Herbie theme* Now thats what I call a neat little song.

Grover: We have to get ready for the party tonight.

I have to go to work at 4 and won't be able to see or be here.

Grover: We'll do something about that.

Herry: Got the you know what present.

Good! Now just wrapping it up.

Grover: I'll do that. *goes off to wrap the present*

Since I still have time. Lets go over to her room and do something speical.

Cookie M: Sound good to me.

Goes over to room 8....... *knock knock*

Ok guys hit! *a band of anything muppets start playing "Happy Birthday to you"*

Me: When it's my birthday, it really is great
I pull up the covers and I sleep really late
I'll take a nice hot bath with millions of bubbles
I'll read a good book and forget all my troubles
And that's my special way
To spend my very special day
And that's the way it's always gonna be
When I say, "Happy Birthday to me!"

Count comes in

Count Von Count: When it's my birthday, I never will fail
To count all the cards that I get in the mail
I count the cake and candles up on the shelf
And count all the gifts that I give to myself
One present, two presents, three presents, four presents,
Five beautiful presents! 'A 'a 'a! (thunder and lightning)
And that's my special way
To spend my very special day
And that's the way it's always going to be
When I say happy, say happy,
Say, "Happy Birthday to me!"

Oscar comes in and sticks his head out of the trashcan

Oscar: When it's my birthday, I hope that we get
A cold rainy day so my presents get wet
I'll put some extra fish on my birthday cake
And tell all my friends to go jump in the lake
And that's my special way, heh heh,
To spend my very special day
And that's the way it's always gonna be
When I say, "Happy Birthday to me!"
(goes back into trashcan, and the lid bangs him on his head) Ow!

Me: Ok your turn Nyssa. Sing!

(Herry and Cookie Monster comes in with a big birthday cake!)

Nyssa: When it's my birthday, I think that I'll spend
The whole day out playing with my all my friends at MCD
When I see lots of candles, I'll give a shout
And I'll let my friends help me blow them out
And that's my special way
To spend my very special day
And that's the way it's always gonna be
When I say, "Happy Birthday to me!"
(The gang of MCD comes in with a birthday cake. Herry snezzes and the cake splatters up against Nyssa's door.)

Herry: Woops!

Count: To me!

Oscar: To me!

Nyssa: To me!

All: To me!

(Oscar throws his cake on the ground and it lands with a 'squish')


Oscar: What?!

*points to cake on floor*

Oscar: I just love making a mess he he he he he he he.....

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*After dropping off gift for Nyssa's birthday at her room, it's the one wrapped in black bat wrapping paper...

Count: That's 1, 1 crazy party here at the dorms!
*Thunder and lightning are heard from outside.

*Count reaches Room #1 and goes in to find...
Me (rockin' on): Yeah.
Probability, don't you mess with me, cause I got a ghost of a chance.
Probability, don't you mess with me. Cause I got a ghost of a chance.

Count: Ewerything all fright Eduardo?
Oh hi Count. Yeah, just checked my credit card account and the charge for my two Uncle Deadly figures finally appeared.
Hopefully, they'll be shipping next week. And we also have to keep an eye out for the pack from PCC with the 2 FSL Kermits.
Count: Vonderful! More items for the collection counts.
Yep, it's going good now. We'll soon have five of the items that'll make up the row for S10, including 10X for the product guide and our display as well.

Oh BTW: Got three castle dwellers finished up, still working on some more to send to my artist friend.
Count: That's ewen better. Well, let's get some sleep my friend.
Sure thing Count, be there in a little while.

Good night to all in MC Dorms.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Hey guys, hurry up! It's time for Nyssa's party!

UD: Fright away!

Lew: Can I bring my boomerang fish?

Penguin: Will there be cake?

Mahna: Mahna Mahna.

Yeah, sure, whatever, just come on!

(They all walk to Nyssa's room)

Party! Hey Lisa, hey Chef! Ed, Count nice to see you again! Kyle, Grover, Cookie, Herry, Oscar haven't seen you guys in a while! Hey Nyssa! Happy B-day! Um... UD brought your present, but I don't know if you'll want it, it's kinda creepy.

UD: What is creepy about a mumified hand?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Dr. Teeth: Hey Count,can you have your bats deliver this package to Nyssa's room,from all of us in room #33.It contains homade cookies from Dee: oatmeal raisin chocolate chip,a Sweet #16 t-shirt,& bath products to make bath-time lots of fun(as Ernie would say).

Floyd: I just looked upon the MirrorMask site,and low and behold the trailer has caught my sight as one of the best fantasy movies that will be released in oh such a long time.

Zoot: <playing Claire de Lune on his sax>

Dee: Happy belated Birthday Nyssa,wow Sweet 16.Hope your birthday party was a fun one,your day was great & your wishes came true!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Hey Nyssa, happy belated birthday! I was in a parade last night so I missed your party, but my roomie here sure had fun, she's still sleeping.
*Red snores loudly*
Anyway, I hope you had a great birthday! Did Red give you the basket of goodies we made? There should be chocolate chip cookies, doozer dust cookies (Red's favorite), some bubble bath and one of our favorite movies "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" for you to enjoy!
*Red continues snoring*
Well, hope everyone is having a good weekend around the dorms. When's the big post party? I should be around for that one, I think it's tomorrow. Oh well, I'm going to let my roomie sleep and go do some shopping. See you all later!
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