Thanks guys. But truth be told, those patties were bought at the store yesterday. Glad everyone had fun at the Memorial Day dinner here in the dorms. Grabbed meself two burgers and topped them with all the good stuff here on the counter, except for cheese.
Served one to my roomie and I had the other, with a serving of both salads. Kath, the potato salad was rully good. Have you tried it with either radishes (pink potato salad) or with pieces of apple in it?
The Flag cake was good, my pet bat ate off the whipped cream, don't rully care for that stuff as a topping on my desserts. And the Adam's apple pie was hexcellent, just hope others got to try it.
Got some more recipes for the rest of the summer, and I might have a surprise for you guys tomorrow whiling away the hours on campus.
Well, good night, gotta get to sleep.
Count: Don't vorry about the mess, the bats and some helpful souls will get it all cleared away. I'll be there counting sheep after overseeing the clean up.
OK then, I'll be snoozing in a few secs. Good night to all.