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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Glad to see more people and muppets moving in.

Grover: Who?

Well we have, Ryan with Uncle Deadly, Lew Zeland and a Penquin. Then you have Angela & Bobo Bear too.

Grover: Hmmmmm? *scratches head and walks on*

Seems he would do that. Wonder what he was thinking? Oh well glad to have ya'll all here. *shakes hands with, Ryan, UD, LZ, a penguin, Bobo Bear and Angela as they go by or in the room across the way*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Kyle, don't forget, Ryan's also got Mahna Mahna as his fourth roommate.
Just leave the discs in their carrying case and LMK when you're finished with them. There's a total of 24 discs with three episodes each, spanning Season 1 and 2 in their entirety and a third of Season 3 and some Season 4 and 5 episodes sprinkled in.

Hey, these brains are delicious, must remember to thank the Chef for making them. Wonder why something truly clever like that couldn't have been done for MTI though.
And the bit with the Wizard Temptress was another of my fave parts. The bit with the Wizard and Dorothy after was funny too, guess he shoulda listened to SNL and bought his trap doors from Wilson's.
Heh, and that'd be another potshot, directly aimed at Jeffrey Tambor himself, at least his character from Home Improvements.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Hello new dormies! Welcome to all of you!
Red: Yes, welcome!!!
So Red, did you like MWoO?
Red: Yeah, it was so good! It was fun to watch with all of our dormmate friends!
I agree! So, are we still on for the park tomorrow?
Red: Yep! I have some sandwiches packed for us to eat and frisbees to bring for the frisbee tournie!
Rock on! It will be fun! Everyone is welcome to join us tomorrow afternoon, probably around 1 or 2:00 right Red?
Red: Yeah, that sounds good! I hope everyone can join us for a fun afternoon at the park!
Well, I'm going to get ready for bed. See you all tomorrow!
Red: Good night!


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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<stumbles into room 9>
Are you related to Frank Oz?
<collapses on couch>
zzzzzzzzzzzgood moviezzzzzzzzzzzzzzfrisbee zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tomorrowzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz chefzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz MWoOzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz last strawzzzzzzzzzzz camillazzzzzzzzzzzzz filled outzzzzzzzzzzzzzz when I'm zzzzzzzzzwith youzzzzzzzzzz statler and waldorfzzzzzzzzzzzz nightzzzzzzzzzz

Chef: guudneeght Leesa

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey guys, hope everybody either has slept or are still sleeping well. Why am I up and on the boards now? Cuase the stinkin' electrical repairmen are gonna tinker with the system for the second Saturday in a row and knock out my connections for most of the day. I'll probably end up going to the campus and watching a couple of movies about Canada for one of my Law courses.
Heh, why can't they be more like The Electric Company and recognize the importance of a person's Saturday morning? Oh well.

Anyway, twas a good movie last night, and I wanted to share something with you guys before I forget. The curious thing is that though I might have blind batty eyes in real life, I have perfect sight when fully immersed in my own dreams. Had a couple of good dreams last night, and one of them relates to the Muppets and this board.
Started when examining a Baby Rowlf in some sort of toy vehicle polystone statue produced and released by Palisades, with an ad for a second Baby Kermit statue on the back. That led to checking out the other shelves on one of these metallic racks that has square bins attached to it on all four sides. When going to one of the other bins, that's where Kermit took over talking about MWoO. He was seated in an innertube and was floating down the swampy river. Miss Piggy was in a second innertube and just catching up to Kermie. The frog then bumped his innertube against the pig's to bounce off of her and move further downstream in a hurry. That's when the dream switched to the forums.
You know how sometimes you read a post here, and then go back a few posts to read the ones that came before? Well, that sort of happened here also. Gonna try to put this in order as best I can.
1 The next poster/tuber was Ernie, trying to catch up to someone who had posted just before him, maybe it was Bert or not to get that swimmer into his double tube.
2 I was standing on a deck surbeying the scene and saw Big Bird floating down on a yellow innertube, standing up on the rim with a parasol shading him from the sun set up on the tube's rim as well.
3 Then I went back up a few posts to find what I had missed.
4 That's where I found BB standing on the deck and getting his things ready. For some reason, he refered to me as Mr. Goelz. Anyway, Big B had a black innertube at first, which he fell out of after sitting down and trying to get started down the river. He must've made the switch later on.
5 After that encounter, I headed inwards and found these little stalls all lined up in a row along the inner structure's wall. The stalls had placards with forum member's names and a sort of added item based on the user. The names ranged from those here at the dorms to those who aren't. The stalls ended up being... Didn't know at first until approaching one and talking to a woman behind the curtain in the first booth.
Yeah, these were sort of personal fortune teller stands for each member. And that's when I woke up ending the dream.

Hope you guys have a good time, whether it be here at the dorms or down at the park for the frisbee tournament, and I'll talk to you later tonight.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Hey Prairie...I'm going to have to skip the frisbee tournament today. I thought that my bowling league didn't have bowling today,but they do. I'm sorry I can't be there to watch you at the tournament.
Prairie:Oh that's OK Kath. I don't mind. Plus you have that surprise party you're going to for your friend's dad,right?
Right...but that's not until tonight.I'll be back pretty late. Hopefully I won't wake you when I get in.
Prairie: Nah...you know me by now. I can sleep through a hurricane! :smile:
Well good luck.


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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All righty. Sandwiches?
Red: Check
Red: Check
Red: Check
Fake vomit?
Red: What???
Never mind. Well, looks like we're all ready for our afternoon at the park!
Red: Let's go, I can't wait!
Hey I was wondering...how exactly do you have a frisbee tournament?
Red: Well, you can have a farthest throw, who can keep in the air the longest, who hits the most trees, stuff like that.
Oh, ok, I get it now! Well, I think we should head out!
Red: Whoopie!
*girls leave room 3 and head out to stake some room at the park*


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ok guys here we are!

Uncle Deadly: Look fright over there, it's a nice dark room for me to crawl into. If you'll excuse me...*walks off*

Lew: Ha ha, hey look over there, to the right of the TV room, it's our room Mr. Penguin!

Penguin: Squack!

Mahna Mahna: Mahna Mahna?

Ok, ok, I geuss we're bunk mates. So, we have the TV room, Uncle D's room, Lew and penguin's room, and our room. Then over here by UD's room is a bathroom, and there's one in ours. Cool, and that just leaves the kitchen right over there!

Lew*from his room*: Hey roommy! What's for dinner?

We're gonna have fish Lew.

Lew: What!?! We can't eat fish! I need them for my act!

Mahna Mahna: Mahna. Mahna!

Whatever, I geuss we'll just order some pizza.

Uncle Deadly: Well I'm unpacked, I'm going to go strol across the hall and get aquainted with our neighbors. I here they have some monsters in there!

Ok UD I'll come gettcha if your not back when the pizza gets here. Well Mahna, I geuss we should unpack as well, and go meet our other neighbors Whatever and Robin, and floydandjanicefan and Telly. You wanna come with Lew?

Lew: No thanks, I'm gonna organize my fish collection just for the hallibut. But you can take the penguin with you so he doesn't try to eat them.

Ok cool. Let's go unpack.

Mahna Mahna: Mahna Mahna.

UD: Well here's there room. *rings bell*

*Grover and Herry answer the door*

UD: Hello there monsters, I came to get aquainted with you, I just moved in with my roommates next door.

*Grover and Herry introduce themselves*

UD: Well your not scary monsters at all! Oh well, I better be going any way. Catch you on the scary side.

Grover: I hope it is not to scary!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Bat flies in with package for UD.
*Drops it just at the moment he braces to catch the package.

Hope he likes it, a nice homewarming skull. Plus, I think Yorick was lonely without UD to keep him company.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2004
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Dee: Uncle Deadly is my favorite phantom,I think he's just awesome.I think we'll play some frisbee golf early this morning & play some minature golf in the afternoon.I finished Kirstie Alley's autobio. & started on Phillis Diller's autobio. last night.

<EM singing Instant Karma>
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