Back from work.......
Oh glad to be home.
Grover: You got a brown envelope in the mail today.
Must be my books I got off ebay. *opens* Its not the books but an old Sesame Street Live! program. Thats cool. Here you are Grover.
Grover: Hey I remember this. Its my Marshall Grover skit. Me and Fred the wonder horse. Oh how I miss him so. Look its Count, Herry, Big Bird, Gladys the Cow, Oscar, Cookie Mosnter, Ernie and Bert, Prairie Dawn, Two Head Monster, Stuie Monster, Frazzle, Pink Monster, Granny, Teenager (No name)Simon the Soundman and Turquoise. Theres was alot of them. *whew*
You said alot. Where Herry and Cookie Monster?
Grover: At Big Birds.
They went to Sesame Street. Who drove?
Grover: Don't ask me. I thought they were with you.
With Me? No no no no.....
Grover: I'm kidding. There over at the video store.
Oh...*whew*....thats more like it. What they renting?
Grover: "Dumb & Dumber."
Oh that is one funny movie. Jim Carry and Jeff Daniels. Good movie.