Count: Vell... We sometimes join in with the others at the park...
UD: Or at the pool...
Did you ever get a key for that? No? Mmm, let's solve that.
*Hands Kelly a key to the pool area.
It's got a plexiglass dome for sufficient sunlight and to keep rainstorms and other bad weather out. Though it can't keep out the storm when my buddy here's finished counting. *Good natured joking jab.
Count/UD: Other times we go to the library if a story's been updated... Play with our pets... Take in a show once in a while, though we haven't done that in ages.
We keep active, even if it seems like we're just sitting around doing nothing, or so it would seem to those who don't know us very well.
Oh, and then there's Fatatatita. She goes off to play with Gaffer sometimes, but has a host of others she visits regularly collecting trinkets during the haunts or gifting away her trophies. She's quite clever, even managed to get a page of her own on the net, with our help of course.
*Pets the black cat as she purrs contentedly.