Ah ha! Home again, home again. Well, my credit card payment's made, just have to drop it in the mail tomorrow.
Count: "What's that? Ah, 1 red rose!"
Yes, thanks to Christy and Scooter, we'll put it in a little cup of water near our flowery windowbox.
Count: "And there's 1 box of baked cookies from Kathy and PD!"
Thanks, they must've taken you a good amount of time to make.
Count: "And 1 bag of mixed candies and message hearts from JFS!"
Heh, hope she likes the present we got her.
Though it may be late, last I checked the calendar still says it's Valentine's Day. So, as a gift from the Count von Count and myself... we hope you like the chocolate hearts covered with a fine silky spiderweb veil made out of whipped merangue. And JFS, your case holds the special musical heart. It's a chocolate heart big as a double fist with chocolate chips and little bits of coffee mixed in. There are four additional musical notes for you and the band to share. Only the heart is covered with the spiderweb veil. And as for Oscar, well we made some shockolate scaramel candies with a bitter butterscotch glaze. Hope he hates them.
And how could we forget!
Count: "Finishing counting up the candles, almost... there, ready."
*Both wheel in a vanilla frosted heart-shaped birthday cake lined with the candles near the top in two half-arches.
Happy Birthday Christy and G-Man!