Scooter: (getting off phone) That was Steve. Richard's tribute's going to air tomorrow night, 'cause there's a lot of stuff to sort through.
Erin: Wow...maybe we were a little too enthusiastic in sending in our thoughts.
Storyteller: (stirring a pot of stew on stove) Now, now, Richard never did anything half-heartedly.
Nora: Except performing a certain fuzzy red character, but we won't go there.
Beige: Good point. (looks at stove) What's the stew for? We've already eaten.
Storyteller: It's for Kathy and her roommates - Kathy's not been feeling well lately.
Erin: I know - she's had lots of headaches and stuff.
(four portions of stew are soon sent off to Kathy and co.)
Scooter: So, if the show's airing tomorrow...when do we get going on the snacks?
Nora: In the afternoon, I guess - we've got to make the cocoa and popcorn, and there's an ice cream recipe Ed sent over...