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Muppet College Dorms: The Next Semester

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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2003
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(The party is over. Ryan is rather grumpily cleaning up, muttering about "The Departed" and other unknown and unliked winners.)
With a profound feeling of relief, Catherine stands guard as Layla and her roomies traipse down the hall to their room. Once they are safely behind closed doors, Catherine gives a high sign to Kermit, who wonders a little nervously how he is going to conclude this very romantic night without finding himself engaged. He stands and pulls Piggy to her feet, smiling at the blush on her cheek. She takes his hand and follows him and Catherine and Fozzie back to their room.

Fozzie: Wow--for a moment there, I thought I was seeing things.
Catherine and Kermit exchange frantic glances.
Catherine: Oh, but--
Kermit: Um, Fozzie, don't you--
Fozzie: Yeah--first I thought I was seeing double. Then I thought I was really seeing double because the other Miss Piggy had on the same dress as you.
(Time stops, and two out of four figures freeze in terror, waiting for lightning to strike. After a moment or two, Catherine opens her eyes and looks at Piggy quizzically. Piggy rolls her eyes and gives an elaborate shrug.)
Piggy: It looked better on me.
(She sails past them into the room. Everyone else follows in her wake, Fozzie trailing last as he realizes his faux pas.)
Kermit: But--but, you knew? All along? You knew?
Catherine: We were afraid you'd be upset.
(Again, Piggy shrugged. There is something in the gesture that makes Catherine want to hug her roomie, but there is something else that warns her off. She looks at Piggy uncomfortably, but Piggy looks up and gives her room-mate a very direct look.)
Piggy: Moi will see you in a moment, when Moi comes back to the room.
Catherine: (nodding) Okay. (Reluctantly, she goes.)
Fozzie: Night everybody. (He walks slowly to his room, leaving Kermit and Piggy in the main living area.)

(They are very quiet for a moment or two.)
Kermit: So. You, um, knew then.
Piggy: Yes. (She won't look at him.)
Kermit: When did--? Um, how did you find out?
Piggy: (whispering) When you were acting so romantic, trying to keep my attention. I knew something had to be wrong, for you to be behaving so...well....
Kermit: (taking a step towards her) Oh, but I wasn't--um, I didn't just want to, um...Piggy?
(Piggy is looking away, and her voice is barely above a whisper.) Yes?
(Kermit steps forward, closing the distance between them. If he had reached for her hand, Piggy might have eluded him, but he reached out and put both arms tight around her.)
Kermit: I wasn't pretending to be romantic because someone else was wearing your dress.
Piggy: (looking up hopefully) You...you weren't?
Kermit: Huh uh. I was being romantic because nobody could ever look like you in that dress--even if they look exactly like you.
Piggy: But--
Kermit: And I'd have to be six kinds of a fool not to notice, and know, that I'm a lucky frog. (Gently, he leans in and kisses her. It's very nice.) There--who needs an Oscar--I've got a trophy pig!
(Piggy starts to shove him away, then leans in close, plants a very no-nonsense kiss on him, and then shoves him away. It isn't nice--it is mind-boggling, and Kermit staggers just a little.)
Piggy: Go on--off with vous.
Kermit: (groggily) Right....
(Kermit staggers happily to his room.)
(After he is gone, Piggy checks her reflection in the mirror just behind the door. She is, of course, satisfied with what she sees.)
Piggy: Coat check girl indeed!
(And Piggy takes herself to bed.)


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Oscar: What's worng with you people. I'm a grouch and hate these kind of things.

Grover: Do not be so rude grouchie. There all your friends.

Oscar: Ahhh who needs them. *slams trashcan lid*

Don't worry about him folks. He's always has acted that way.

Herry: *dancing around with Rosita* Your a really great dancer Rosita.

Maurice: *over by the snack table* Mmmm really goood snacks. Who brought the crackers?
FilFil: Don't ask me but i think i'm ready for a swinging good dacne.

Telly: *snaping his fingers* What a wild and crazy party. Ha ha ha......

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Ah... Another Monday morning, and so the weekly grind starts all over again. *Trods off to go get his usual bowl of cold cereal, Count and the girls sleeping in after the wild party last night.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
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(In room 24...)
Lisa: <sits on her balance ball, arms folded on desk, head on arms. Glares at absolutely nothing.>
Robin: <sitting on the piano bench next to Rowlf> Hey Rowlf?
Rowlf: <playing softly> Hm?
Robin: <points at Lisa> Is she okay?
Rowlf: Hm? Oh yeah. She's fine, Robin. Just a little disgruntled.
Robin: ...What's she doing?
Rowlf: Wembling.
Robin: ...Huh?
Rowlf: ...Well... She's feeling indecisive, and trying to decide.
Robin: Decide what?
Rowlf: Something about a musical and teaching. She wasn't real articulate on it.
Robin: ...<completely baffled> ...Oh...
Rowlf: ...She'll be fine.
Lisa: <suddenly shoots up from her seat, sending the ball across the room> MEGILLAH!
Robin: Huh?
Lisa: <searching random piles of paper that have accumulated on the floor> Crap crap crap craaaaaaaaaaaaa- shoot!
Chef: <Shoots rifle>
Lisa: Not literally!
Chef: Den shmerngen shoomp!
Rowlf: What's the trouble?
Lisa: I have to- where is- practice- ah HA! <triumphantly holds up a CD and a book of some sort>
Robin: What's that?
Lisa: What I need to know in time for Purim. <pulls out a discman and puts the CD in>
Robin: What's Purim?
Lisa: Um... it's a very noisy Jewish holiday that I'll explain for your bed time story. Okay?
Robin: Okay!
Lisa: <puts on headphones and opens the book> If you hear me singing random Hebrew, just ignore me!
Rowlf: To quote a musical friend of ours... Easier done than said.
Chef: Shmergle shpoon de shmur de floopen de shockrock! <stirs a pot that then explodes> ...Yembun smeerdig shnur!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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*hearing explosion wakes me up* What in the world was that? *walks to the door and opens it* Did you hear that Oscar?

Oscar: *from inside* What is it now? *trashlid opens* What do you want tubby?

I heard an explosion. Did you hear it?

Oscar: Nope. I'm to busy make my animals try out for the grouch animal relay.

Grouch relay?

Oscar: Yep. Happens around this time of the year.

Sounds neat. Could me and the monsters come and watch?

Oscar: I don't know. With it being us grouches they might not let anyone who's not one.

We could all dress as trash as could be.

Oscar: That might work but i warren you. It's going to be one heck of a relay. And lots of noise too.

That's fine. Cool me and the monsters are all going to join in one of the grouches annual relays. *jumps for joy*

Oscar: I hope he knows what he's got himself into. *walks back down, trashlid shuts*

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*Watching a bit of TV after a late night dinner. PD and Rosita are happy because they got a postcard from Kathy earlier today. Gaffer's curled up on Prairie's lap in bed, the Count and Fatatatita are in the reading room catching up on fanfics.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *yawns so much* Gosh I'm pooped.
Clifford: All that flirtin' took it out of ya, huh?
Ryan: ...I was on the phone for three minutes!
Clifford: You kept count?
Ryan: *glares* I just needed geometry help.
Clifford: You keep tellin' yourself that, dude.
Ryan: I will. And you tell anyone and everyone who cares that I'm planning on having Trip finished by the end of next week.
Clifford: Ooh. Gladly. Night dude.
Ryan: Night.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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You do realize we're gonna hold you to that Prawny? So be prepared for the nagging to hit you full-blast, like a chillingly refreshing bolt out of the blue.
*Blue lightning shoots out from Uncle Deadly's clawed paws aimed at Ryan, nicking him behind the ear, so as to give him a flash of inspiration and get him to post more Trip now... Please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2003
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Grover: Today the droms were brought to you by the letter "Y" for words like You, Yarn and Yummy. And also by the number "12." You know like "12 cute little snails inched along the dusty trail." Muppet Dorms is a prouduction of The Muppet Central Workshop. "Good night everybodieeeeee!!!"


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Ryan: *watching "Sesame Street: 20 And Still Counting* Wow...
Bert: That's John John?!
Ryan: Well, that was John John. This special is just under twenty years old itself.
Ernie: Wow... hard to believe, isn't it...
Ryan: Sha.
Uncle Deadly: Ryan, what are you doing?
Ryan: Watching Sesame Street. What are you doing?
Uncle Deadly: Waiting for Trip.
Ryan: ...After the special.
Uncle Deadly: *glares* Your time runs short my fiend.
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