Fozzie Bear said:
First of all, gang: When someone posts something negative like this DO NOT REPLY to them. Notify a moderator. This is not a promotion of the positive experience I want MC to have on visitors, and by replying you're only continuing the negativity of the post.
Notify a moderator. That's the rule.
Kev, Mod
Hello Kevin,
I make it a point to try to know and follow the rules of MC. I love the theme and I have great respect for you and Phillip.
I do think there is something that needs to be said however. It can sometimes be discouraging to report an inappropriate post when the poster is a member who has been breaking the rules of MC for over a year. The question has to be why this user is allowed to continue to antagonize everyone on every issue and never has any consequences except verbal warnings that he ignores. It becomes increasingly frustrating when this poster keeps ruining MC and then other members get publicly reprimanded for finally telling him something. If the person in question has problems, I am sorry for him, but I'm not sure that it gives him the right to hold an entire board hostage and be above every rule.
This has been on my mind for a long time now. I almost didn't post it for obvious reasons, but I thought that perhaps it could be said in a respectful manner. If I am out of line in posting this message, I apologize. Perhaps it's more appropriate for a PM. However, I do suspect that I may be speaking for several members when I express this frustration.
Anyway, thanks for all of your hard work in trying to make MC a pleasant place to be, Kevin. I know that your position is a difficult one and there are not always easy answers to handling situations.
Please keep up the hard work and have a great night.