Aww, well, sexy, you're not bad lookin' yourself!
XP Hence my recent heartbreak, I shall jokingly turn to women.
*Goes hand in hand with Pepper, dancing around* XP
Aw, but thank you, Peps. ;_;
Yes, now comes the day where I shall be friends with me!
Claudia: So, erm...beautiful
; Uhh you're my uh best friend...and all that positive jazz.
Self: Oh, darling, you're too much!
Please, I'm blushing 5 shades of red!
Claudia: LET'S KISS!
Self: ..Erm...never done that.
*Turns around*
*Her back faces the mirror*
XP *She kisses the air*
Air: *Dies*
I.Must.Be.My.Friend. XP