Hi Kathy, You have all three on one DVD right? Here Comes Garfield, Garfield On The Town & Garfield Gets A Life are on one disk called Garfield as himself, there is also a Hoilday set with Halloween,Thanksgiving and the Chirstmas speacials! Along with season's 1 and 2 on DVD. I hope for more Garfield on dvd!!
I personaly didn't care much for the new movie, it was "cute" but i don't really want to own it. Just the classic stuff! but i'm happy that the movie gave a nice the push for all this classic Garfield stuff! this is happing pretty fast too! It took time but it worked for Rocky and Bullwinkle yet it looks like the fat ablert movie is quickly doing the same! I heard about a Aviln and the chimpmunks CGI/live action movie which kinda disgusts me but if it gets the Chimpmunk Adventure movie on DVD i'll be happy!!! It's also cool about Opus the penguin "Bloom Country" movie which would be sweet if the Opus Christmas speacil "A Wish for Wings That Work" came to DVD!
Bring it back to Garfield my favortie line in Garfield gets a life is when Jon says "I was so shy, once i almost starved to death because i didn't tell my father i was hunger!" it a great quote to say amongs meeting people for the first time as well as friends.