Muppet Reference on Garfield and Friends Season 2
Just to let you guys know that Kermit the Frog is mentioned on the second season of Garfield and Friends. it's on disk three in the episode called "Flat Tired" the episode where garfield is too tired to do anything and the off screen director is "yelling" at him, and says he's going to find someone else to star in the cartoon but didn't know who to get? Odie then quickly pops up and jumps around. the director talking to himself says we'll need someone who can act, someone who musical and someone who is funny....mean time odie is vigeroulsy trying to do all of those things as the director says them...then the director says "I know! Get Kermit the Frog on the phone!!!" odie then frowns and the director says he was only kidding and odie takes on the role...with Garfield having to save him later still in his flat tired state. it was really funny!
I'm loving all this Garfield on DVD!!! It's really great to have the orginal opening! i always liked it better!! "Friends are there" is a song that is always stuck in my head!!! a little more then midway or at least the last episode on the second disk begings the old "Garfield and Friends ready to party theme" that has been used for years now on tv. i personaly loved the Friends are there theme and thought it was used till the end of season two, but i guess not? I some how miss it now....but well it's still all on season one and part of two! i hope season three it made!
"Friends are there.....To help you get started! to give you a push on your way! Friends are there to turn you around and get your....ok,ok i'll stop! i'll stop!