What do you want to marry Sgt Floyd for, anyhow?- Oh dear @_@
I am the author. You are the Sgt Floyd. I outrank you! -What outranks a seargent? (seriously, I dont know)
Pay no attention to that man behind the Sgt Floyd!-the man behind the WHAT?
Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard Sgt Floyd yet!-huh. . .
All work and no Sgt Floyd makes Jack a dull boy. - Double Oh dear @_@
One morning I shot an elephant in my Sgt Floyd. How he got in my Sgt Floyd, I don't know.- uuuhhh
If I was a Sgt Floyd, a perfect Sgt Floyd, how would you know it was really me?-wait. . .what?
When I invite a woman to dinner I expect her to look at my Sgt Floyd. That's the price she has to pay.-TRIPLE OH DEAR @_@
Here's looking at Sgt Floyd, kid.- ok then
You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a Sgt Floyd.- You Wish, buddy
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Sgt Floyd on fire off the shoulder of Orion. - I'm on fire in space?
I'm looking for the Army of the Twelve Sgt Floyd.-HAHAHAHAHAHA
After all, tomorrow is another Sgt Floyd!-I'm a tomorrow?
Well, a Sgt Floyd's a Sgt Floyd, but they call it 'le Sgt Floyd'.-uh huh*dotdotdot*
I'm Sgt Floyd! I'm Sgt Floyd!-Yes I am! Yes I am!
I think I had a bit of fun with this thing, didnt I?