I don't understand the fat fetish stuff either. It all started when I did a search for Happy Tree Friends one day and THIS came up:
I just personally don't get how THAT is sexy? I'm not hating on people who find that attractive, I just don't. I actually kinda feel bad for the characters people draw that way (even though their not real). Poor little Petunia, well, she's not little anymore, but you get the idea.
But what freaked me out even worse, is when I saw a pic of Petunia with a HUGE belly. I thought at first she was supposed to be pregnant.
"I don't get what's sexy about a pregnant woman, but to each his own!" I thought. But then I realized something, she wasn't pregnant in the picture, this was MUCH creepier, she ATE Giggles. That made me throw up a little. I looked up what the heck that was all about and found out it's called vore.
"Ummm, gross!" I thought to myself (and I like Happy Tree Friends for crying out loud).
Here are the many things I have wrong with that:
-Petunia would never EAT her best friend.
-That's technically cannibalism because animals are like people in the HTF universe.
-It's physically impossible to be alive in another person's stomach.
-How would Giggles get out? Is she stuck in Petunia's fat belly forever or will Petunia have to POOP her out. Oh no, I just had a HORRIBLE thought. I can't get that out of my head. I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.
Anyway, I don't care if you like vore or any other fetish, it's just not my cup of tea. But don't worry, I love you no matter what your fetish is,
