Goat: <To Nell> Look, Greeny, this is FROSTY'S house. <Gestures to Father> I dunno why you think you're Mrs. Frosty, because I MET Mrs. Frosty once, and believe me... she wasn't green. Matter of fact--<whispers> she was NICKY. Like, THE Nicky. Which is AWESOME, by the way. TOTALLY sweet. <raises voice to regular volume> Everyone ELSE here, just sorta... I dunno, shows up. Some of us live here. Some of us pretend to live here. That's about all I know. So, in a way, I guess this COULD be your house... <distracted> <turns to Jana> <stares> ...DUDE! <Runs over and scoops up sleeping Jana> Look at us, Mud Kid, we MATCH! Oh ho, SWEET! <Ruffles Jana's matted hair> You're a cool kid, Muddy. I can tell. Call me Goat, by the way. Whenever you wake up.