Mokey is the
BEST! (I just noticed this thread, lol).
Her voice is so soft and lilting, fitting perfectly with her gentle, centered persona. I love her creativity, artistry, and musicality, and her heart, things I relate to, and I can also relate to her over-anxiousness and nerves (unfortunately---see "Poobahs").
I'm curious how old MuppetFreak is since they "hate" her and have since childhood, and have apparently never come around. That's sad that some people can't appreciate all the main characters (even my least favorites I still
like a lot). All you have to do is watch certain episodes to really see her unique, needed, depended-on importance in the show---"Mokey's Funeral", "New Trash Heap in Town", "The Great Radish Caper", "Invasion of the Toe-Ticklers", "Blanket of Snow, Blanket of Woe", and "Mokey Then and Now", just to name
some. Anyway, back to the optimistic intent of this thread...
Kathryn Mullen had the most beautiful flowing puppeteering of anyone on the show. That was a wonderful marriage with the Mokey puppet. Mokey also has one of the best senses of humor on the show---often verbal and many times subtle, and her expressions could also be hilarious---yet also dramatically effective as well. I love her layered relationships with the other characters...her deep, complex soulful connection with Gobo, opposites-best-friendness with Red, loving "older sister" figure of Wembley, and patient, understanding, tickled pal of Boober. And it is Mokey, not Gobo, who seems to be the fraggle most connected with the Trash Heap and Junior (this could be debatable since I am biased, lol). Mokey has a great appreciation for wisdom and a "Mother Earth" quality about her, which naturally leads her to feel an admirable connection to Madame Heap, and the bigness of her kind heart lets her be the one most open---and eager to help---Junior. There's just so much about her that I would love to do a formal dissertation, lol.
Hail hail Mokey, the best creation of The Rock!