Todays Ethnic America
You know, I think that one of the most important, but least remembered, points that needs to be concidered by all leagal US citizens today is the fact that, without diversity, America would not even exist. It was the great "melting pot" of people from all parts of the world that made America what it is today. And, if you leagaly live in America, you are an "American", no matter what ethnic background or skin color you may have. When people go so far as to get offended that a certain T.V. show (like SS) is not including enough characters of a certain race, mabey it's time for a reality check on how serious this subject is getting, especially when it's going beyond just a matter of race. Sesame Street did have a major goal of encouraging ethnic diversity when they first started, and (IMO) they achieved it beyond their wildest dreams. But if SS were to attempt to pacify every minor group that came to them these days, demanding to be recognized, they would eventually have their fingers in so many pots trying to please the minorities, that their main objective (that being preparing kids for school) would soon be lost entirely. It's already headed in that direction, due to all the ethnic issues that they have already decided to take on and address. Lets not muddy the waters of SS even more than they are by pushing issues on them that, in the end, realy don't have any need of being addressed. Like someone said once "Can't we all just get along?"