Wow! I appreciate the nice things folks would say about me, but to consider me a mentor? Not sure how I can honestly achieve such a status, or even if I'm worthy of it, but I sure do appreciate that thought.
For me, it's those people on the boards who continue the legacy of positive energy and inspiration that Jim started. I know I almost constantly preach his messages as nearly a religious thing (and for me in ways it is, although I--like anyone in any 'religion'--slip up from time to time).
I think my respect always goes to those people who consistently bring that familial relationship to light here on these boards, that are here always--whether my new friends or my old ones from when I signed on in the 1990's at some point...people I know, 'net talk or phone call, or meet in person. All those people make me return to these forums, and those same people are who I could consider my mentors here.
Too many to list, but they all know who they are!