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Meeting at Schotsky's

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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Sup kiddos! So in light of the tragedy that I'm not going to mention, I've been doing my best to find positive and happy things to do and guess what was running through my head as I left work today. So here's a new post for you! We're still in Chapter 5 (4? 6? what chapter is this??), which I've decided is gonna be a bit longer than the others.

Jim Henson was known as a genius when it came to puppetry. It wasn’t just the aspects of puppets that he worked with, he had a knack for finding those creatures that he had deemed ‘Muppets’. The world had never seen these types of being before and it certainly wouldn’t be the last time the world would hear of the Muppets.

For his part, Henson was also good about bringing together the magic of childhood with the humor of being an adult. Much of the material that he had worked on when he was on the Jimmy Dean show had showcased that and even some of the material that he brought to Sesame Street was appealing to both kids and adults.

But as with many things, while he had tried his best to bridge the gap, those shows were still designed ‘for adults’ and ‘for kids’.

So when his friend Kermit had called, stating that he had a new idea for a show that would appeal to both kids and adults, Jim was all ears. “You sounded a bit haggard on the phone, Kermit,” the man replied.

He was a relatively tall man, with shaggy brown hair and a matching bushy beard to go with it. He was quite jovial, inviting both Kermit, Rowlf, and their three friends to dinner in his home on Thursday night, all because he wanted to hear about this idea that Kermit had.

“As well you know,” the frog chuckled. “Living in California and working in New York can be difficult, but I’ve managed. I certainly couldn’t imagine not going back to the street.”



“There’s a but,” Jim repeated.

“There’s always a but,” Fozzie joked.

The human couldn’t help but laugh. “I like this guy,” he said. “He’s pretty funny.”

“Thanks, Mr. Henson, sir!”

“Jim,” the man said, nodding at the three who accompanied the other two. “All my friends call me Jim.”

The group had been seated around the dining table of the Henson home, finishing up a light dinner while going over show business talk and the like. “Alright Kermit,” the bearded man replied, taking a seat across the frog and his friends. “What’s this idea you have?”

Kermit outlined their idea, the idea of a show that would appeal to both kids and adults in the audience. The frog had the overall idea, but it was his companions that added in the nuances – Fozzie suggested a vaudeville like theme, where there could be comedy and dancing; Piggy and Rowlf had taken that idea and run with it, suggesting musical numbers and even musical guests to star on the show; Gonzo of course had mentioned his own acts, daredevil and exciting.

In the end, Henson was impressed with the idea and liked it. With the success of Sesame Street even he too was looking for another outlet to bring entertainment to the masses and the idea that these Muppets had just outlined looked to be the kind of thing he not only was looking for, but was willing to back.

“So you’ve got a crazy show with a bunch of Muppets,” he chuckled, liking everyone’s ideas that he had heard so far. “What’re you going to call it?”

With everything they had come up with, that was the one thing they hadn’t. Kermit looked to his left, where Rowlf and Gonzo were seated; they looked back at him as though they had figured he had come up with a name. He turned to his right, where Fozzie and Piggy sat; they were equally looking at him.

Everyone was entrusting him to come up with a name that basically conveyed what the show was and what they were about.

Shrugging, Kermit said the first thing that came to mind. “The Muppet Show,” he said.


Coming up with the idea for a show is completely different from actually getting the materials for a show. Jim Henson had of course backed the endeavor and had stated should they need anything, he would be at their disposal.

Kermit was finding that request would need to happen sooner rather than later.

Once again, the quintet were seated around their favorite table in Schotsky’s, trying to keep an already frazzled frog from completely losing it. “Now I know why I never followed this crazy idea,” the frog was muttering. “Look at all we need to do first!”

“Calm down,” Rowlf replied, pushing another drink towards Kermit. “Look, we’ll take care of it.”

“You’ll take care of it?” Kermit laughed, mirthlessly. “Rowlf, we need a place to put this whole thing on, we need actors, musicians, sets, people to work the sets, people to assist the people working the sets…”

“You should really take a breather, Kermit,” Fozzie said, patting the frog on the shoulder. “You shouldn’t get so excited. Ma says that if you get too excited, your body doesn’t like it.”

“Your mother’s a doctor then?” asked Piggy.

“No,” the bear huffed. “But she’s a mom and they know things.”

“Kermit,” Rowlf interrupted. “We got everything under control. I told you, I know a guy who knows a band we can hire and I know a couple of the local musicians who just love a steady gig. And I told you about that old abandoned theater that’s up the street from the studios. We just gotta contact the current owner…”

“Leave that to me, Kermie,” Piggy said, smiling at the frog.

Kermit of course eyed her with dubious suspicion. “How’re you going to get the owner to let us use the theater?”

The diva in training laughed lightly at that. “A lady never reveals her secrets, mon cher.”

“What is that?” Fozzie asked.


“What you just said?”

“It’s French,” Piggy said, haughtily.

“You know French?” the bear asked.

It took a beat before Piggy answered with a confident, “Yes, of course I do.”

“Cool!” Fozzie exclaimed. “Say something!”

“I…I just did.”

“No, I mean say something else.”

“What am I?” the pig groused. “Your language instructor? Go learn a foreign language from someone else.”

“Focus, kiddies,” Rowlf admonished, watching as Kermit began to massage his temples to obviously ward off a headache.

“Hey Kermit,” Gonzo piped up. “I know a couple of guys who could help with a whole bunch of stuff.”

Kermit looked up and stared at the blue daredevil. “Somehow that doesn’t comfort me.” With a sigh, he threw himself back in his chair. “What was I thinking?”

“Come on, Kermit!” Fozzie cried, moving his chair closer to that of the frog. “You can’t give up now. What about the dream?”

“What dream?” asked the pianist.

Fozzie looked around at the table. “The dream of us making people happy!” he exclaimed. “We can’t just give up now!”

“Fozzie,” Kermit growled, moving away from the comforting hand. “I never promised you guys anything! I just said if you wanted to come, you could, and it works, well great. Stop looking to me like I’m the one with all the answers, cause I don’t have any.”

Everyone looked at the frog, some of them in shock and others were a bit dismayed. “Are you done?”

Kermit looked over at the brown dog, who had casually crossed his arms on the table and was leaning on them. “Did you really think it was going to be easy?” he whispered. “Even after everything we’ve done, did you really, honestly, truly think it was going to be easy a third time around?”

Kermit opened his mouth to answer, but he couldn’t seem to form the words that he wanted.

“Because you’re right,” the dog chuckled. “It is easier this time, but only if you let go a little and let us do our thing. Piggy’s gonna score you a building, I’m gonna get you a band, and Gonzo’s gonna get…you…something that is hopefully legal in all fifty states.”

“What about me, Rowlf?” Fozzie asked. He had to give the bear credit; he could bounce back after anything.

“You have the most important job, Fozzie.”

“Really?” Fozzie was practically bouncing in his chair.

“Oh absolutely,” Gonzo replied, nodding to the dog his understanding. “You’ve got to keep an eye on Kermit. Make sure he doesn’t get any greener than he is now.”

“I don’t need a babysitter,” Kermit grumbled.

“Yes sir!” replied the bear, saluting smartly in the dog and weirdo’s direction. Everyone apparently chose to ignore the glare that Piggy was sending towards both Gonzo and Rowlf. “No worries, Kermit, I’ll take real good care of you.”

“So the frog and bear have been taken care of,” Rowlf began, downing the rest of his beer and standing. “We gotta jet. You’re with me, Princess.” The trio stood and made their departure, feeling confident in that Fozzie would do everything he could to ensure that Kermit would get out of his funk eventually.

Once outside, Gonzo took his leave, only stating that he knew a guy that could help with them with any wiring, should it come to that. That left Piggy and Rowlf, heading towards the beat up car that the dog called his mode of transportation. “Still mad?” he asked.

“Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you do,” he chuckled. Turning to face, he continued with, “You’re mad that I left Fozzie back there with Kermit instead of you.”

“That’s ridiculous,” Piggy huffed. “But if I was upset over that, you can understand my confusion as to why Fozzie isn’t going with you.”

“Firstly,” Rowlf stated. “You already said you would get the owner to get us that theater. Secondly, in order to hold true to that statement, I’m gonna need you and…all of your assets.”

Piggy’s baby blues did narrow slightly, but there was a bit of a mischievous gleam that managed to shine through. While Gonzo was a lecherous creep, Rowlf’s flirty attitude had been nothing but playful with a side of flirtiness.

“I think you just enjoy spending time with my assets,” she quipped.

“Well, I certainly like looking at them.”

“I’m starting to wonder who’s the cad here.”

“Oh Gonzo’s a bonafide letch,” Rowlf admitted. “However, I’m appreciative.”

“What’s the difference?”

“I’m appreciative,” he stressed, wagging his eyebrows at her. Piggy couldn’t help but laugh; the brown dog always did have a way to make her giggle.

Giving him a playful slap on the arm, she giggled, “Get in the car.”

Rowlf hurried to the passenger, opening the door like a gentleman. “An appreciative gentleman always opens the door for a lady,” he smiled.

“Flattery only works with me ninety percent of the time.”

“You know,” he began, leaning on the door as she got in. “If you and the frog never make it…”

I know where to find you,” she replied, coquettishly

“I’ll be around,” he chuckled, before closing the door and heading for the driver’s side.

There is more...a lot more to come, so keep staying tuned in! Same Muppet time, same Muppet forum!
This is great! I didn't know Jim and Kermit came up with The Muppet Show. Gina, I am so glad you researched and know what is going on with the gang and how they got the media started in a different direction with Muppets. (laughs)! More plz!


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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And here friends, is the conclusion to chapter five and the next to last chapter here. The Muppet Show begins here...

Hours later and several stories about Fozzie Bear’s birth and childhood later, Kermit was reunited with his other three lunatic friends in the office of one JP Grosse.

Grosse was a business mogul, who owned practically every building in the area they were in, as well as some other businesses in different parts of California and the United States. For the moment, Grosse was the owner of a rundown theater what had once been the Benny Vandergast Theater, now known as the Vandergast Memorial Theater after the previous owner, who had been a great patron of the arts, had died. Kermit was vaguely aware of the building, well as aware of a building as one is when they are passing by about their business.

Rowlf had known more, knowing that the theater had been built by an actor named John Stone, who would later perform the role of Hamlet on its very stage. Vandergast, who had been an avid fan of the vaudevillian acts that had once been performed there, had used an inheritance to buy the building.

Grosse, being the billionaire that he was, had bought the theater and the land around it in hopes of tearing the building down. In fact, it was the chance appointment by Rowlf and Piggy that had stayed his hand; he had been poised to set out the construction crews as they walked in.

Kermit was fairly sure that Grosse wasn’t swayed by Rowlf’s love of music or the theater, but by the charm that Piggy seemed to be alluding to. He had never seen her bat her eyes or smile as much as she did while they were sitting in that office. And while that was bad enough, Rowlf and Gonzo weren’t helping either, as they were basically backing the pig in whatever flirtatious idea she had.

“So,” the elder Muppet replied. “I understand you folks are in the market for a theater.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Grosse,” Kermit said, trying to keep his smile as genuine as he could.

“Your friends here were telling me you plan on putting on some kind of Hollywood show, right?”

“It’s more than just a show, Mr. Grosse,” Piggy said, demurely. “We like to think of it as more of a…return to the days of theater.”

“Yes, yes,” Grosse replied, nodding. It was clear to the others that his mind – and eyes – were not on Piggy’s words or face.

“Mr. Grosse,” Kermit insisted. “The Benny Vandergast Theater would be the perfect venue for what we’re doing. As a businessman, I’m sure you can appreciate the amount of…business that a television show, which also happens to be performed in a live theater, would garner you.”

That managed to get the businessman’s attention. “You think this show of yours is going to make money, Frog?”

Kermit the Frog had a rather large reputation of being a really nice guy. Most people who met him said he was probably the nicest frog they had ever met and would probably ever meet… ever. But under that really nice frog was a frog who had been in the business, the Hollywood business, and had come across many a producer or director that reminded him of Grosse.

Dealing with these types of…people…had allowed him the insights on how to actively deal with them. It was all in how you spoke their language. And Kermit was quite aware that, while Grosse may have wanted to speak the language of Miss Piggy, his language was all business.

Looking the Muppet in the eye, Kermit declared, “I guarantee it.”


“What was that?”

JP Grosse had asked the group to step outside while he talked to partners and advisors to decide if giving these five weirdos access to his theater was a good idea or not. The quintet had graciously stood and walked outside, where Kermit immediately turned on three of his friends.

“What was that?”

“What was what?” asked Gonzo.

“That display in there,” Kermit reiterated. “No more. We aren’t doing that ever again.” Turning to Piggy, he said, “You didn’t have to do that and you don’t have to that. I won’t allow it anymore.”

“You won’t allow it?” the pig questioned, raising an eyebrow. She wasn’t sure if she should deck him or kiss him and unfortunately, both options were incredibly tempting.

“We had everything under control,” Rowlf insisted, but was stopped by Kermit.

“Yeah,” he said, sarcastically. “You really had him controlled, Rowlf.”

“Look Kermit,” the dog stressed. “Piggy’s a big girl and she was quite willing…”

“Well, she shouldn’t!”

“Piggy doesn’t need you as a bodyguard, Kermit,” Gonzo argued.

“In case you gentlemen have forgotten,” Piggy growled. “The pig is standing right here and believe me, if you don’t think she can’t handle herself from some lecherous rich boy, she is more than happy to prove you wrong.”

“Guys,” Fozzie whined. He had taken off his pork pie hat and was worrying it in his hands. “Please stop fighting. I really don’t like conflict.”

“Now look what you’ve done,” Piggy replied, walking over and patting the bear on the shoulder. “You’ve upset Fozzie’s young sensibilities.”

“Sorry, buddy,” Gonzo mumbled.

“Kermit,” the bear whispered. “What if…what if we don’t get the theater?”

“Then we’ll look for something else,” Kermit reassured him. Looking at the other three, he said, “In a way that doesn’t demean anyone here.”

Before could agree or dispute the frog’s speech, the door to JP Grosse’s office opened. “Okay Frog,” he said, chomping down on a cigar. “You got yourself a theater.”


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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This is great! I didn't know Jim and Kermit came up with The Muppet Show. Gina, I am so glad you researched and know what is going on with the gang and how they got the media started in a different direction with Muppets. (laughs)! More plz!
Well, to be technical Jim Henson came up with the Muppet Show and IIRC, the whole point of the show was to target both adults and kids. And I ran with that.

BTW: IIRC isn't a company; it stands for "If I remember correctly".

Big surprise: The Muppet Show was filmed in London, since three executive networks in the U.S. rejected the idea from Mr. Henson for the show.
I'm aware of the continent set and had debated about including that, as well as some other stuff, but now I think I'm gonna do an Auntie Ru and put them as scenes from Schotsky's or something.

Thanks for reading, everybody!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Yay. Thank yous for posting this. Nice touch including the theater's builder from back in the year 1800. And good that we got a bit of Kermit defending Piggy/sparking her ire or admiration in that aside. But how will this help the gang save Shotsky's in the final sixth chapter? Or will their favorite bar get the rude levelling others think it deserves? Please, post more.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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And here we are everyone, the last chapter of Meeting at Schotsky's. Coming up next, really will be Grosse End Pointe.

Chapter VI – Last Ride

Rehearsals within the Muppet Theatre were finished, tying up a long and trying day where the insane and crazy ruled with an iron fist.

The end of the day was never really the end of the day, as many of the regular performers would stay around, working on whatever it was they worked on. Usually it was the act they planned on performing, though mostly it was just their own workings.

Kermit and Scooter, as was their custom, usually stayed later at the theater in order to work on the financials, as well as any administrative tasks that needed to be taken care of. As the captain and first mate of the SS Insanity, their jobs were never done at the end of the day.

Rowlf also stayed behind, working on tuning his piano, while both Gonzo and Fozzie were working on their material.

“Alright Scooter,” Kermit said. “We’re done here. I just want to go home.”

“Hold that thought, frog of my heart,” came the voice of Fozzie. Behind him was that of Gonzo and Rowlf, who were both coming off stage. “Let’s head over to Schotsky’s, for old times sake.”

“Kermie, are you ready?” Miss Piggy was coming down the stairs from her dressing room, all set to go.

“We’re heading to Schotsky’s,” Gonzo replied, once they saw her. “You in?”


“This offer expires in 3…2…”

“Alright, I’m in!”

“Have a good time you guys,” Scooter said, watching as the group started to head out. He was packing up for the night and would make sure that Beauregard knew to lock up, that the rats wouldn’t cause too much trouble, and would wish their benevolent phantom a frightful night.

“Hey,” Rowlf said, looking between both Kermit and Scooter. “Think we should take the kid with us?”

Kermit turned to look at Scooter and nodded. “Sure,” he replied. “We can take the kid with us.”

The assistant raised an eyebrow at the two before looking around him. “I’m assuming you’re talking about me,” he smirked. “You all realize that I’m not a kid anymore, right?”

Fozzie threw a fuzzy around the Muppet’s shoulders, pulling him in for a side bear hug. “Aw Scooter,” he chuckled. “You’ll always be ‘the kid’ to us! Wanna come with us to Schotsky’s?”

Despite the protest of being a kid, Scooter’s face immediately lit up like a child being allowed to go along with their parents on a special trip or being able to sit at the adult table during the holidays. “Can I?”

“Sure Scooter,” Kermit said, smiling at the page. Scooter had certainly been a big part of their beginning, even if he hadn’t been there at the very beginning. Kermit had known almost immediately that the teenager had been placed there by JP Grosse for the purpose of spying and keeping them under his thumb. And it probably would have worked out for the businessman if Scooter hadn’t found his purpose within the theater.

Scooter had found his creative and technological outlet with them; Kermit would even go so far as to think that Scooter’s head for business was a result of them, but that could be him being a bit bias.

The director nodded to their janitor as he passed them. “Make sure you lock up, Beau.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Kermit!”

“And make sure the rats stay out of trouble!”

“Already talked to Rizzo about it,” Gonzo said.

“Have a frightful night, Uncle Deadly!” Fozzie shouted at the ceiling. Their resident phantom, though more crotchety than compassionate, was still very much a part of their lives and their theater. His portrayal in their movie was spot on and only told a small portion of the help he had given them over the years. With goodbyes said and the place shutting down for the night, the six friends headed out for one last drink.


Though they hadn’t been in the bar for a number of years, Schotsky’s was still the same place that a frog had stumbled in to one night, where a dog played piano, and where a group of new friends had come up with some of their best and greatest ideas.

For Scooter, the new kid on the block, the place looked like the regular neighborhood bar, the kind where everyone knew your name and what your drink order was; however he was well aware that this wasn’t just an ordinary bar that patrons of Hollywood frequented. This was the place where the first five Muppets had gathered around a table, had bonded as friends, and had created a show unlike anything else.

The mood of the place was jovial, though you could tell that the atmosphere was melancholy; apparently, they weren’t the only ones who were coming in to say goodbye before the place went down. Scooter had been reading and asking about Schotsky’s all day, finally learning that the due date for demolition was only one week away and despite the many protests, it looked as though nothing could change the mind of the city on tearing it down.

The bartender greeted them, clearly knowing the quintet from previous meetings. He pointed to the only empty table in the place, obviously holding it in the case that they should stop by. A waitress was already walking by, depositing drinks and bringing an extra chair for Scooter before flying off to attend to another table’s request.

Now that they were there, where everything started, there didn’t seem to be any words. What words could explain how many nights were spent talking around this table, either on the show or the movies or nothing at all? What could you say when the place where a good portion of your life was to be destroyed? Scooter looked around at his friends, wondering if they were even aware they were all sitting the same, all with the same expression on their faces.

Was Piggy even aware that she had subconsciously designed her kitchen in a home version of the bar? From the type of table design to that of the distance between the table and the kitchen island, which had always had a bar type feel to it.

Just when the page opened his mouth to say something, Kermit beat him too it, holding up his bottle and saying, “To old friends who’ve just met.”

A grand toast to remember, as well as an echo to the first thing they had ever toasted to in that bar and that exact table. Kermit went to drink when he noticed the group that sat a ways from them. “Oh no,” he murmured, pulling the bottle from his lips.

“What?” Scooter asked, seeing the look on his boss’ face.

Kermit immediately put the bottle down, startled that anyone had heard him. “Nothing!” he cried. “Absolutely nothing! Nothing to see!”

Which of course caused the others to turn to see what he had.

The frog could have kicked himself from saying anything, noting how they all muttered under their breaths about the group cattycorner to where they were sitting, the very place they came to whenever they were in the bar. “Who is that?” asked the assistant.

“The newsies,” Kermit sighed.

“Who’re the newsies?”

“Garnet’s looking a little long in the tooth, isn’t he?” Piggy asked, throwing a look to Rowlf.

“Wonder how that lawsuit worked out,” mumbled Gonzo.

“Lawsuit?” the diva asked, turning a surprised smile towards the stuntman.

“Oh yeah,” Gonzo replied. “Didn’t you hear? He and his boys got caught up in a hacking scandal with a major news network.”

“Really?” the starlet stated. “How delightful.”

“Guys,” Kermit groaned. “Please let’s not have a repeat of the ‘75 incident.”

“There was an incident in ’75?” Scooter asked.

“You mean the incident in which they started?” Piggy growled. “Now I will fully admit I threw the drink in Donny boy’s face, but they owe us an apology!”

“Their apology, Piggy,” the frog began. “If you remember, was community service, which is normally not given to someone with a previous record.”

“Well, well, well,” replied a voice. Looking up, the quintet were approached by the very group they had been complaining about – the newsies. Lead by lead anchor Don Garnet, the group were the average cocky and over inflated news team that you would expect from a seventies TV room and they dressed it too, with their seventies style suits and hair.

“If it isn’t the world’s favorite group of fake celebrities,” replied Garnet, a burgundy Muppet with a brown pompadour.

“And here we’re graced with the world’s favorite fake news team,” Piggy retorted. “Oh wait. I’m thinking FOX news; you’re nobody’s favorite news team.”

“What can we help you with, Mr. Garnet?” Kermit asked, wearily.

“We just wanted to stop by, Frog,” Garnet stated. “No harm in that. Shame we couldn’t finish up our last tussle.”

“We couldn’t finish that last tussle because we beat the stuffing out of you,” Piggy replied, sweetly. “Those stitches healed up nicely.”

Garnet absentmindedly rubbed his right temple, where he had gotten those stitches from sliding down the bar and a line of glasses. “Yeah well,” he muttered. “Stitches were the least of our problems. We had to make sure we didn’t have rabies!”

“Hey man,” Rowlf said. “If you bite me, I’m gonna bite you back.”

“There’s a headline,” Scooter piped up. “Newsman bites dog. News at the animal hospital.”

The table laughed, causing the news team to bristle. “Hey,” one newsie – this one being Scoop Newman – said. “You’re new.”

“Who’s the kid, Frog?” asked Garnet.

“Grosse,” Scooter stated, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. “Andrew Grosse.”

“Oh,” Garnet nodded. “One of JP’s boys, huh?”

“Heir, to be exact.” While he hadn’t done it in a while, Scooter was more than capable of using his name to make a point. “In fact, don’t I own the building your station is in?”

Sobering up, Garnet ended their conversation with, “Well, the boys and I gotta be going.”

“Aw,” Scooter said. “That’s a shame. But understandable, especially with that lawsuit and paternity test you got going on.”

If Garnet was angry, the very coloring of his being covered it, but from his posture they could tell he was seething. “Sniff you jerks later,” he huffed, turning and taking his news crew with him.

“This,” Rowlf chuckled. “Is why we brought you with us.”

“Really, Rowlf,” Scooter replied, a huge grin on his face. “You sure it wasn’t because of my charming personality, my quick wit, or my boyishly good looks?”

“Those were bonuses, dearheart,” Piggy said.

“It’s too bad we didn’t think about bringing you earlier, Scooter,” Kermit whispered. That brought the focus back to why they were there in the first place.

“Yeah,” Fozzie sighed. “I wish there was some way we could save this place. I’m really gonna miss it.”


One week later

Another week, another opening, and another show. The Muppets kept chugging along the best way they knew how, with as much calamity, confusion, and chaos that can be jammed into a thirty minute show. Their live theater audience – for whatever reason – kept coming back for more and the Muppets were always gluttons for punishment.

The day hadn’t started out that way though. For a group of Muppets, that day was the one in which their beloved bar, Schotsky’s, was being torn down to make way for what ever unnecessary mall or road that the state of California had decided needed to be in that area.

The group of five had been sitting down in the cantina, almost the same way they had been sitting a few weeks ago when learning that Schotsky’s was being torn down. And in the exact same situation as well – watching Scooter try to stomach down that morning’s breakfast.

“Why do I torture myself every Sunday morning?” Scooter groaned. “Why don’t we ever have breakfast at your house on Sundays?”

“We do have breakfast at my house,” Kermit replied. “But if you remember, we liked it so much, we came in late.”

“And once again, Kermie,” Piggy retorted. “We were fashionably late. And we saved our poor stomachs from whatever Scooter is about to put in his.”

“Hey Scooter,” Gonzo goaded. “I have a crisp ten dollar bill if you eat that whole thing.”

“Ten dollars?” the page asked, incredulously. “Like I can’t buy you.”

“I could buy you!” the daredevil retorted.

“Not if I bought you first!”

“Kids these days,” Rowlf chuckled. “Huh Kermit?”

As on cue, Fozzie Bear came running in, excited, out of breath, and with a paper in his hand. “Is anyone else getting a weird sense of de ja vu here?” Gonzo asked, seeing the bear nearly slip and fall as he skidded by their table.

“You’ll never believe it!” he sputtered.

“Alright,” Piggy replied. “I don’t believe it.”

That stopped the bear for a moment. “But I haven’t told you what it was yet.”

“Well then,” Piggy said, slowly. “Tell me and maybe I’ll believe it.”

“You’re holding a paper, Fozzie,” Kermit noticed. “Anything interesting?”

“Yeah Kermit!” the bear exclaimed. “Someone saved Schotsky’s!”

“Really?” the frog said, taking the paper and reading over the article. “In a surprising move, Schotsky’s – the neighborhood bar that was schedule to be demolished today has been saved. A spokesperson from City Hall confirmed that several anonymous benefactors have contributed enough clout and money to preserve the bar as a historic landmark.”

“Wow,” Fozzie sighed, happily, sliding into a nearby chair. “A historical landmark. Isn’t that great?”

“Absolutely,” Kermit replied, glancing at the others seated around. “You certainly have to have a lot of money to get City Hall to preserve a building like that. Like…working for Google or being one of the richest plumbing magnates in the world, for instance.”

“Or even being a famed super model or an internationally recognized celebrity of stage and screen,” Scooter quipped, looking at the frog.

“Something like that,” Piggy murmured.

“It could be anyone!” Fozzie cried, causing the others to look at him.

“Yeah,” they all said.

“Could be,” Gonzo chuckled.

“Well then,” Rowlf said, standing and picking up his plate. “With Schotsky’s safe and sound, how about a free round? On me?”

“I’m definitely up for that,” Fozzie replied.

“Well,” Kermit replied, also standing. “I don’t know about you all, but I’m very sure our director would like us to go upstairs and get some work done.”

“Yeah,” Gonzo sighed, standing along with the others. “The guy’s a real taskmaster.”

“I’m sure he’ll be pleased to hear you say that,” the frog groused.

Another day, another show, and another meeting at Schotsky’s.

Twisted Tails

Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2012
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And here we are everyone, the last chapter of Meeting at Schotsky's. Coming up next, really will be Grosse End Pointe.

Chapter VI – Last Ride

Rehearsals within the Muppet Theatre were finished, tying up a long and trying day where the insane and crazy ruled with an iron fist.

The end of the day was never really the end of the day, as many of the regular performers would stay around, working on whatever it was they worked on. Usually it was the act they planned on performing, though mostly it was just their own workings.

Kermit and Scooter, as was their custom, usually stayed later at the theater in order to work on the financials, as well as any administrative tasks that needed to be taken care of. As the captain and first mate of the SS Insanity, their jobs were never done at the end of the day.

Rowlf also stayed behind, working on tuning his piano, while both Gonzo and Fozzie were working on their material.

“Alright Scooter,” Kermit said. “We’re done here. I just want to go home.”

“Hold that thought, frog of my heart,” came the voice of Fozzie. Behind him was that of Gonzo and Rowlf, who were both coming off stage. “Let’s head over to Schotsky’s, for old times sake.”

“Kermie, are you ready?” Miss Piggy was coming down the stairs from her dressing room, all set to go.

“We’re heading to Schotsky’s,” Gonzo replied, once they saw her. “You in?”


“This offer expires in 3…2…”

“Alright, I’m in!”

“Have a good time you guys,” Scooter said, watching as the group started to head out. He was packing up for the night and would make sure that Beauregard knew to lock up, that the rats wouldn’t cause too much trouble, and would wish their benevolent phantom a frightful night.

“Hey,” Rowlf said, looking between both Kermit and Scooter. “Think we should take the kid with us?”

Kermit turned to look at Scooter and nodded. “Sure,” he replied. “We can take the kid with us.”

The assistant raised an eyebrow at the two before looking around him. “I’m assuming you’re talking about me,” he smirked. “You all realize that I’m not a kid anymore, right?”

Fozzie threw a fuzzy around the Muppet’s shoulders, pulling him in for a side bear hug. “Aw Scooter,” he chuckled. “You’ll always be ‘the kid’ to us! Wanna come with us to Schotsky’s?”

Despite the protest of being a kid, Scooter’s face immediately lit up like a child being allowed to go along with their parents on a special trip or being able to sit at the adult table during the holidays. “Can I?”

“Sure Scooter,” Kermit said, smiling at the page. Scooter had certainly been a big part of their beginning, even if he hadn’t been there at the very beginning. Kermit had known almost immediately that the teenager had been placed there by JP Grosse for the purpose of spying and keeping them under his thumb. And it probably would have worked out for the businessman if Scooter hadn’t found his purpose within the theater.

Scooter had found his creative and technological outlet with them; Kermit would even go so far as to think that Scooter’s head for business was a result of them, but that could be him being a bit bias.

The director nodded to their janitor as he passed them. “Make sure you lock up, Beau.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Kermit!”

“And make sure the rats stay out of trouble!”

“Already talked to Rizzo about it,” Gonzo said.

“Have a frightful night, Uncle Deadly!” Fozzie shouted at the ceiling. Their resident phantom, though more crotchety than compassionate, was still very much a part of their lives and their theater. His portrayal in their movie was spot on and only told a small portion of the help he had given them over the years. With goodbyes said and the place shutting down for the night, the six friends headed out for one last drink.


Though they hadn’t been in the bar for a number of years, Schotsky’s was still the same place that a frog had stumbled in to one night, where a dog played piano, and where a group of new friends had come up with some of their best and greatest ideas.

For Scooter, the new kid on the block, the place looked like the regular neighborhood bar, the kind where everyone knew your name and what your drink order was; however he was well aware that this wasn’t just an ordinary bar that patrons of Hollywood frequented. This was the place where the first five Muppets had gathered around a table, had bonded as friends, and had created a show unlike anything else.

The mood of the place was jovial, though you could tell that the atmosphere was melancholy; apparently, they weren’t the only ones who were coming in to say goodbye before the place went down. Scooter had been reading and asking about Schotsky’s all day, finally learning that the due date for demolition was only one week away and despite the many protests, it looked as though nothing could change the mind of the city on tearing it down.

The bartender greeted them, clearly knowing the quintet from previous meetings. He pointed to the only empty table in the place, obviously holding it in the case that they should stop by. A waitress was already walking by, depositing drinks and bringing an extra chair for Scooter before flying off to attend to another table’s request.

Now that they were there, where everything started, there didn’t seem to be any words. What words could explain how many nights were spent talking around this table, either on the show or the movies or nothing at all? What could you say when the place where a good portion of your life was to be destroyed? Scooter looked around at his friends, wondering if they were even aware they were all sitting the same, all with the same expression on their faces.

Was Piggy even aware that she had subconsciously designed her kitchen in a home version of the bar? From the type of table design to that of the distance between the table and the kitchen island, which had always had a bar type feel to it.

Just when the page opened his mouth to say something, Kermit beat him too it, holding up his bottle and saying, “To old friends who’ve just met.”

A grand toast to remember, as well as an echo to the first thing they had ever toasted to in that bar and that exact table. Kermit went to drink when he noticed the group that sat a ways from them. “Oh no,” he murmured, pulling the bottle from his lips.

“What?” Scooter asked, seeing the look on his boss’ face.

Kermit immediately put the bottle down, startled that anyone had heard him. “Nothing!” he cried. “Absolutely nothing! Nothing to see!”

Which of course caused the others to turn to see what he had.

The frog could have kicked himself from saying anything, noting how they all muttered under their breaths about the group cattycorner to where they were sitting, the very place they came to whenever they were in the bar. “Who is that?” asked the assistant.

“The newsies,” Kermit sighed.

“Who’re the newsies?”

“Garnet’s looking a little long in the tooth, isn’t he?” Piggy asked, throwing a look to Rowlf.

“Wonder how that lawsuit worked out,” mumbled Gonzo.

“Lawsuit?” the diva asked, turning a surprised smile towards the stuntman.

“Oh yeah,” Gonzo replied. “Didn’t you hear? He and his boys got caught up in a hacking scandal with a major news network.”

“Really?” the starlet stated. “How delightful.”

“Guys,” Kermit groaned. “Please let’s not have a repeat of the ‘75 incident.”

“There was an incident in ’75?” Scooter asked.

“You mean the incident in which they started?” Piggy growled. “Now I will fully admit I threw the drink in Donny boy’s face, but they owe us an apology!”

“Their apology, Piggy,” the frog began. “If you remember, was community service, which is normally not given to someone with a previous record.”

“Well, well, well,” replied a voice. Looking up, the quintet were approached by the very group they had been complaining about – the newsies. Lead by lead anchor Don Garnet, the group were the average cocky and over inflated news team that you would expect from a seventies TV room and they dressed it too, with their seventies style suits and hair.

“If it isn’t the world’s favorite group of fake celebrities,” replied Garnet, a burgundy Muppet with a brown pompadour.

“And here we’re graced with the world’s favorite fake news team,” Piggy retorted. “Oh wait. I’m thinking FOX news; you’re nobody’s favorite news team.”

“What can we help you with, Mr. Garnet?” Kermit asked, wearily.

“We just wanted to stop by, Frog,” Garnet stated. “No harm in that. Shame we couldn’t finish up our last tussle.”

“We couldn’t finish that last tussle because we beat the stuffing out of you,” Piggy replied, sweetly. “Those stitches healed up nicely.”

Garnet absentmindedly rubbed his right temple, where he had gotten those stitches from sliding down the bar and a line of glasses. “Yeah well,” he muttered. “Stitches were the least of our problems. We had to make sure we didn’t have rabies!”

“Hey man,” Rowlf said. “If you bite me, I’m gonna bite you back.”

“There’s a headline,” Scooter piped up. “Newsman bites dog. News at the animal hospital.”

The table laughed, causing the news team to bristle. “Hey,” one newsie – this one being Scoop Newman – said. “You’re new.”

“Who’s the kid, Frog?” asked Garnet.

“Grosse,” Scooter stated, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. “Andrew Grosse.”

“Oh,” Garnet nodded. “One of JP’s boys, huh?”

“Heir, to be exact.” While he hadn’t done it in a while, Scooter was more than capable of using his name to make a point. “In fact, don’t I own the building your station is in?”

Sobering up, Garnet ended their conversation with, “Well, the boys and I gotta be going.”

“Aw,” Scooter said. “That’s a shame. But understandable, especially with that lawsuit and paternity test you got going on.”

If Garnet was angry, the very coloring of his being covered it, but from his posture they could tell he was seething. “Sniff you jerks later,” he huffed, turning and taking his news crew with him.

“This,” Rowlf chuckled. “Is why we brought you with us.”

“Really, Rowlf,” Scooter replied, a huge grin on his face. “You sure it wasn’t because of my charming personality, my quick wit, or my boyishly good looks?”

“Those were bonuses, dearheart,” Piggy said.

“It’s too bad we didn’t think about bringing you earlier, Scooter,” Kermit whispered. That brought the focus back to why they were there in the first place.

“Yeah,” Fozzie sighed. “I wish there was some way we could save this place. I’m really gonna miss it.”


One week later

Another week, another opening, and another show. The Muppets kept chugging along the best way they knew how, with as much calamity, confusion, and chaos that can be jammed into a thirty minute show. Their live theater audience – for whatever reason – kept coming back for more and the Muppets were always gluttons for punishment.

The day hadn’t started out that way though. For a group of Muppets, that day was the one in which their beloved bar, Schotsky’s, was being torn down to make way for what ever unnecessary mall or road that the state of California had decided needed to be in that area.

The group of five had been sitting down in the cantina, almost the same way they had been sitting a few weeks ago when learning that Schotsky’s was being torn down. And in the exact same situation as well – watching Scooter try to stomach down that morning’s breakfast.

“Why do I torture myself every Sunday morning?” Scooter groaned. “Why don’t we ever have breakfast at your house on Sundays?”

“We do have breakfast at my house,” Kermit replied. “But if you remember, we liked it so much, we came in late.”

“And once again, Kermie,” Piggy retorted. “We were fashionably late. And we saved our poor stomachs from whatever Scooter is about to put in his.”

“Hey Scooter,” Gonzo goaded. “I have a crisp ten dollar bill if you eat that whole thing.”

“Ten dollars?” the page asked, incredulously. “Like I can’t buy you.”

“I could buy you!” the daredevil retorted.

“Not if I bought you first!”

“Kids these days,” Rowlf chuckled. “Huh Kermit?”

As on cue, Fozzie Bear came running in, excited, out of breath, and with a paper in his hand. “Is anyone else getting a weird sense of de ja vu here?” Gonzo asked, seeing the bear nearly slip and fall as he skidded by their table.

“You’ll never believe it!” he sputtered.

“Alright,” Piggy replied. “I don’t believe it.”

That stopped the bear for a moment. “But I haven’t told you what it was yet.”

“Well then,” Piggy said, slowly. “Tell me and maybe I’ll believe it.”

“You’re holding a paper, Fozzie,” Kermit noticed. “Anything interesting?”

“Yeah Kermit!” the bear exclaimed. “Someone saved Schotsky’s!”

“Really?” the frog said, taking the paper and reading over the article. “In a surprising move, Schotsky’s – the neighborhood bar that was schedule to be demolished today has been saved. A spokesperson from City Hall confirmed that several anonymous benefactors have contributed enough clout and money to preserve the bar as a historic landmark.”

“Wow,” Fozzie sighed, happily, sliding into a nearby chair. “A historical landmark. Isn’t that great?”

“Absolutely,” Kermit replied, glancing at the others seated around. “You certainly have to have a lot of money to get City Hall to preserve a building like that. Like…working for Google or being one of the richest plumbing magnates in the world, for instance.”

“Or even being a famed super model or an internationally recognized celebrity of stage and screen,” Scooter quipped, looking at the frog.

“Something like that,” Piggy murmured.

“It could be anyone!” Fozzie cried, causing the others to look at him.

“Yeah,” they all said.

“Could be,” Gonzo chuckled.

“Well then,” Rowlf said, standing and picking up his plate. “With Schotsky’s safe and sound, how about a free round? On me?”

“I’m definitely up for that,” Fozzie replied.

“Well,” Kermit replied, also standing. “I don’t know about you all, but I’m very sure our director would like us to go upstairs and get some work done.”

“Yeah,” Gonzo sighed, standing along with the others. “The guy’s a real taskmaster.”

“I’m sure he’ll be pleased to hear you say that,” the frog groused.

Another day, another show, and another meeting at Schotsky’s.
This was an awesome story! I can clearly hear the performers of today right now which are: Kermit (Steve Whitmire), Gonzo (dave Golez), Rowlf (Bill Baretta), Miss Piggy & Fozzie (Eric Jacoberson), and Scooter (David Rudman).

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Is this the big finis we were hexpecting? Sorry, but the lack of the "The End" tag at the end there always confuses me. Nice to have a sense of closure what with the bar saved, hey, they've got to have a reason to keep coming back now that they finally included/allowed Scooter to join them. Look forward to whatever's next.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2012
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Is this the big finis we were hexpecting? Sorry, but the lack of the "The End" tag at the end there always confuses me. Nice to have a sense of closure what with the bar saved, hey, they've got to have a reason to keep coming back now that they finally included/allowed Scooter to join them. Look forward to whatever's next.
Yes. Story all done. You can now post said story on the library of many Muppet manuscripts!

:halo: Bye Bye

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Aacch, if ya leave now, yal na get a cookie!
:insatiable: You got cookies?
Aacchai, les share 'em, maybe.